stupid boys and their stupid prides

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Date rape drugs are no joke.

It's one of the top things we as a gang are monitoring.

The trade and intake of certain drugs into the city.

Note to self: get the Sleuths to find where that nasty stuff came from.

GHB- 4 Hydroxybutanoic acid

It's a prescription drug for narcolepsy, but rarely is it used that way.

From the stats that we've collected, most of the time GHB is used as a club drug. But sometimes used as date rape drugs.

Its odorless and colorless.

Easily hidden and hard to track.

When did they slip it into her gag?

"Wyatt must've had that gag soaking for weeks in that stuff," Jordan's face twisted.

We were back at the base.

The drive was short since their ex-base was uncomfortably close to ours.

Naomi was passed out on the couch. Her breath was soft and barely visible.

It was agonizingly slow.

Currently, I was kneeling beside her with a wet towel, trying to cool her high temperature.

Her eyes shifted underneath her heavy eyelids, still refusing to open.

"This is beyond whatever we had imagined when involving her with the gang," Declan had his arms crossed, nodding his head in the direction of Sleeping Beauty.

"I know," I stood up from my crouching position, fully covering Naomi's neck with the wet cloth.

"But I have no idea how we can pull out now. We're in far too deep.." I let my words fall off as I looked at the stupid grin plastered on Jordan's face.

"Pull out...?Too deep...? What are you hinting to Bent?" Jordan was trying to hold back his snickers and Declan just chuckled from the side.

I simply rolled my eyes at his typical antics.

"Shut up, you know this isn't the time for that," I leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Hey! I just wanted to lighten the mood," Jordan threw his hands up in surrender.

"My mood won't lighten til she wakes up," Declan mumbled, but I'm not sure if it was to himself or meant for us to hear.

"What if she doesn't.." Jordan started, his joking mood instantly smothered.

"Don't even think about it," Declan growled. I have no idea who he was threatening, but he meant it.

"Don't worry. She will. Her after symptoms will be ugly though-"

I was cut off my the sound of retching and sputtering.

All three of us shared the same hopeful look as we rushed to the side of the couch.

Not surprisingly enough, Declan reached her side first, I second, and finally Jordan who stubbed his toe while trying to jump the couch.

"Naomi! NAOMI!" Declan tried calling out to her as she continued to throw up in the bin we strategically placed.

Her face was turning bright red and her breathing was fast paced, yet struggling to leave her lips.

"It.." ragged breath,"hurts so much."

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