Chapter 15

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Look who had time for another chapter! I dont know what to expect from this chapter so yeah...

        The destination was Bell Tower and Team Rocket had seized access to the building likely by force. Silver never understood how so many dimwitted adults could accomplish such a task but he never questioned it. He never had a reason to question it. "Hm, so you managed to return without a single scratch or wound. Congrats to you Petrel," Archer said as they aproached him and Proton.

       "What's that supposed to mean?" Petrel asked. "Exactly what you thinkit means. I'm quite envious of you, having such luck," Proton muttered. "Seriously, what happened to you two?" Petrel said as he passed them. (Y/n) faked an attack at Archer who jumped way in terror. Silver couldn't help but laugh at the man's actions. Ariana just rolled her eyes as she walked by the two men.

        Silver glanced at (y/n) finding that she wore a triumphant look on her face and couldn't help but smile at her knowing well that she could easily sense his emotions. He often took advantage of that whenever he found it hard to talk about certain things. "We believe Ho-oh will show up very soon after we activate your father's machine. It's up to (y/n) to take control over Ho-oh if things get out of hand. She's more like the backup part of our plan," Ariana explained as they walked down the path leading to Bell Tower.

        "Either way, you two are coming with us to the top of the tower so don't try anything," Petrel added with a look towards (y/n) in particular. He must have been worried about the indirect warnings that Proton and Archer had given him. "So long as I'm not provoked, you should be perfectly fine," (y/n) said with an innocent smile but with eyes that dared Petrel to make the mistake of crossing her. No one said anything else as they walked into Bell Tower.

         There were Team Rocket members around every corner and on every level of the tower until they finally made it to the very top where none other than Giovanni was waiting for them. "Good to see you again, Silver. Have you been taking good care of yourself?" Giovanni said. "How could you say something like that without even looking at me?" Silver growled. Giovanni tirned to face him and smiled. It was a very odd action for Giovanni to do and using his peripheral vision, Silver saw (y/n) cringe.

        "My apologies. It seems that you've been doing well though. And I see that you've been taking good care of her as well. How have her abilities held up?" Giovanni asked. "That's none of your business," Silver snapped. "Why isn't it? If I remember correctly, I am the reason she's able to have a degree of control over people as well as pokémon. I'm sure I have the right to at least ask such a question," Giovanni said. "Um, boss, not trying to interrupt or anything but we need to bring Ho-oh here," Petrel said.

        "Right. We will get started immediately now that the girl is here," Giovanni said as he turned back around to face the machine that he had been standing next to. It looked like an antenna of sorts. Whatever it was, Silver didn't trust it. "Ariana, make sure everyone is kept out of the tower. Petrel, make sure the girl doesn't try to eacape," Giovanni ordered. Ariana didn't hesitate to go and follow her orders. Petrel stood by warily which Silver found a bit funny.

        They watched as the machine was activated and lit up with red lights in certain areas. "That's all it does...that's sort of disappointing. I was expecting more than lights," (y/n) muttered. "I was too," Silver agreed. "It does more than light up," Giovanni snapped, probably having heard what they said. "I dont know about that. It still doesn't seem to be doing anything," (y/n) said with a skeptical look towards the machine.

        "Its a highly sophisticated machine that's sending hypersonic waves specific to Ho-oh's natural frequency across the area and even further. You can't see them but they are there," Giovanni said with clear fustration. (Y/n) still kept her skeptical look though. "It's okay. I don't thinknit really does anything either. If anything, Ho-oh will show up because its here taking up sacred space," Silver said to her. She nodded in agreeance and Silver saw Giovanni's eye twitch but he made no attempt to correct their opinions.

        "It sure is taking a while. This is usually the time when the meddling trainer shows up to stop our plans," Petrel said. "Don't jinx it. I don't need any annoying trainers showing up now of all times," Giovanni snapped. No sooner than Giovanni finished speaking, two little meddling trainers decided to show up. "Team Rocket, we've come to stop your plans!" Crystal said. "We can't just allow you to do as you please!" Gold said. Both of them took trainer poses and had their main pokémon held out in their pokéball.

