Chapter 7

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Are you guys liking the book so far because if you are, things are about to get a lot better.

        She had to admit that it was a bit odd when she woke up and found herself resting on Silver's chest, but she didn't think he minded. Plus she got a sort of comforting feeling from the contact especially after having a bad nightmare. She clearly remembered him allowing her to use his lap as a pillow just before she drifted off to sleep anyway. After that, she remebered nothing. "Are you awake now?" she heard Silver ask. His voice startled (y/n) a bit since she hadn't expected him to be awake.

        "Yeah, sorry," (y/n) said as she got off of him. "I didn't mean to lay on you like that. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable," she apologized. "It's alright. I was the one who did that. I wanted to lay in the grass too but I didn't want to rudely leave you to rest in the grass after allowing you to sleep on my lap so I...yeah, don't worry about it," Silver said, completely avoiding eye contact as he spoke. (Y/n) smiled at his actions, finding them cute. Despite not really knowing Silver, she felt that they could be really great friends.

        "Where do we go now that Team Rocket is still looking for you here?" she asked as she though on more serious matters. "Oh...I actually don't know. Do you really want to keep traveling with me though? It's dangerous," Silver said. "Of course I do. Didn't I tell you I'd help you out. Plus I needed a travel partner anyway. And don't you dare forget that we have to share our stories. I'm pretty sure I remeber us agreeing to be friends before I went to sleep too," (y/n) said as she stood up and offered a hand to Silver.

        He took it, allowing (y/n) to help him up but instead of letting her go, he pulled her into a hug which surprised her. "You seemed to need one. Plus I'm returning the favor. I didn't know that something like that happened to you," Silver said in her ear as be rested his head on her shoulder. "How did you...what are you even talking about," (y/n) said, still startled by Silver's actions but comforted nevertheless.

        "I heard you talking in your sleep. Something about you being betrayed. You almost died didn't you," Silver said as he let (y/n) go. She stared at him for a bit before lowering her head. "I...I don't want your pity...but thank you for being concerned. That part of my's something I'm willing to share with you but I'd much rather forget it," (y/n) said. She knew that she was being a bit harsh but those memories brought up the past version of herself.

        Silver laughed at her, leaving her quite confused as she looked up at him. "You're just like me aren't you. How is it that you're able to put up such a good mask huh? Gold and Crystal don't know what happened to you do they?" Silver said. He was smirking and (y/n) was speechless. "I wonder how they'll react when they find out. Will they cast you away? You haven't done anything to hurt them like I did so I guess they might forgive you but they'll never look at you the same way. They never do," Silver said.

        His words were scaring (y/n) as though he'd turned into a different person and she involuntarily took a step back. "Silver...?" she said. "A friend isn't someone you cast away when things get tough. What makes you so sure that Crystal and Gold are even your friends? How can you be sure that we're even friends? If you keep lying to everyone, making them think that you're okay, everything is going to backfire on you," Silver said. (Y/n) lowered her head for she knew his words to be true.

       "Hey, look at me," Silver said as he lifted (y/n)'s chin so that they made eye contact. "Don't cry. We're too similar for you to waste the opportunity to tell me what's on your mind. In fact, I want to do the same. I don't want what happened to me to happen to you. I can't lose another friend. I won't be able to stand it," Silver said, his voice now a lot softer than the aggressive one he'd just been using. Even with Silver telling her not to cry, she couldn't help it because Silver, someone that she barely knew, understood her pain so well.

        Again, (y/n) received another hug from Silver and they stood there with Silver constantly telling her that she'd be okay. He really was a good person afterall, he'd just gone through some hardships was all. "Thank you," (y/n) whispered as Silver wiped the remainder of her tears away. Silver said nothing in reply but he did nod. For a moment, they just stood there, staring at one another as if trying to see into each other's pasts. "Silver...?" (y/n) said, panicking a little as he leaned toward her a bit.

        "What?" he said. "You're a bit close," (y/n) muttered. Silver said nothing more and kissed (y/n)'s cheek. "You're the first person I've ever felt this comfortable around," Silver said before he backed away from her, a light blush on his face. "Be careful. There aren't many people that those like us can trust," (y/n) said as she tried to remain as calm as possible. "I don't see what the problem is if you're just like me. Besides, you didn't seem to care about that when I kissed you," Silver said.

        "What did you do that for anyway?" (y/n) asked as she poked her cheek on the spot that Silver kissed. "I don't really know. Green used to do that all of the time when we were kids. She said it shows that you really like someone when it's someone that isn't family," Silver explained as he scratched the back of his head. "Green? Who's that?" (y/n) asked. "Oh, I guess you could say she's my sister. We're not related by blood but we're more like family than my actual relatives are," Silver said.

        "Oh...but back to what you said earlier. Do your actions mean that you really like me? We just became friends you know," (y/n) teased. "W-what?! It's not like that I swear! You were crying and I didn't really know what to do!" Silver nearly shouted. "It's okay. I was only joking around. I know you were only trying to make me feel better. We should get going though. The wild pokémon are starting to wake up," (y/n) said as she playfully punched Silver's arm.

        Silver playfully punched her arm back before following after her. "Do you even know how to get out of this forest?" Silver asked. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't," (y/n) replied. "There you go being enigmatic again," Silver muttered. "Oh so now I'm the enigmatic one. If I remeber correctly, you were supposed to be the enigmatic one," (y/n) said. "We don't actually know each other, remeber," Silver said. "That doesn't help either of our cases!" (y/n) pointed out. They both shared a laugh as they walked by each other's sides.

        It was then that (y/n) felt like being a bit bold after realizing something. She caught hold of Silver's hand as they walked and he gave her a confused and questioning look but said nothing. "How about we make a deal. If you can make it out of this forest without letting go of my hand, then you will be admitting that you do like me. If not, you'll let me hand go, admitting that you don't. If for any reason you let go of my hand but intended to keep it there, you'd have to do whatever you can to get my hand again considering whether or not I let you," (y/n) said.

        "It sounds more like a game than a deal to me. I don't benefit at all in either situation," Silver said glancing at her. "Well I suppose you could add a rule to the game then after we leave the forest," (y/n) said with a shrug. Just as dhe finished speaking, a group of pokémon lept out in front of them, blocking the pathway. Silver and (y/n) stopped in their tracks. "These pokémon aren't wild!" (y/n) noted.

        Just as she was about to reach for Tabunne's pokéball, she was suddenly grabbed by someone she knee for sure wasn't Silver. Silver's hand was ripped away from her and (y/n) faught her captor as hard as she could but was suddenly hit. (Y/n) yelped in pain, hearing Silver call out to her. She was suddenly released and pulled into a tight embrace, one that she sort of recognized to be Silver's. Her head hurt but she was able to sense some nearby wild pokémon. "Help us," (y/n) said before she blacked out.

Oops....I may or may not have gotten (reader) knocked out. I guess we'll have to figure out what happens some other chapter. Until next time you great readers!

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