Chapter 17

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Don't really have an author's note this time but I do have a chapter...

        "Next time we have to travel this far with these injuries, you better at least warn me before I agree to come along," Gold complained as he collapsed at the entrance of Ilex forest. "There's no use in giving up now. We're nearly there. Plus we took breaks on our way here so you shouldn't be complaining," Silver said as he sat in the short grass while catching his breath. "You're one to talk. You're sitting there trying to catch your breath too!" Gold said, staring at Silver with his eyes narrowed.

        The two of them had managed to make it to Ilex Forest's entrance without any real incidents. Their individual injuries did have an affect on their travel but it was nothing comoared to what had almost happened to Gold. He had nearly gotten caught by Crystal while he and Silver spent a night resting. It was a very scary experience for the poor guy and Gold had made Silver vow not to ever speak of the night to anyone ever.

        "I need to save (y/n) as soon as possible so if you want to stay outside here and wait, then go ahead. I'm not waiting on you," Silver said as he stood up. "Hey, you can't give me just a few more minutes?" Gold whined as he rubbed his still healing arm. "No," Silver muttered as he entered the forest. He had already gone long enough without (y/n)'s affection and didn't want to waste any more time when he was so close to an opportunity of redemption.

        "Not too far now. Just a bit futher and I'll be able to help you," the same mysterious voice said in Silver's head. It had been encouraging him to continue on as he made his way to Ilex Forest. "Hey, Silver, wait up. Just give me a second," Gold said as he got up to follow Silver. They walked through the forest with Silver leading the way, remembering the first time he and (y/n) had shown up in Ilex Forest together. They hadn't been back since but Silver still remembered that day quite well.

        It was then that he remembered the promise he'd made her make. She'd broken that promise not only to dave him but also the friends that treated her unfairly and that terrible father of his. "What's gotten into you all of a sudden?" Gold asked. Silver realized that he'd let a few tears escape and he was quick to wipe them away. "'s just...we didn't deserve to be saved by her, not like that," Silver muttered.

        "Everyone deserves a second chance. I'm giving you one because that girl that you were with can stop all of those things from happening," the voice said in Silver's head. He'd figured out long before then that the voice was Celebi's. "Sunlight! I see sunlight! Thank goodness!" Gold said, perking up at the sight of light. "This is it. This is our destination," Silver said as he stepped into the light. "Save her. I'd like to talk with her again once you do," Celebi voice said in his head.

        The grass touched by the light began to glow and so did the tree in the center of it. "Silver, what's happening?!" Gold yelped in alarm. Silver didn't know himself but whatever was happening was of Celebi's doing and Silver trusted that Celebi would allow him to fix everything. Silver closed his eyes just as the glow got too intense. The wind around him went in every direction until Silver couldn't feel anything.

        The first thing he noticed when he opened his eyes was that he was still in Ilex Forest. The second thing he noticed was that he had no injuries and was shorter than he remembered. The third thing was that (y/n) lay right on his chest comfortably asleep. Silver couldn't even describe how relieved he was to see her and he remembered the moment in time when the events he was reliving actually happened. (Y/n) had began to stir, likely from the nightmare so Silver decided to wake her.

        "(Y/n), wake up," he said as he slightly shook her. She awoke with widened eyes and fright evident in her features but she relaxed when she realized that she was resting on Silver and he had been the one to wake her up. "I'm sorry, I...I didn't mean to sleep on you like that!" (y/n) yelped as she quickly separated herself from him as they both stood. Silver didn't say anything though and (y/n) suddenly gave a shocked look of worry. "Are you okay? What happened?" she asked.

        Again Silver had let some tears escape but he didn't care and let them fall. He didn't hesitate to pull the confused (y/n) into a hug as he cried tears of joy and relief. "Silver, what happened to you?" she asked but he still gave no answer. Once he was sure he waa calmed down enough to face her without crying, which didn't take very long, he let her go. "I'm so glad to see you again," he said which only confused (y/n) even more.

        "Did you catch a fever or a cold or something? You're acting weirdly," (y/n) said as she reached out to check his temperature. Silver didn't waste the opportunity and pulled (y/n) to him, kissing her as he did. She was surprised by the sudden action but Silver had pulled away before she could react. "Why did yo- Silver, what's going on with you?!" she asked. "No time to explain. We need to leave before Team Rocket ambushes us in the forest," Silver said as he took (y/n)'s hand and began to pull her along.

         He decided to take a different route that was off path but safer than going down the path he knew they'd be ambushed on. It wasn't long before they made it out of Ilex Forest without any incidents but Silver didn't know wat to do from there. "Silver! (Y/n)!" Gold's familiar voice shouted as he came into sight. He stopped in front of them both with Crystal still trying to catch up. "I don't know what you did, but it worked," Gold said with a grin.

       Then he looked at (y/n) and his gaze softened into slight sadness. "I'm glad to see you again," Gold said as he hugged (y/n) who was one again confused. "Okay that's enough, back off," Silver growled when he realized Gold was still hugging (y/n). "Chill out. I'm not going to steal her from you," Gold laughed. "Gold! What do you think you're doing?! You can't just leave in the middle of a conversation! And what is Silver doing with (y/n)?" Crystal said as she arrived. "Crystal, please, do us a favor just this once and shut up so we can figure things out," Gold said to her.

        Crystal indeed stopped and gave a very hurt look but Gold nor Silver cared. "What the heck is going on? First you kissed me and now Gold is cooperating with you and silencing Crystal of all people," (y/n) said as she pulled her hand from Silver's and rubbed her head to get rid of her confusion. "It's best that we tell you somewhere else. It's not safe for you in Azalea," Silver said. "Whoa wait, you kissed her! Are you crazy?!" Crystal snapped. "Crystal, now is not the time for your comments," Silver growled.

        "So you went ahead and skipped tht far into the future huh Silver? Surprising," Gold joked as he playfully punched Silver's arm. "It wasn't like that! Now we need to go before Proton and Archer get here!" Silver said as he turned and began walking away, pulling (y/n) along with him having taken hold of her hand. "Where are we even going?" Gold asked. "Violet City. It's the closet safest escape route," Silver said. Gold nodded and followed leaving a very dumbfounded Crystal behind. "What in the pokémon world just happened?" she said to herself. 

Looks like we have a new group of adventures who aim to take down Team Rocket before a certain event happens! Until next time you fabulous readers!

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