3 wasted and 1 muscles

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"So I'm sitting there then all of a sudden..WHABAM. THE GUY FULLY...." I just dismissed the story being told to the crowd surrounding Andre and focused on the mansion's door, waiting for the boys to come back outside.

There was an erupter of laughter around me, Dres' arm still draped around my shoulder as he chuckled away.

I have to get out of here.

"Hey Andre?" 

"Hmm," he shifted his roaming eyes to me.

"I think I'll go get a drink," I started to get up, but he held me down.

"Hey the guys said for you to wait til they come back. You sure you don't want to wait til they come over here?" He asks, only a couple of inches away from my face.

"I think I can manage," I shrug Andre's arm off of my side and stood up.

I shifted left and right through the crowd and finally stumbled into the packed house. The mansion was almost pitch black except for the strobe like lights flooding the room.

To maneuver around the grinding drunks and horny girls, I prop up onto my tippie toes to try and find any head of curly brown, straight black, or dirty blonde locks.

Instead I spot the revolving kitchen door, revealing the room filled with drinks and snacks. Since they said they were going to get drinks, that's where I assumed them to be.

I start to wiggle and push my way through the stream of partiers towards the kitchen's entrance. When I finally reached the door, after what felt like forever, I pushed it open and inside were a few couples making out around the room.

I just rolled my eyes and walked over to a table filled with bottles and red solo cups. Pulling out my phone I send a text to the group chat.

Naomi: hey guys, where r u?

Jordan: Nomi, where r u?

Naomi: don't call me that

Declan: we're where andre is. where r u?

Naomi: i'm in the kitchen. the drink table

Bent: ok.dec is on his way to get you

I turned my phone off and shoved it into my dress' pocket. My throat feels extremely dry.

I spin to the table behind me and study the variety of drinks. It's Friday night, and I could let loose for once.

I saw rows of mini solo shot cups and decided to try a few. I picked up one that was almost a fluorescent green. I looked at it for what seemed like forever til I pushed it up against my lips.

Well here goes nothing.

The cool green liquid hit the back of my throat with a burning sensation. Even though it burned for a moment, it tasted so sweet and gave me a sort of adrenaline punch.

So I took another one.                                                                                                                                                          Then another.

Then I ventured over to the other colors on the table, like red and neon-ish blue. I took them to my lips and downed them one by one. 

It burned so good.

I know this is out of the norm for me, but I deserve to feel good. I deserve to have a care-free night for once and not be fearful for one moment of it.

They're Mine (The Good Girl's Bad Boys one shots)Where stories live. Discover now