Chapter 5

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And so the story continues to end the suspense. The battle has begun. What will happen now?

        Much to (y/n)'s satisfaction, Tabunne attacked first thanks to her special speed training. With Tabunne already having high defense and a crazy amount of health endurance, speed had been the only real area where (y/n) felt Tabunne needed to improve in and (y/n) knew that Tabunne had felt the same way thanks to her special ability. Yes, (y/n) could feel and practically hear the emotions that pokémon gave off much like the trio she'd met back in Unova. Until meeting them, she thought she'd been the only one.

        "(Y/n), pay attention!" Silver snapped as he pulled her out of Proton's way. Had he actually been attempting to touch her?! (Y/n) wasn't going to let him get away with it either. She broke free of Silver's grasp just as Proton got close enough to be within her reach. "Take this!" (y/n) growled as she successfully punched the man in the side of his face before leaping back to put some space between them. Silver gave her a look of shock but ended up letting out a small laugh before returning his attention to the battle before him.

        "Tabunne, support Totodile with your healing and keep those three from getting anywhere near Silver. I'm taking this guy down," (y/n) instructed. "Not without me you aren't! You can't just punch people like that," Silver said as he released his Murkrow and Sneasel to help fight aling side Tabunne. "You should guide your pokémon during battle. They look for your guidance since you are their trainer. I'm pretty sure I can handle this guy," (y/n) said.

        "My pokémon know how to act on their own," Silver stubbornly said as the two of the faced Proton who still seemed to be shocked that he'd been punched. That shock soon vanished and was replaced with rage. "You insolent child! How dare you tarnish my grace with your filth!" Proton snapped. "Oh shut up! And I'm not a child. It's not like you weren't going to harm Silver if you got your hands on him. There's no use trying to hide it. I can see right through people like you!" (y/n) snapped back, silencing Proton in the process.

        It really bothered her, his stupid high and mighty attitude. "Silver, go ahead and ask him that question you wanted to ask. I doubt he'd try anything too obvious now," (y/n) said, calming down a bit as she glanced at Silver. He nodded and took a slight step forward. "Why is it that you're looking for me after all these years. I've been in Johto this entire time and yet Team Rocket has wanted nothing to do with me. Now all of a sudden my father is requesting my presence. I find it suspicious," Silver inquired.

        "I already told you. Your father gave specific instructions not to tell you of his plans until you agree to come back and join him or until he sees you himself," Proton said. "Proton, help! This one bites!" one of the idiot trio yelped as they ran around un circles away from Totodile. Silver, (y/n), and even Proton sweat dropped at the stupidity of that man. The other two stood fearfully with their backs to each other as Sneasel and Murkrow kept them surrounded...well sort of. The men could easily escape if they actually used their brains. Tabunne was making her way towards (y/n) with a look of triumph.

         "You wouldn't understand. Your father is trying to save us. He needs your help to do that. If you could just put your feelings aside and allow your father to use you, then you'll be able to understand him for once," Proton said. Was he crazy or stupid or both? "Do you even know what you're saying? You're telling me to put aside all of my past experiences and feelings, including the abuse and broken bonds that you helped my father create. You want me to become his tool? I'd never do something like that!" Silver exclaimed.

        Proton shook his head at him. "That's not the point I'm making," Proton said with a sigh. His earlier condescending attitude had disappeared and he now actually seemed to be concerned for Silver's well-being. "Then what is? I've already made it claer to you and everyone else in Team Rocket that I'm not coming back. I'm done with that life and everything that dealt with it. I lost too much and I won't go through that again," Silver snapped.

        Not it was (y/n)'s turn to calm him down seeing that he seemed to be walking closer to Proton. She'd put a hand on his shoulder, temporarily gaining his attention. He seemed to get the message and backed up a bit. "You know I can't let you go freely right? I have to bring you back whether you want to come with me or not," Proton said, hardening his expression to a frown. "It's two against one. Those three over there can't help you," (y/n) said referring to the three idiots still being occupied by pokémon that weren't even attacking them...well, Totodile was trying to bite one of them but that didn't count.

        "That's where you're wrong. You were indeed right to watch me but it seems you did that a little too much," Proton said with a smirk as he snapped. About five different Persians appeared from the fmtrees surrounding Azalea Town but (y/n) wasn't afraid at all. In fact, she was the one smirking. "Don't worry, Silver. They're all wild pokémon. Not a single on has a trainer even if they do respond to his directions," (y/n) said. Silver gave her a confused look before he called his pokémon to his side.

        "You see, Proton, you've just made an unfortunate mistake. I can tell that these pokémon are wild, strait from the grass. Wild pokémon are my feild of expertise. How else do you think I got my Unova gym badges!" (y/n) said. "What are you talking about? You can't catch all five of these pokémon at once," Proton said. "Wait, you got all eight of Unova's gym badges with just wild pokémon?!" Silver said, being the only one to actually understand what (y/n) meant.

        "Would I lie to you, Silver?" (y/n) asked. "" Silver said. "Wrong. Remember, we don't actually know each other. If the situation requires it then yes, I will lie to you and thus you have the answer to both questions. Now I've got some pokémon to tame," (y/n) said. As odd as it may have seemed to others, (y/n) was a wild pokémon magnet. They loved her and listened to her as if she was their trainer.

        "All of you Persians, come here! I bet all of you want a little bit of affection. Proton doesn't care about you guys," (y/n) said to the new pokémon. They tilted their heads in confusion but they slowly walked towards her quite calmly and soon enough, (y/n) was petting them. Everyone around, even the idiot trio and the couple other idiots that had released the Persians from the trees, were shocked. "Alright, now I need you five to do me a favor. Can you all do that?" (y

) asked. The five Persians all nodded, a few of them still purring.

        "Chase away anyone with a red R on their shirt so that me and Silver can get away. Can you gius do that for me?" (y/n) said as she pet them one last time. They all nodded and turned in different directions, looking for their targets. (Y/n) saw Proton's fearful expression and almost laughed...almost. "Come on Silver. We'll have to change our plans. You know any places nearby where we can hide?" (y/n) said as she turned her attention to a surprised Silver.

        " didn't tell me you could do that," Silver muttered as he returned his pokémon. "You didn't ask. Now let's go before they start listening to Proton again," (y/n) said as she returned Tabunne. Silver gave a slight nod, returning back to his normal not surprised self before leading the way to the place where they would hide. Little did they know that it was this event that led to the calamities that Silver would have to face.

I think I did pretty well with this chapter. Some more will be revealed in the next chapter so until next time you fantastical readers!

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