Chapter 22

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No author's note, just go ahead and read.

        He'd hoped that she would have just kept running, to ignore his involuntary cries, but she didn't. It was more like she couldn't. Even with Silver having tried to escape his father's grasp, she would have turned back around to help him. Silver couldn't let her come to him, to Giovanni, to her eventual death. He needed to stop her from making the decision she was certainly about to make as stood there indecisively. Her glare was quite menacing as she glared at Giovanni with a threat practically waiting to fly from her mouth.

        "Gold, get her out of here!" Silver shouted while everyone awaited (y/n)'s answer. Gold seemed like he was about to at least try but (y/n)'s glared turned on him and he instantly froze, backing away to avoid being attacked. "I'll go with you but if any harm comes to Silver, I'll have your head," (y/n) seethed. Silver was a bit startled by her threat, not ever knowing (y/n) to make such terrifying death threats, but he was more upset by her answer. He didn't want her anywhere near Team Rocket.

        "Good. It seems your priorities are strait. Now go along with the others while I take good care of my son. Don't worry, you'll see him again when we get to the hideout," Giovanni said, still keeping Silver in a firm hold. "Boss?! Is that you? I see you found Silver huh. We were trying to find him in the forest. I had no idea he was....wait, did I miss something?" Proton suddenly ranted as he and his idiots plus more arrived at the scene. "No worries. You're right on time. Where is Archer?" Giovanni asked.

         "I'm over here. I came as soon as I got the call. Seems plans have changed," Archer said as he arrived as well. Now (y/n) was surrounded once more and Silver felt a bitter feeling of defeat. "Put them to sleep will you. They'll be easier to transport that way," Giovanni said. Silver could only watch as a bad feeling of déjà vu settled in. (Y/n) gave him one last worried look before she fell asleep due to the move Sleep Powder that only Archer's pokémon knew. "No..." Silver found himself whimpering.

         "This can't be happening. This shouldn't be possible. There's no way this could have been set up this way," Silver muttered, truly confused as to why things had turned out to be so wrong. "Oh and Archer, take care of him for me until we get back to base," Giovanni said as he released Silver from his grip and pushed him forward. Silver tripped a bit but didn't fall. "Have a nice nap," Archer said before getting his pokémon to blast him with a concentrated dose of Sleep Powder. Sleep took away his consciousness and he stayed asleep for who knew how long.

        All Silver knew was that his consciousness suddenly came back to him although he hadn't yet opened his eyes. He tried moving only to find that his movements were heavily restrained. Silver snapped his eyes open to find the similar surroundings of the room he had been in last time he'd been captured by Team Rocket. Not only that but Giovanni was already there sitting not too far across from where Silver sat. The only diffeence was that Silver was tied to his chair, his hands being uncomfortably bound behind the back of it.

         Fear found its was into Silvers very soul as he met his father's frightening gaze. "No need to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you, Silver. You've already hurt yourself enough as it is," Giovanni said although his terrifying gaze didn't diminish at all. "Where is she? What did you do to (y/n)?" Silver asked although he really didn't want to hear the answer. "You've been here before. What do you think I did to her?" Giovanni said. Silver felt his heart shattering quite similarly to the moment he found out that his father had been lying to him, using him to accomplish a goal. "You...why can't you let me...just be happy?" Silver said as he began to cry.

         "I could ask you the same. When you traveled to the past, you successfully kept (y/n) out of my reach and I had to try taking control over Ho-oh with only my machine. It didn't turn out as I expected and Ho-oh went on a rampage and attacked the city. I'm sure you know which four people tried to stop it. The thing is, when you and that girl lured Ho-oh back to the tower's remains to get (y/n) to control it, Ho-oh made a last attempt to take (y/n) down. You died protecting her from that attack. It was simole enough. She easily took control of Ho-oh after that and her power, it extended on its own, taking control of even domesticated pokémon. That power, it was incredible. Just what team Rocket needs to make this world a better place," Giovanni said.

        Silver stared at his father in horror. "What are you talking about? There's no way you could have gone back in time. Only I was able to do that," Silver said. "You sure about that? Celebi had no choice but to send me back with (y/n) there asking it to. I simply told her that I'd come back and save you and she. Ade sure to send me back. In the broken state that tour death left her in, I would be surprised if she'd have ever been able to make another logical decision," Giovanni said.

        "Why...why are you so evil? Can't you see that what you're doing is wrong. You're destroying people's lives, especially mine! I used to look up to you...but you're no better than the trash that people trample over every day," Silver said. He felt as though he was drowning in failure and sorrows. How could he have let homself get killed in (y/n)'s place. It was nearly the equivalent of her dying and he never would have wanted to do anything like that to her.

        "Silver, I am your father. You will respect me and become my successor. It's your duty and obligation as my child," Giovanni said. "You killed the love of my life literally and mentally. I'd rather burn in Ho-oh's multicolored flames than ever respect you," Silver seethed. No sooner than his utterance of thise words was Silver slapped. His cheek stung from the sudden contact. "You'll learn to watch your mouth. I'll come back in an hour or two to see if you'll have learned your lesson by then," Giovanni said as he stood.

        Silver suddenly panicked, a fear of his suddenly triggering an anxiety attack. "Wait, don't leave me here," Silver whimpered. He couldn't help it. The fear of being alone or abandoned had always been there within him and had only been contained by the companionship that his pokémon had provided. When (y/n) had come along, Silver had practically forgotten about the fear but now didn't even have his pokémon with him. "What, afraid of the dark?" Giovanni said with a look of amusement. Even if it was his deadbeat of a dad, Silver would rather him stay than be alone.

         "I told you I'd be back. Besides, I have to finish the preparations for my plan. (Y/n)'s anger isn't going to build up on its own...or parhaps it will. We'll have to see," Giovanni said as he exited the room. Fustrated and uneasd, Silver began to try his best to free himself but to no avail. "Oh right, we can't have you calling anyone in particular for help either," Giovanni said as he suddenly reentered the room. Silver tried to bite him as hmhis father placed the tape over his mouth but it didn't work. "It's for you own good Silver," Giovanni said with what seemed to be a look of genuity but Silver cold have cared less. He waerily glared after his father as he left him there alone in the dark room.

And so I stil made it in time. It's late, I know but I managed to get this chapter done so yeah, until next time you marvelous readers!

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