for the betterment of...

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Saturday went by too fast to actually recall. 

Everything had returned to normal, as if Friday night never really happened. 

Bennett had returned to his typical cool-guy self, neither of us bring up the conversation that could've changed everything.

But Saturday was filled with hangover remedies and chilling out. Besides the fact that my head was pounding heavier than any drum I have ever heard, everything was alright.

Just alright.

That night, all three of the guys told me they had to go home for their own individual reasons.

Basically bored of me and wanted some action for once.

"Mom set off the smoke alarms off, again."

"I haven't checked in with my folks in a while, I should go home so they know I'm ok."

"I've been summoned for a family meeting."

Not wanting to be at the base alone, I decided it was best for me to go back home anyways too. I made up a lie along the lines that my parents flight was coming in earlier then expected and they wanted me to clean the house.

They could actually care less but.. That evening, we all piled into Bent's car and he dropped us all off at our own respectable homes.

Me being dropped off first they left with well wishes and 'be safes'.

And that's how I ended up sitting in the living room, little light, pj's on, and snuggling with a literature classic on this cloudy Sunday afternoon. 

My parents haven't come home yet, but all was good in the Naomi world. 

I had time for myself for once, alone with my own thoughts.

Not that I minded being around the guys 24/7, but every person needs time to themselves and to think about the decisions they've made or need to make in the upcoming future.

Looks like I'll be Bennett's date to his father's so-called Charity Ball.

I doubt that he's actually donating the money to a charity for the needy. Probably towards the foundation of some bratty rich kids' camp.

The book in my lap was no help to me now since I wasn't really reading it, just scanning the lines over the thin pages, not absorbing any of the words.

I pulled myself from being sunk into the couch's deep cushions and slumped to my bedroom to grab my phone.

Because I'm sooo popular, that I need to have it incase someone calls/texts me.

Yea right.

Who am I lying to? Only myself.

The guys were busy and my parents were out of town, so what really was the point of getting it from my room you might ask?

To check the Nerdy Naomi website and deflate my inflating ego.

I still remember the simple password Jordan made for the website and  entered it immediately.

I scrolled down the infinite page of tactless and offensive comments all about me.

At first they didn't hurt at all. They were just daily feelings I heard constantly from my bullies.

But the deeper I scrolled , the more degrading and possibly more true the comments became.

Nerds4Prison: poor musketeers, forced to hang out with her 24/7 because they feel so bad for her.

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