Chapter 1

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Hope you guys are going to like this soon to be epic story! Go ahead, the first chapter is right here!

       Not very many prefered to hang around him. She was one of the ones that was often seen by his side attempting to get him to be more interactive with everyone else. Much to her dismay, he was quite stubborn but she didn't entirely care. He was a good friend nevertheless, always listening to everything she had to say and even telling her a few things about himself.

       Their friendship was actually a very unlikely one considering their separate backgrounds. Silver had practically been a fugitive when they'd met. (Y/n) had been a wanderer just like she'd always been and she still was, changing her title from wanderer to traveler as she got older. Their meeting had been quite unexpected and somewhat odd from an onlooker's prospective. It had happened much like this...

        (Y/n) had been heading to meet up with two of her friends, Gold and Crystal. She'd met them about a month and a half earlier when she was arriving in Johto after traveling there from Unova. She didn't know the area all too well but she knew it enough to be able to get where she was going. As she walked along the roads of Ecruteak City, she reflected on her past journey in Unova. She smiled a bit as she thought of the many pokémon that she met on her travels.

        They were all so sad to see her leave. Well, all but one. This particular pokémon, Audino, couldn't take (y/n)'s depart so she brought Audino, who she nicknamed Tabunne, along with her. (Y/n) was suddenly snapped from her thoughts when she was suddenly pushed to the ground. The culprit kept running but suddenly stopped, looking back at (y/n) in surprise while seemingly going through an internal conflict. He, yes this culprit was a long red haired boy, went back over to her and helped (y/n) to her feet.

        The second he did, he turned and fled once more. "Well that's a bit odd. He must be in a hurry," (y/n) muttered to herself but then she was pushed aside, not really falling this time, but still startled. "Out of the way you brat! He's getting away!" the person snapped as they along with two others in matching outfits ran in the same direction the boy from earlier had gone.

        It was then that (y/n) realized that something wasn't right and she felt like doing something about it just as she had done back in Unova when a certain group had caused some trouble for an innocent kid. The boy seemed about age and most likely capable of handling himself from the short glimse (y/n) got of him but she felt the need to step in anyway. Standing with a look of determination on her face, (y/n) ran after the three matching outfit people. Tabunne was completely healthy an a formidable force too.

        (Y/n) was able to keep after the trio for a good bit of time until they suddenly stopped and looked around as if they were lost. (Y/n) froze as well and caught wind of their conversation. "We lost him!" one said. "Great now the boss is going to demote us!" said the second. "You idiot! We're already at the bottom ranks!" the third said. The first spotted (y/n) after the third spoke and he seemed to recognize her.

        "You! You know where he is don't you! He made you stall us for time!" the first said. "Wait what?!" (y/n) said, a bit surprised that this person was foolish enough to think something so dumb...well then again, maybe she wasn't surprised. If this trio was anything like some of the troublemakers she ran into back in Unova then she wouldn't be too surprised at how low their IQ might have been. "Yeah, you know where he is!" the second said, catching on a bit late.

        "Look, I don't know who you're looking for but I don't know where he is," (y/n) said as she backed up a bit. "How'd you know we were looking for a he? And how did you know we were looking for someone? See, you just told on yourself!" the third said. (Y/n) would have stayed and taught them a lesson or two with the help of Tabunne but someone suddenly pulled her into the alley that she hadn't realized she was standing by.

        "What do you think yo- hey wait, your that kid from earlier," (y/n) said as she was pulled along. The red headed boy said nothing as he ran and pulled her with him. "That way! They went that way!" one of the trio said. "We should split up," another said. "You idiot! Then we'd get lost and lose them!" the last said. What were these poor adults doing with their lives?

        (Y/n) allowed the red head to pull her along simply because he was more or less doing her a favor but she was also now curious about his identity. They left the alleys and found themselves on the other side of Ecruteak City. The red head let her hand go and was about to run off on his own but (y/n) stopped him by catching hold of his sleeve. "Let me go," the boy said as he glared back at her.

        "No way. First you knock me down and leave without even truly apologizing and then you pull me into an alley and drag me across the entire city. You aren't going anywhere until you at least tell me your name!" (y/n) said as she frowned a bit to match the boy's glare. The red head huffed in annoyance and snatched his sleeve out of (y/n)'s grasp. "The name's Silver and it's best that you simply forget you ever saw me," the red head, who (y/n) now knew was Silver, said.

        Silver turned and was about to leave but (y/n) stopped him again the same way. "Hey, are you going to be okay? Those people that were chasing you didn't seem like they were up to any good," (y/n) inquired. "I can take care of myself and stop touching my jacket," Silver said as he snatched his sleeve from (y/n)'s grasp once more. "Okay. If you say so. See you around then, Silver," (y/n) said with a wave.

        "(Y/n)! There you are! We were worried about you!" a familiar voice called out. (Y/n) looked behind her to see her friends Crystal and Gold running up to her but their expressions changed when they saw Silver. Crystal stopped in her tracks and Gold pulled (y/n) behind him as he stepped between her and Silver. "What are you doing here?" Gold growled at Silver. "It doesn't matter. I was just leaving," Silver replied with a glare as he turned to leave.

        "Hey, Silver, I'll battle you next time we meet too!" (y/n) said, stepping around Gold since she was going to tell him that anyway. He looked back at her with a somewhat curious look but his expression changed back to annoyance just as quickly. He kept going without even another backward glance. "(Y/n), why were you with Silver?" Crystal asked. "What do you mean? I just met him. He seems...different from most pokémon trainers I guess," (y/n) answered although she wasn't oblivious to her friends actions towards Silver.

        "You should stay away from him. He's bad news," Gold said as he looked at her with worry. "Yeah okay. Next time, don't stand in front of me like I need protecting! Tabunne and I are a perfectly capable team!" (y/n) said. Crystal laughed at her a bit. The mood between her friends lightened but (y/n) couldn't help but wonder about the strange red head that she'd just met. And so that was their first encounter but there's more to go along with the story of how they became friends...

Did you guys like the first chapter? Was iglt good enough to catch your interest? Well there's more to come so until next time you awesome readers!

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