i missed you guys

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I couldn't sleep.

I roll over to the side of my bed to check the time on my phone. After I slide my glasses onto my face, I turn on the dark screen and the brightness nearly blinded me.

4:52. Perfect. Looks like I won't be getting much sleep before school.

As I start to put my phone back on my nightstand, I feel it vibrate.

The Trace Ace logo pops up on the screen and I see Jordan's, Declan's, and Bennett's aces awake, meaning they were awake in reality.

Jordan: gang gang motha truckaaas

Naomi: oh no. Jordan, it's 5 o'clock in the morning. What do you want?

Declan: Me,Bennett, and Jordan are at the base

Naomi: *Bennett, Jordan, and I


Jordan: take that L Decc

Declan: shut up. I can see you across the room. Don't think for a moment I won't come over there.

Jordan: Nomi, Bent! you're going to allow him to threaten me like that?!?!

Bennett: yes

Naomi: don't call me that

Declan: well Naomi, we need you over here.

Naomi: but its 5 in the morning!

Bennett: yea. we know

Jordan: but it's important

Naomi: fine. but how would I get over there? you guys know I can't drive yet.

Jordan: don't worry. Bent can pick you up

Bennett: yup. I'm omw

Naomi: ok.

Declan: and dress warmly! it's fudging cold out there

He didn't say 'fudging' but I just ignored it and texted back.

Naomi: ok. see you guys in a little <3

I turn off my phone and wiggle out of my bed. Immediately, I yearned for the warmth of my best-est friend in the world, my bed. But I knew I needed to see the boys.

I missed them.

Today is the first day back to school from the winter break. I hadn't seen them in almost two weeks. We really wanted to hang out and spend New Years with each other but it's been hectic.

I took off my pj shorts and cammie and replaced it with my Eore, from Winnie-the-Pooh, onesie. I grab my school backpack and insure that all of my supplies and books were in there. I wasn't sure what was happening or if I'd be able to come back home, so I'm just going to take it with me.

I see headlights roll by my window and already know in Bennett.

Since my bedroom is on the second floor, I know I'm going to have to go through the window to not get caught by my parents. I would go out of the front door but I Know it's alarmed and i really don't want to wake my parents up this early.

They're not morning people.

Bennett: i'm outside

Me: ok. come around back. i have to kinda sneak out :/

Bennett: ok. i'm omw

I really missed the boys. It has been a rough couple of weeks without them. They are my rocks. They keep my head on straight. They give me reasons to keep going and to believe in myself.

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