Chapter 25

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And thus occurs the battle to determine the future. Will our heroine and hero succeed or will out antagonist make a very unwanted comeback?

        Silver woke up first having already found it hard to sleep. He didn't know if he should tell (y/n) what he'd said the other night or not. He'd noticed that she hadn't heard him give a reply of sorts to her promise. If she had, she probably would have scolded him or something. "(Y/n), we need to go. The fate of Ecruteak is in our hands," Silver said as he shokk her awake. "You sound like some sort of npc from an adventure game or something. Yeah, give me a second. I'll get up in a bit," (y/n) said as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

        Silver nodded and waited until (y/n) was wide awake before either of them did anything. It wasn't long before they were both downstairs and waiting for Crystal and Gold who were supposed to have been waitng by seven. (Y/n) sighed. "I knew this would happen. We can't be late for things like this. An entire city could be destroyed because of this," she muttered nore to herself than to Silver.

        "Sorry I'm late. I was assaulted by pillows in my sleep because Crystal though I stole something of hers," Gold muttered as he trudged downstairs. Crystal wasn't far behind him and shot Gold a glare. "You did steal it. I knew you were a pervert," Crystal claimed. "Didn't I tell you I didn't touch any of your stuff. I don't know how it got there I swear," Gold muttered. He seemed like he didn't get much sleep at all as he rubbed his eyes. Silver decided not to ask about anything since he honestly didn't want to know.

         "We should hurry and get to Bell Tower. We don't know when Team Rocket will show up amd I'm sure they've figured out that we're heading there," (y/n) said. Silver gave a slight nod before he followed behind (y/n). Ecruteak was the only city she knew inside out aside from Goldenrod City. Silver knew that only because of his experience with her and th amount of time she missed out on acorrding to what he knew.

         Being in the past was a real pain too because Silver had to hold back on his affection so that he didn't accidentally scare (y/n) away from him. Silver was startled a bit when (y/n) suddenly took his hand. He hadn't realized that she'd slowed down her walk so that she matched his pace. "You seem funstrated. Is something bothering you?" she asked. Silver shook his head in what was obviosly a lie but he was certainly curious.

        "Why are you...holding my hand? It's not that I mind of anything but you don't really..." Silver was saying but stopped speaking when he saw (y/n)'s expression. "It just seemed like something I'd do if you were thinking about something too much. I may not know you as well as you'd like for me to but I can still read you like a book just as I do most others," (y/n) said with a shrug. Silver blushed in embarrassment, nearly forgetting how perceptive (y/n) was.

         "You two do realize that we're right behind you right? Seriously, there's no limit to you two is there," Gold conplained. "Oh shut up Gold. Can't you see they're having a moment. We're all about to risk outlr lives here so you better let them do whatever they want just in case someone dies again," Crystal said. Everyone stoped in their tracks and stared at her, Silver in particular feeling a stab of pain in his heart just thinking about the idea of losing (y/n) again.

         "What? I was only telling the truth," Crystal said in her defense. "Let's just go," Gold said with a sigh. The rest of rhe trip to the Bell Tower was done in complete silence. No one dared say a word, not even Crtstal. "Looks like we're here. Think they'll let us in if we explain things to them," (y/n) said, breaking the silence as she referred to the guardians of the Bell Tower. "We have no choice. Let's go," Silver said, quite determinded.

        Strangely enough, the tower guardians did not find Silver's time traveling explanation to be strange at all. In fact, they were eager to lead the four of them all the way to the top of the tower but they quickly left them there as if afraid of what might happen. "Okay, (y/n), go ahead and call Ho-oh. No matter what happens, I'm going to stay right here with you," Silver said. (Y/n) nodded and closed hdr eyes as she focused on bdinging the legendary pokémon to the tower. 

       "Crystal, Gold, I think it's time the two of you defended your trainer's honor. Don't let a single red R get within sight of this place," Silver said. Gold gave him a grin and nodded. "You two better survive or I'm going to kill you both myself," Gold said before he left with Crystal to defend the tower. Silver waited rather patiently as (y/n) concentrated. She'd figured out that it wasn't Giovanni's machine that brought Ho-oh to them but it was the fact that Ho-oh deemed them unworthy to be walking on the top floor of its sacred tower.

         All (y/n) was doing was letting Ho-oh know that they were there. A loud screeching could suddenly be heard and (y/n) snapped her eyes open, looking around frantically for Ho-oh. Silver looked up just in time to see the rainbow winged pokémon descend from the skies. Ho-oh came to a sort of hovering stop in front of them. Silver gave (y/n) a reassuring nod before she began to speak to the legendary pokémon.

         "Ho-oh, my name is (y/n) and this is Silver. We've shown ourselves to you because there ials an organization that seeks to use you as their source of power but I know that you'll show them your wrath. I wish for you to spare this city and that organization. Whsn they arrive, if they arrive, please don't show up to defend your tower. I know it sounds selfish of me to be asking that but I don't want that evil person to cause so much destruction. He's ruined the lives of others as well as Silver's so please listen to me," (y/n) said.

        For a minute Ho-oh kept its glare on them as if waiting for something...that was until it suddenly screeched and spit flames in their dirrection. Silver immediately pulled (y/n) to him but the flames weren't going to hit her anyway. They had served as a warning shot. "Why won't you listen to me? Innocent people are going to die!" (y/n) shouted. Ho-oh screeched in repsonse. Silver acted quickly and pulled (y/n) down with him just in time to avoid a stream of flames.

         Silver looked back to see that the flames had engulfed their only escape route. "Listen, Ho-oh, my father is the leader of that organization. His name is Giovanni and he won't stop until he gets what he wants no matter who he hurts in the process. Please, you have to listen to (y/n)," Silver said. Again, flames were fired at them, barely missing Silver if it hadn't been for (y/n) pulling him out of the way. Silver took hold of her hand, not wanting to let her go.

         "It's no use. Ho-oh won't listen. What was I thinking...asking a legendary to listen to me. N would have done so much better than this," (y/n) whimpered. Ho-oh targeted them again. "We need to find a way off of this tower," Silver said as he pulled (y/n) with him to dodge Ho-oh's attack. To Silver's surprise, Ho-oh attacked immediately afterwards and he realized that they were trapped. Flames surrounded them and Silver felt (y/n)'s grip on his hand tighten a bit.

         "Silver...I don't-" (y/n) was saying but suddenly yelped in pain as flames singed her arm a bit. Silver inwardly cursed and pulled (y/n) behind him to protect her from the flames. Silver was a bit surprised when she steped from behind him amd stood next to him. "I won't let you sacrifice yourself for me," she said with tears in her eyes. Silver looked at her and then back to Ho-oh as a screech could be heard. There was no escaping Ho-oh's wrath and Silver knew this. "Everything is going to be okay," Silver whispered as he pulled (y/n) to him. "'re right," he heard he say. A few seconds later, Silver was pulled into down into a kiss. He felt a strong wave if strangely blissful tranquility and closed his eyes as the flames washed over them.

Bad way to end a chapter in a story like this, I know, I know. Until next time you awesome readers!

P.S. I decided to extend the story just a little bit...just a little.

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