that's my girl

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"Bennnetttt. I don't feel safe with Declan driving," I complained from the back seat beside Naomi receiving a glare from the Declan through the rear view mirror.

"You should be scared by a lot more than his driving Jordan, " Bennett responded without turning around in his chair.

I turned around to face my seat partner and gave her a wink, Naomi merely rolled her eyes at my pestering.

"Feeling bold today, aren't we Wallace?" Declan narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm feeling rather..spicy, I guess you can say Decca," I tapped my chin in thought.

"More like asking for a death wish," Naomi mumbled under her breath.

"Possibly," I leaned close to her and answered her and her only.

She shook her head slightly, "That's an interesting kink Jordan, being killed by your partner," she plastered a sly look on her face.

I palmed Naomi's forehead and pushed her away, gagging at what she said.

Bennett shot me a look but her laugh was harmonious to my ears and I didn't care, so I ignored his stare.

"You're disgusting," I cried out, "pitting me and Declan together is like putting together Michelangelo's David and an ugly ass scarecrow."

Naomi and Bennett snorted in synch and Declan was motioning with his thumb like he was going to slit my throat.

"Hey! Focus on the road Scarecrow," Naomi jokes.

"Ugh," Declan groaned out, "not you too, Naomi. That's why Bennett is now my favorite."

"You're evil," Naomi started to say while Bennett placed a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Sorry Naomi, I don't make the rules," Bennett said smugly, shrugging his shoulders.

"I know you're not talking about rules now Bent," Naomi crossed her arms defiantly. "The three of you break laws on a regular basis."

"That's different. We don't care when it comes to police. But when it comes to friendships-" Declan started and I finished.

"-everything is on the line," I looked at her, eyes wide and head cocked to the side.

"You guys are annoying. Everything you just said made absolutely no sense," Naomi complained, throwing her head back.

"Oh Bent, I almost forgot," Declan turned his head slightly to face the passenger, "can we stop by my house? I have to check with my parents on something."

Bennett nodded his head, "Yea, go ahead."

"Brace yourselves my friends," Declan called out before swerving and making a sharp U-turn.

I grabbed onto Naomi's arm to prevent her from smashing against the window as he turned.

In no time at all, we arrive at Declan's house and we exited the car like the badasses we are.

Actually nevermind. I exited the car like the badass I am.

Bennett got out of the car with his shoulders slouched, like always, and with an unamused look plastered on his face. Declan nervously fiddled with the pockets in his shorts and made sure to lock the expensive car behind him. Naomi nearly fell onto the curb when she tripped on the edge of the car as she stepped out, but luckily Bennett grasped her by her waist just before she could skim her knees.

I picked up her glasses that slid off of her face and placed them into her hands. She embarrassingly thanked me and Bennett for the help and we all followed Declan as he unlocked the front door of his home.

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