🍯 | ptg but they're farmers

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this is a story i came up with as a joke and yeooneandonly probably didn't expect me to write this actually. WELL HERE WE ARE, CHANTAL thank you for your service! love you!1! 😍🤟

(psa: ok wow this ended up being like pg-13 yuki wilding 😳😳)


Somewhere there is a pleasant little farmville full of people and their farms. But there is a special section of farms, the Jo Area, governed by Jo Jinho, a bitter small old man. Kind of. He is still cute.

Anyways there is a giant rivalry against the Jam Farm, belonging to Yeo Changgu, and the Jelly Farm, owned by the Adachi family, more specifically: Adachi Yuto.

Changgu is a bright, sunshine farmer who loves life and his cute little brother Hyunggu. Hyunggu has his own bakery where he sells his cakes while his hyung takes care of his specialty: jams.

Yuto is a intimidating mysterious guy; though he appears cold, he has a warm, loving heart. Unfortunately, this heart is concealed, hidden by this rigid interior and hardened by his own life problems. Especially since he has an arranged marriage with Jung Wooseok of the Avocado farm, which he is very irritated about.

Then the other members are there too don't worry. You'll see them soon enough.

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why am i putting so much into this i literally hate myself this is like more than 2000 words why

Today: Yuto's schedule: get a wedding cake.

A wedding cake for a wedding he absolutely did not want to attend. His own. First, he hates avocados. No. They don't taste that great to him. Second, he wants to marry someone on his own terms, obviously, who wouldn't. Third, the whole situation just sucks ok!1!2!

So here he is, in front of KinoCake, the only bakery in the Jo Area. It apparently belongs to Hyunggu, who is his "rival" Yeo Changgu's younger brother. Yuto has never seen this kid before, but boy is he in for a treat ;)

(Yuto doesn't think his parents are aware about the whole sibling situation thing but he honestly doesn't care. Support the opposing team? Whatever, he's getting them back for this stupid arranged marriage.)

As soon as Yuto enters, he is hit with the sweet aroma of fresh cake (or is it cake?). Immediately he feels a kind of satisfaction within him. He turns to see a boy, likely Hyunggu, come out to the front counter. This boy is adorable. He's petite and has this precious face that makes Yuto feel warm inside.

"I'm Hyunggu, hi!" the smaller boy greets warmly, flashing a pretty smile to the customer.

"Adachi Yuto," Yuto says, all formal since he's kind of a classy guy. Right off the bat both boys feel a connection. Hyunggu isn't used to being around boys like Yuto, gosh... he's like one of those bad boy movie stars Hyunggu crushes on. Yuto is just intrigued. He finds Hyunggu very pleasing to gaze at. Very... yum...

Hyunggu leads the taller through a whole spiel about cakes and wedding cakes and more cake but Yuto isn't thinking about cake, let alone an arranged marriage he is dreading. He's staring at Hyunggu, whose eyes are sparkling as he explains his passions for icings and edible decoration. He's so cute.

"So... let's try some now? Hm?" Hyunggu suggests; he's smiling so happily and Yuto feels his heart just.. burst.

"Yes. I'm hungry." But not for cake.

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