Chapter 3

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Here goes another chapter to continue the epic tale of Silver!

        She wasn't able to find Silver that day or the day after. In fact, she never did find Silver. It made her sad to have lost contact with him for he seemed like he needed someone, a comrade to keep him from falling into the grasp of the shadows. (Y/n) could see it in his actions. Crystal and Gold were great friends and had taken her all around Ecruteak City but every single time she went to the Pokémon Center in that city, Silver crossed her mind and her day got a little worse each time.

        Was he okay? Did those people ever find him? Or did he just decide that she wasn't worth his time as they agreed in their little deal? Whatever the reason was, (y/n) was never able to bare it so she told Crystal and Gold that she'd go ahead and start her travels in Johto. They wished her luck and made her promise to visit. They'd let her leave without knowing her true intentions. "To find Silver. That is my goal," she'd thought. That had been a week and a half after her last encounter with him.

        She had been on her journey for only a couple of weeks now. At the moment, she was leaving Goldenrod City and headed to Azalea Town. The large city had been a bit too much for her and she'd heard from people she'd talked to that Azalea was a nice peaceful place. The only problem was that she was still headed there and the sky was dropping heavy rain on everything in sight. She didn't have an unbrella and no one was around.

        (Y/n) could tell that she was close but she didn't know how close. Lightning began to flash across the sky and (y/n) began to worry just a bit. She could barely see where she was going as she stumbled along the route as best as she could. As stereotypes would have it, she tripped but luckily did not fall. "I've got to find shelter somewhere!" (y/n) thought as she lifted a hand above her eyes to shield them from the rain long enough to try and figure out where she was going.

         What shocked her was what she saw instead. She rushed over to the spot where she'd seen him, Silver. He was there, huddled under a tree and doing his best to shield himself from the rain. "Silver!" (y/n) called to which he responded by looking in her direction. If (y/n) didn't know any better, she'd have thought he was relieved to see her. "What are you doing out here?!" he asked as she sat next to him. He'd chosen a good tree to sit up under for it kept a good bit of the rain off of them both.

        "I could ask you the same thing. I was headed to Azalea Town when this storm came out of nowhere," (y/n) said. She was a bit surprised that he didn't seem annoyed by her presence but then again, they'd left off on good terms last time around. "You went after me didn't you. I told you when we met that it would be best for you to forget me," Silver said. "What if I did? Besides, I'm a traveler. I was going to leave Ecruteak City sooner or later. I didn't think I'd run into you out here like this," (y/n) said.

        As soon as she finished speaking, another flash of lightning crossed the sky with a roar of thunder to follow. Both (y/n) and Silver flinched at its sound, silently agreeing not to mention anything about it to one another. "How much longer do you think this storm is going to last? At this point, I doubt we'll ne able to escape getting sick," (y/n) said while referring to their soaking wet clothes. "How would I know. I didn't exactly have time to check the weather forecast before I was chased away," Silver muttered.

        Another flash of lightning and roar of thunder followed his words causing them both to flinch again. It bothered (y/n) to know that Silver was still being chased by whoever those people were but she decided it wasn't the best time to bring up that particular topic. Silver suddenly sneezed and (y/n) looked at him in surprise for the sudden action had startled her. "You're cold aren't you," she said. Silver said nothing in reply but that was no surprise to (y/n).

        She was a cold as well and the rain didn't seem like it was going to stop any time soon. "I hate rainy days like this," (y/n) muttered but Silver put his hand over her mouth and quickly gestured for her to follow him. She didn't understand why but for whatever reason, it must have been urgent or else Silver wouldn't have done anything at all. They both headed a little deeper into the trees which provided them with a lot more cover from the rain and allowed them to see onto the road without being seen by others.

        Silver pointed out towards the way (y/n) had just been coming from and she saw why Silver had been so urgent. There were the same three matching outfit people that (y/n) had seen earlier but this time they had someone else with them that seemed a bit more intelligent. That and the three matching outfit guys were holding umbrellas over that single person who had a red R on their outfit just like the other three.

        "Are you three sure she went this way. We can't have her getting away. She knows Silver so there must be some sort of way we can use her to get to him," the person was saying. (Y/n) could barely hear him but she was sure that he was talking about her. She glanced at Silver finding he had done the same and they both quickly looked back to the four people in the rain. "I'm teling you, we saw her leaving this way. Who knows how far she could have gotten. All we know is that she was going this way," one of the idiot trio, which (y/n) had decided to call them, said.

        "I did receive a report that silver was seen in the town up ahead. Perhaps she was going to meet him. If that's the case, we must not waste any time here in this rain," the man under the umbrellas said. "Yeah it's dangerous out here. If that kid got stuck in this rain then she's a goner," another of the idiot trio said. The four passed them by then and (y/n) was no longer able to hear their words over the pouring rain.

        She and Silver remained silent, Silver not wanting to talk about whatever was going on and (y/n) not wanting to pressure him into telling her anything. "You really should stop hanging around me," Silver muttered. He refused to look at (y/n) when he spoke. "Why? You aren't a bad person. You haven't done anything wrong," (y/n) said. Silver shook his head at her. "That isn't exactly true. There's a reason they're looking for me. You should have forgotten me the moment we parted ways that first day," Silver said.

        "If you think I can't handle a little trouble then you're wrong. I challenged an entire organization with the help of just two friends. I bet I could help you out if you let me. Whatever it is that you did, it doesn't matter right now. I don't really know you so I can't say for sure that I'm making the right choice by trusting you but you seem like you need help. Those people...they're apart of an organization too aren't they?" (y/n) said. The rain was dying down now and the thunder was less frequent whereas there was no longer any lightning.

       "Why are you so desperately trying to help me? We don't even know each other? You didn't even tell me your name when we met even though you made me tell mine," Silver said. "Oh is that right? Guess I forgot to introduce myself huh. Well then, my name is (y/n) and I'm a traveling pokémon trainer. I want to help you because there is someone that I want to understand and something that I want to do. Helping you will allow me to do that," (y/n) said as she swiped a bit of rainsoaked hair from her face.

       "You don't make any sense. I keep trying to tell you that I don't have the typical past of a normal person," Silver muttered. "What makes you think that I do?" (y/n) said. A mischievous look crossed her face as she smirked. Silver tilted his head at her a bit, curious but not expressing the question he had the urge to ask. It was then that (y/n) got a good idea. 

        "How about we make another deal. Once we wait out the rest of this storm, we'll head to Azalea Town and I'll tell you about my past. If you think I'm someone you can trust with your own past then you tell me about yourself and we'll work together to teach those people a lesson. If not then I'll forget I ever met you and you won't have to worry about me getting involved with whatever this situation is. Do we have a deal?" (y/n) said as she offered her hand for a handshake.

        Silver looked at her for a moment, probably deciding on whether or not he'd agree, before he decided to take hold of her hand.l to confirm the deal. Much to Silver's surprise, (y/n) pulled him forward and hugged him. The action was so sudden that he didn't have time to protest. "Sorry but you seemed like you needed one. You've never been hugged before have you?" (y/n) said. Silver remained silent and relaxed a bit. (Y/n) knee that it wasn't rainwater that fell onto her shirt for it had already stopped raining.

The weather in the pokémon games is crazy. You're in one place and it's raining and the next thing you know, it's completely sunny the moment you get to a new place. Crazy right? Until next time you spectacular readers!

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