party day

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All I have to do is get in and get out.
It was 8:35, ten minutes before the bell rang to start the school day.

And I was standing outside of the building, waiting for the last 2 minutes until tardy.

"Naomi let's gooooo," Jordan whined. But I just stood there, eyes closed and arms crossed.

Finally the warning bell rang and I simply walked inside the building, musketeers in tow.

We walk together to my locker then say our final farewells before heading to our separate first blocks.

Of  course Jordan walked with me to science before we sat in our home room seats. The morning announcements came on and the day had officially started.


"Wassup nerd," Raymond started, "we need to talk," he quietly mumbles under his breath as he leans against the locker to my above left.

The day so far had been very uneventful.

This morning the boys and I got up around 7 am to prepare for the day.

Since we wanted to enjoy the day as much as possible, especially with gang life was on pause, Declan blasted his Morning Motivation playlist through out the base with multiple Bluetooth speakers.

To be honest, it helped a lot. But instead of talking and discussing the days activities, we just danced around the house, in circles and squares.

Let's just say it was extremely interesting...especially when Jordan started twerking and Bennett stood on the table doing the Macarena.

Yea. Obviously out of character for him.  But he seemed happier. He smiled more and was opening up more.

Even though these moments came in short burst, it was a good change. He was willing to do stupid things and go on mini adventures.

But of course during the space between my third block and the cafeteria, HE of all people wanted to talk to to me. I guess it could be someone worse though..

"So I was thinkin- what happened to your face?"
     Damn. I wasn't stupid so of course I left the base this morning with partial makeup, but I guess someone who knows specifically all my imperfections would notice a change in my facial features due to cuts and bruises.

I decide to ignore him, but he kept staring, moving his head around to get a better look, but I just turned the other way.

"Dang Raymond. I didn't know you were able to do such a difficult task.. thinking"

That didn't stop Raymond, though, from grabbing my chin and tuning it to face him, gently but forcefully. Meeting his eyes, they were filled with confusion and partial worry, knowing he nor his goons were the ones who did this to me.

"I suggest you take your hands off of her," We both her someone growl from behind me.

Not removing his eyes from my face, he unleashes the grasp he held on my face, not even glancing at the person I felt standing behind me.

Declan grabs my arm to help me up and starts leading me down the hallway, before Raymond had said those words.

Before he said those few words that actually made it sound like he cared.

"D-did you do that do that to her?" he asks quietly to himself, unsure of his own actions.

Declan whipped his head around so quickly and snarled out, "What did you say?" I quickly grab his arm, trying to restrain him from doing anything more then question him.

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