         "You're both too late! The machine is already active. Ho-oh should be here any moment now," Giovanni said. "So the machine is what's causing all of this then," Crystal concluded. "Then all we need to do is break it right?" Gold said. "Petrel, Silver, stall them," Giovanni ordered. "I don't take orders from you," Silver snapped. "Silver?! I knew you were no good. To think that you'd be here with Team Rocket again. And is that (y/n)? I guess you really weren't good afterall," Crystal said.

        Gold just looked shocked as though he'd taken a serious emotional blow. "I knew something like this would happen if you hung around him," Gold muttered. Why they hadn't noticed them before then was a mystery to Silver. "Nice to see you four know each other but don't you two realize that I've challenged you to a battle?!" Petrel said, rather annoyed that he was ignored. Gold and Crystal both deadpanned and Gold promptly pushed Petrel aside as he walked by.

        "Our battle is with these three, not you," Crystal said as she walked by, crushing any sort of pride Petrel had for himself. Before anything else could happen though, a loud screech came from the sky and everyone, if not already standing still, froze. "The legend has arrived. It's time for the final step in my plan!" Giovanni said as he did something to his machine to affect Ho-oh. Silver suddenly felt his sleeve being pulled and he looked over at (y/n).

        She seemed afraid. "What's wrong?" Silver asked seeing her take a step back. "Ho-oh's emotions. I can't get a clear read on them. If I can't distinguish one emotion, I can't use my ability," she quietly said as Ho-oh got closer to the top of the tower. "That can't be isn't working," Giovanni could be heard saying. Silver then knew that all of this, the entire mission, was a mistake. How could he have expected (y/n) to control a legendary pokémon?

        "Silver, make that girl get this thing under control," Giovanni said. Silver looked at (y/n) although he didn't intend to try forcing her into doing anything. "I can't. I can't do it Silver. Ho-oh is too powerful," (y/n) whimpered. He had never seen her act this way and knew that she wouldn't act in such a way unless it was her last option. "She can't!" Silver told his father. "She has to or Ho-oh is going to-" Giovanni was interrupted as a steam of multicolored flames hit the side of the tower's roof.

        (Y/n) had pulled Silver back just in time for him to miss being burned by them. Ho-oh let out another cry. "That was it. Just then, it held the emotion of anger. I felt it when it shot those flames at us," (y/n) said. "We've got to get out of this tower before it burns down!" Petrel yelped and promptly disappeared. Ho-oh seemed enraged by this and flew down the tower. All that could be heard were its screeches as it spit fire onto the tower and burned it with its wings.

        "Come on, we need to leave while we still can," Silver said and he pulled (y/n) along with him as they attempted to escape the tower. The top half of it was engulfed in flames and smoke making it hard to breathe. Gold and Crystal weren't far behind them and Giovanni was behind them as well. Just then, Ho-oh came crashing through the tower, stopoing everyone in their tracks. It eyed Silver and switched its gaze to the others around him. "Ho-oh isn't going to let us escape," (y/n) muttered.

        Silver began to run again, pulling (y/n) along with him of course. The two of them had to dodge falling debris and flaring flames with Ho-oh still trying to fry them to crisps. "This isn't going to work. The smoke is getting to thick and...the flames!" (y/n) said. She suddenly pulled away from Silver and hugged him. "I need to save everyone. I think I have a shot at this," she said. "(Y/n), no, don't you dare," Silver hissed. She shook her head at him and smiled before heading back to where Ho-oh was trying to free itself from the tower.

        All Silver heard was another screech as Ho-oh spread more flames everywhere. There was an explosion of debris and then everything was covered in smoke. Silver couldn't see and he wanted to find (y/n). He called for her but got no answer. Instead, someone pulled him away from the direction he knew she'd gone. "No, let me go! I have to find her!" Silver said as he did his best to fight the person's grip. He managed to break free only for him to fall and be plunged into a world of darkness.

And I've got to do another chapter so until next time you epic readers!

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