i missed you guys pt.2

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When we finally pulled into the old buildings garage, I realized I missed the base like crazy.

It is basically my second home, with my own room and everything.

I grabbed my backpack from the second row and slid out of the car. Bennett and I walked up the steps of the garage and he gave me the keys to unlock the door.

I opened the door to reveal the kitchen filled with desserts of all kinds.

I turned towards Bennett to question this and he rubs his neck.

"I didn't know what sweet you wanted, so baked them all. I had time"

"Awwww Benny," I jokingly coo and pinch his cheeks as I see his face turn pink.

"Oh wait a minuet. Is Bennett blushing?" He starts trying to cover his face and I continue to joke and poke on him.

Suddenly he yells out," he guys we're here."

As if he had waved a red flag around me, the sound of bulls came from the steps and they were moving so fast that I was surprised when I was in a huge embrace.


"yea I am. And JORDAN you're squeezing the life outta me," I could barely choke out.

He continues to tighten his grip around me to the point I thought I was going to pass out.

"Oy! Jordan get off of her. She can't breathe dipshit."

Oh my hero.

Declan comes over and helps pry Jordan off of me.

Once he's finally off, Declan turns to me, give me a warm smile, and wraps his biceps around my arms, slightly lifting me up because I'm vertically challenged.

"Hey Naomi," he says, pressing his chin gently against the top of my head.

"Hey Deck. I've missed you so much,"I muffle just below his shoulder.

"I've missed you too beautiful."

He said it so softly that I could barely hear him.

I'm randomly yanked from behind and pressed into another chest. Singing above my head erupts and I can't help but to laugh.

"Naomi Lorrainnneee. Girl you're my mainnnn. You make me insannneee. Out of my brainnnnm. You make me wanna hit Declannnn with a canneee," he belts out.

Ladies and gentlemen, the one and only Jordan Wallace.

Hearing me laugh, he shifts his eyes downward to look at me and flash his infamous smile.

"Well hello there miss! To what I owe the pleasure?"

This statement causes me to continue laughing but I try and respond.

"Hello there sir. Ah. The pleasures all mine."

"Love the outfit too doll. Really makes a statement," Jordan says to me in a fashion mockery tone.

He finally lets go of me before heading into the living room. Declan and Bennett follow, holding trays of cookies and brownies and too many sweets to name.

I follow suit, with my mouth watering and mind wondering. 

Bennet sits in the armchair directly across from the large couch and stout coffee table, covered with desserts.

Plopping down on the couch, Declan sits to my left and Jordan to my right.

I pick up a chocolate chip cookie and look around the room at my three boys.

"So.. whatsup?"

"What do you mean what's up Naomi?" Jordan questions.

Oh my god. They invite me over here and ask me 'whats up?' That's funny.

"I mean it is 5:45 in the morning. what was so important that you guys couldn't wait to tell me when you got to school. I missed you guys so much too but if-"

"Naomi. We won't be at school today."

They all look down or around the room, avoiding my eyes.


The first day back from break and they won't be with me?? Everyone's bound to have possibly built up anger from family members they need to release. Or even if they just feel like my presence is sooo annoying, I'll be and open target.

All they have to do is aim and shoot.

"I- we're so sorry Naomi. We want to be there with you, we really do. But some thing had come up and it's imparitive we go," Bennett explains.

Probably gang stuff.

"What is it?? Am I allowed to know or am I just going to be left out of it. I mean you don't have to tell me but-"

"Of course we'll tell you. We promised you we'd be more open to you and that you'll be involved. As much I don't like it, you need to know," Jordan lowly says.

Out of the three, Jordan hated me being apart of the gang life the most. Not only did he hate how much danger I was in, but he wanted to keep me somewhat 'innocent'.

"Here's the deal, there's an emergency meeting between us and our lower gangs. It's all about a new gang that has been doing major damage to our side of the city. The problem is we don't know who they are, but we know they must be a subdivision of the Lost Boys," Declan explains.

"Yea. They've been robbing mom and pop type stores, breaking into houses, attacking random people, and causing fires on old tenements," Bennett says staring down at his clasped hands.

"I've tried to locate them and connect the dots. Possibly to find where their base or warehouse or literally anything is. So far I've gotten nowhere and it ususally, whatever I find, is a hopeless leed."

Jordan looks defeated. His typical mischieveious and dancing green eyes were dark and lost.

I could help them.

"Let me help, please. Since no one knows who I am yet I could be a spy. I promise I can do-"

"No Naomi. Never. I couldn't ever even think about you joining in, especially right now. It's way too dangerous, more than normal," Bennett practically shouts at me.

"He's right you know. I would tell you to stay here for the day since we won't be able to be with you, but, to be honest, the safest place for you right now is at school," Declan states.

"But you guys. I-i'm scared."

"Naomi don't worry. We'll be fine, we'll be more worried about you though. Can you make it?" Jordan questions.

The truth was, I was scared for myself. The bullying had gone done, but you never know.

"She should be fine," Bennett answers before I, myself could," the bullying and aggression has gone down. No one will mess with her, they all know what will happen if the do."

This bout of confidence was diffent from his negative assumptions.

We glance around at one another.

It felt like the silence lasted for an hour until I spoke up.

"Ok. I can survive a day without you guys. I need to learn to do that eventually." I shrug and look at all their faces.

"Ok good. Meet us back here after school. We should be back by 6 p.m. It's 6:30 now and we can drop you off at school around 8:30." Bennett says while standing up.

He was so quick to end the conversation.


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