don't do anything stupid

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The sweltering warmth of the ballroom vanished as Dr.Kelemer continued to drag me down the dimly lit hallway.

"Dr. Kelemer. Where are we going?"

"Your questions will all be answered in due time Naomi," his accent more dominant now.

No longer hidden.

The pit that had been in my stomach since I danced with Mr. Frazier has only deepened now.

I started to pull, squirming my wrist on his tight grip.

"What do you want from me?" I winced as he yanked down extra hard on my wrist.

"Well actually, it's for my dear son. You must know him because he has instantly developed a..fondness over you," thoughts rushed through my head. I had no idea who he was referencing to.

But I took a look at those grey eyes, evil starting to swirl in the center of them. His grey hair, which had strips of a dark- almost black- hair slightly curled at the end.

Then I saw it.

The resemblance.

The fear that started to pound in my heart.

No.. it can't be.

"I must admit, his plans differed from mine greatly-" he started.

"Stop-" I strained against him.

"-but his underlying ideas make sense to me now when I see how beautiful your figure looks in that dress," Dr. Kelemer used his hazy eyes to drift over my body and they lingered on my chest.

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, making me squirm even more from his grip.

"Let me go," I seethed through my teeth as we momentarily paused in the corridor.

He simply shook his head and continued on.

"I was just going to use you as bait, lure the musketeers in. But I guess I could also take you for a spin," Kelemer sung me close to his body and shifted his grip to my waist.

I took my knee and lifted it was all the force in my body.

Dr. Kelemer crippled over in pain as I sprinted away back towards the grand doors he pulled me through.

The dress lagged behind me as I took a sharp right than left, coming to a divided hallway.

I have no idea which way we came.

In front of me was three different corridors, each severely lengthy, not even seeing the end of them.

So I started running, down the left one of course.

Straight is too easy and going right is too predictable.

I felt the pink tulle twist around my legs and the heels I was wearing start to slow me down.

Slipping off the shoes, I sprinted towards the door that was yards and yards away.

The cluncking of a door, still yet unseen, made me know someone was on the way to me.

"Naomi, Naomi?" a recognizable voice called out.


So I started screaming, yelling out for help.

"Help. Jordan! I'm down here. Please help me he's-" I tripped.

I frick fracking tripped over this darn dress.

I hit the floor with a thud and an 'oof', skimming my knees, droplets of blood trickling onto the tulle.

"Naomi!! I'm coming, keep talking. Naomi?" I could hear him pick up his pace and sprint down the hall.

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