entire package deal

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I continued to hold Delilah's small hand as we waved goodbye to the retreating car. The car carrying a boy that I loved and a girl who would beat me in any sort of competition.

Unless it was academic. In that case, I'm certain I would win. It's the only thing I'm good at.

Books and brains. Books and brains. Books and brains.

While Claire could easily grasp the attention of anyone she walked by, the only people who know me either 1) bullied me or 2)watched me get bullied.

Both views, nothing close to positive attention she received, were exceedingly embarrassing and made me most vulnerable.

Claire was gorgeous and her personality was extremely charming.

But I have a feeling that she's the lucky girl; Declan was the prize being won, not the other way around.

She addressed me like a child. She is a woman and I am a girl. My league was not the same as hers, and it was obvious.

I noticed how the sky was darkening slightly and the air felt heavy with rain.

"Daddy-" Jordan wheezed out as I shut the front door, "-some girl just called Declan 'Daddy'."

He tumbled on the ground and rolled around laughing. Delilah almost jumped out of my arms in excitement.

"Whoa, baby!" I laughed as I placed her on the ground to crawl over to him. Jordan quickly hopped up to a squatting position, holding his hands out to welcome the little girl.

"Let's go, Lilah, let's go! Let's go, Lilah, let's go!" Jordan chanted, clapping his hands in between each word.

We watched as she speedily crossed the floor on all fours. She giggles and plops down no Jordan's knees.

He wrapped his hands under Delilah's small arms and he hoisted her off of the ground, swinging her around carelessly.

I couldn't help but smile at Jordan singing goofily as he danced with Delilah in his arms.

"Jordan, please be careful," I beg, sitting down on the living room couch, "I don't want to be the one to explain to the Lynchs why Delilah is corrupted."

"I could never corrupt this angel," Jordan shifted the happy baby so that she was facing me, "I mean- Look at that face!"

"Well," I glanced over to the living room clock that read 8:54 p.m. and read the list that was pulled off of the fridge, "She has to be put to sleep by ten, so we have an hour with little miss."

"Booo," Jordan complained.

"I don't make the rules," I threw my hands up in surrender, "I'm just the best at following them."

"Fine-" he huffed out, "-what should we do then?"

"I don't know," I started, "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"

Before the back and forth could continue, I stopped the repetitive question. "That's not going to get us anywhere."

"You're right," Jordan handed me the baby before plopping on the couch beside us, "I don't know what to do with a little human."

"Yea-" we sat and threw out different ideas. We heard the sound of a car door shutting and the beeping of an alarm.

"-but we can first try to scare Bennett," Jordan suggested, hopping up in excitement.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" I pessimistically asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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