last friday night

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I quickly went to the mens' restroom to check up on the guys. When I entered Declan was trying to was his hands while Jordan was behind him, bugging the shit out of him. Declan, being the only actual sober one tonight, was trying to keep his patience, but Jordan was really pushing it.

"Hey, you guys chill?" I ask, testing the waters.

"We're ok besides the fact that I really want to snap Jordan's neck right now," Declan says making eye contact with me through the mirror in front of him.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyy??" Jordan whines.

"Yo Jordan, let's make a bet," Declan turns to face Jordan.

"Ooo I love bets. What is it?" he asks excitedly.

"I honestly bet you can't shut up for an hour. No side comments, jokes or anything. You just keep your mouth closed and you win."

"I can do that, but what's in it if I win?" Jordan bargains.

"Well..I don't know. What do you want?" Declan asks, so annoyed.

"If I win.. you have to set me up with your hot cousin, put me on ya feel?" Jordan sounded so stupid.

"Fine, but that's only because you won't win of course," Declan put his hand out for Jordan to shake.

"Let me just prove you wrong," Jordan took the offer and shook his hand, the best was on. 

Okayyy. That seemed to have solved itself.

 I left just as quick as I had entered and went back to the counter where Naomi was finishing up our orders.

The blonde barista was talking more excessively then they normally do and Naomi's body was bouncing with slight laughter.

Her small figure was standing on her toes peering at the slip of paper on counter, most likely the receipt.

She signed it and passed it back to Barista Boy, the whole exchange being elongated as he grazed Naomi's hand. They both laughed out loud at the awkward accident.

He's obviously flirting with her, and it was annoying.

I know she's cute and all, but really? Good thing I'm the only one out here instead of the other two.

I saunter to the couple and make my back straight, making myself look intimidating.

The two look up at me, Barista Boy being slightly shorter than me, and i wrap my arm around Naomi's low waist.

My large sweatshirt on her slightly lifts and she raises an eyebrow at my actions. I don't make eye contact with her questioning orbs and just make it seem as if I was interested in the receipt.

Naomi hip bumps me to grab my attention, making me have to answer her gaze.

"What are you doing?" she asks me and through my peripheral to see Barista boy watch our whole exchange.

"Nothing babe, just checking on you."

"Really babe? Bennett you sure you feel ok? You sound a little drunk still?"

"Nah I'm good. You're the intoxicated one right now."

She just rolls her eyes and turns back to the counter, mumbling a "whatever".

Barista boy smirks at this and continues to talk directly to her as if I wasn't there.

"Ok. Well, I'll have your drinks out as soon as possible Naomi," he flashes her another one of his dumbass smiles.


"Thanks," I cut her off. Not really trying to be rude, but this guy was pissing me off. I pull Naomi away by her hips to the utensil station.

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