calm down buckaroo

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Naomi had fallen asleep.

Well, we have been sitting out here for more than two hours now.

But at least we got to watch the sunrise together.

It was a beautiful sunrise.

Once she found out the time, Naomi watched the sky with such intention and determination, unfazed.

She marveled at the sudden sunlight rising from them east while I marveled at her.

I watched the excitement of the skyline light up her face. It took about two minutes for the sun to fully rise above the sky. Not once did I ever look away from her face.

The glow of the new sun highlighted the soft curves and smile lines on Naomi's face.

She was so engulfed by the sight that she didn't notice me staring. Only when those two minutes were up did her doe eyes meet mine.

All throughout the past 2 hours we spent out here, we talked about an array of things. From school to families, graduation, and more of the unknown.

Naomi gets me to ramble. She'll ask deep questions and is persistent until she is satisfied with the answer. 

We no longer dangled our feet over the side of the roof, but instead we leaned against the brick wall.

I had grabbed a shirt to put on along with my phone, running inside momentarily, and sat back down beside her.

She draped a blanket over our legs as we continued to talk, resting her head on my shoulder.

I was harking on the subject of evolution and how dangerous a reality similar to Planet of the Apes would be. I paused for a moment, waiting for Naomi to respond, but that was when I found her, eyes shut and a faint snore leaving her lips.

Lifting her head, I let Naomi sleep on my legs, slipping her glasses off of her face to prevent them from breaking.

Before setting them down, I inspected them.

There were several scratches on the lenses and the arms were slightly chipping. You could tell that they had been repaired near the hinges many times, too many to count.

I folded them up and slipped them into my pocket, exhaling out in thought.

How could such a little thing go through so much damage?

I guess the necessities of a person start to fall apart after so much wear and tear, especially when that person is Naomi.

A girl who has been tripped and thrown to the floor more times than she can recall.

A girl who has survived more gang threats than people have even thought about.

A girl who is sleeping peacefully below me because she doesn't feel safe in the confines of her own room.

Whenever Naomi went through something, either another beating or restless night, so have her glasses. But they also have experienced the new adventures and love that we've shared.

The adventures.

And the love.

I wouldn't change it for the world.

Meeting the other two last year have changed my life indefinitely.  I've opened up and have come to understand that not all people in this world are out for my money.

Sure, a majority of them are shallow and only care about the riches. Those people are flaky and disappear when I'm in need. But the true ones stick around even closer when times get rough.

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