Chapter 21

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Looks like I'm doing pretty good to be updating every day huh. Just a little more to go and I'll make it to the end.

        As soon as Silver ran after his father for whatever reason, (y/n) and Gold stepped outside of the Pokémon Center as well but they didn't run after Silver. Gold stopped (y/n) before she could follow after him. "Let him get a moment with his father. He probably has something important to say to him," Gold had said. For a moment, everything had seemed perfectly fine and (y/n) wasn't worried one bit...until the Team Rocket members started to appear from everywhere, walking from behind buildings and other questionable places.

        Immediately, (y/n) released Tabunne and planned to fight her way out of the situation alongside Gold who had released his Cyndaquil. It was at this very moment that Crystal exited the Pokémon Center and Silver turned around with shock written in his features as he ran back towards them. "Which one of you is the girl we're looking for? Is it you...or you?" a random Team Rocket member said as she sequentially pointed at Crystal and (y/n). "Why ask when we can just take them both and get it over with?" another said.

        "What? Since when was Team Rocket after (y/n)?!" Crystal blurted out. Gold facepalmed and (y/n) shot the girl a glare but her words had already been heard. "Either that one is weird and talks in third person or she isn't the one boss told us to capture," yet another said. "I don't have time for this," (y/n) muttered to herself as she gave Tabunne a single glance that let her know that she could go all out. It was then that Silver skidded to a halt in front of (y/n), placing himself in harms way on purpose just as a pokémon lept from the shadows.

        Luckily, Cyndaquil was able to knock the pokémon aside before it came in contact with Silver. "Please pay attention to your surroundings," Silver said as he released Totodile. "Hey! I was...I was paying attention, I just didn't know it was there. Ghost types are hard for even me to pick up on," (y/n) said. "I don't get it. Why is Team Rocket after you, (y/n)? Could you somehow be working with them?" Crystal inquired as she also released a pokémon to help fight, Chikorita.

        "If we explain things to you, you'll just question us or get confused. Ni, (y/n) is not working with or for Team Rocket. It wouldn't make sense for her to be their target if she was," Gold said a bit bitterly just before commanding his pokémon to perform a fire type attack on the opposing team's pokémon. "He knew. Giovanni somehow knew about (y/n)'s abilities. He planned this whole thing. Coming her was somehow a setup," Silver said as he sidestepped a pokémon that (y/n) promptly knocked aside.

        She apologized to the pokémon, not believing in harming it because of its trainer but she had no choice. "How could it be possible for Giovanni to have known about my ability? I thought you said that only you and Gold were brought back in time," (y/n) said. "We were. There was no one else around or that pokémon would have told me so," Silver said. "Pokémon? What pokémon? I thought the tree brought us back in time," Gold said in confusion.

        "Less talking, more defending. I'm starting to put things together here and it isn't looking so good," Crystal snapped. "You're one to talk. This wouldn't even be happening if you hadn't told Giovanni where we were headed!" (y/n) snapped back. Tabunne responded to her emotion and brutally attacked a foe. "Look, I'm sorry. I had no idea all of this craziness would take place. Silver really did nearly get me killed though so could you really blame me?" Crystal said as her Chikorita retreated a bit.

        "We can't last much longer like this. Tabunne is (y/n)'s only pokémon and I know for a fact that Crystal and I each only have two others left," Gold said just after Cyndaquil powered through a rouch attack. "What are you idiots waiting for? We're Team Rocket! Since when have we been worried aboit trainer's honor?" Giovanni suddenly boomed from where he stood watching the battle take place. "See! Didn't I tell you trainer's honor was a thing!" Gold remarked.

        "Now isn't the time," (y/n) said in a slightly threatening tone. "I hate to ask but (y/n), are there any nearby pokémon that you could get to help us out?" Silver said, glancing back at her anxiously. "I've already tried but it seems any wild pokémon that would have been in the area are somewhere else or asleep against their will. I've been sensing some ill will throughout the area surrounding the city," (y/n) said. The Team Rocket memebrs had began to put their pokémon away and were now inching towards them waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

        "Back into the Pokémon Center! We'll be safe in there. Nurse Joy won't let us get taken away!" Crystal said. "If we go in there, we'll be even more cornered than we already are! Besides, Nurse Joy can't stop all of these people," Gold said. (Y/n) smirked. "She might not be able to, but I can at least gice her some work to do by beating a majority of these people until they have no choice but to beg for her care," (y/n) said with a creepy look. She saw Gold flinch and Crystal's look of horror but Silver remained unphased by her comment.

        "If we can create an opening, we'll be able to get you out of here, (y/n). I'll go with my father and do my best to convince him to leave you alone. I'm sure I can trust that you'll keep (y/n) out of trouble, right Gold?" Silver said. "Uh, sure but don't you think your plan is risky?" Gold said. "Going with Team Rocket shouldn't be an option for you, Silver," (y/n) said. "If it means saving you, then it's always an option. I'll come back, I promise," Silver said.

        The simple statement warmed her heart and she found herself falling for Silver despite not knowing him very well. "You better not break that promise," (y/n) said as she got ready to take off. "Alright, let's do this," Silver said just before he dashed forward. Gold, (y/n), and Crystal followed his lead with (y/n) being protected in the center of the group. "Don't let them get away! Seriously, do I have to do everything myself," Giovanni could be heard saying.

        As soon as one person would catch hold of anyone in the trio protecting her, (y/n) would lash out on them without mercy. It wasn't long before (y/n) made it out of the crowd unharmed. "Go! Get as far away from here as you can!" Silver instructed. (Y/n) nodded and left although she felt a bit of guilt despite knowing that it was Silver's wish for her to do so. Crystal and Gold weren't too far behind her either.

        (Y/n) didn't get too far before she heard it though, Silver's sudden cry of pain. It stopped her in her tracks and she whipped back around seeing that Giovanni had actually harmed his own son. "That's right, come back here if you value Silver's well-being," Giovanni said as he held one of Silver's arms behind him in a very uncomfortable position. "Don't you dare, (y/n)! Keep going and don't turn back!" Silver shouted just before Giovanni pulled his arm to silence him.

        (Y/n) saw the pleading in Silver's eyes and decided to obey it, his last order. She didn't get to turn all the way around though. Silver let out another cry of pain that was surely involuntary. "What will be your choice? You are the only one who can control Ho-oh afterall," Giovanni said. (Y/n) returned his mocking gaze with one that was cold tet full of burning hatred. "Well?"

Looks like I need to get some things revealed in the next chapter. Until next time you spectacular readers!

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