Chapter 10

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And we're back. I don't really have an author's note but I do have a chapter.

       ...but by no means were things even close to being okay. When Silver woke up, he was cold and alone. Not even his pokémon were with him. The room that he was in was too dark for him to see very much and there weren't many things decorating the room either. Where was everyone else? He panicked as he realized that he didn't know if Crystal, Gold, or especially (y/n) were alright or not. He winced in pain as he tried to sit up from the floor, failing to do so and falling back to the floor.

        His side radiated a particular discomforting burning sensation that he didn't appreciate. "He's awake now. You can go come down to see him," Silver heard someone say from the outside of the closed door. Silver whimpered a bit as he realized that he was now back in the hands of Team Rocket. "I have to escape," Silver thought. He looked around the room for a good bit of time trying to find something to help him escape, something to use as a weapon, or somewhere to escape to.

        He flinched when the door to the dark room was suddenly opened. Streams of light hit his face and he retreated from them for they were too bright. A single person entered the room, one that seemed familiar but Silver couldn't tell because of the darkness that once again filled the room. "Silver, are you alright?" the person said. Silver immediately felt pain in his heart when he heard the voice that was all too familiar to him. He refused to answer.

        "I heard that some insignificant grunts harmed you before you could wake up. I've gotten rid of them so you don't need to worry. I'm sorry that you weren't taken care of a bit better while being brought here," the person spoke as they got closer to Silver. "Stay away from me," Silver whispered. He either wasn't heard or just simply ignored. "I should have come for you sooner. You poor boy," the person said as they knelt down next to him.

        "I said stay away!" Silver yelped as the person began to reach out to him. Silver faught his pain and sat up, movimg away from the person that he certainly recognized. "Don't be that way. I came all this way to make sure that you were okay," the person said. "Shut up," Silver seethed. The man sighed. "That girl said something about you not getting enough hugs. Do you want one now? That would make you feel better wouldn't it?" the man said.

        Silver glared at this man, none other than his father, Giovanni of Team Rocket. "Stay away from me you lying evil bastard," Silver growled. "That's no way to talk to your father now is it? I guess it is to be expected. The world has treated you so unfairly hasn't it. Your own friends neglected you...but I won't. That's why I wanted you to come back home," Giovanni said. Silver's glare didn't falter. If anything, it got worse.

        Giovanni suddenly stood up but surprised Silver when he pulled him up with him so that he was now standing. Even more to Silver's surprise, his father hugged him and Silver didn't know how to react. His father had never done such a thing before, ever. All of the anger and hatred he had for his father slowly began to vanish and was replaced by confusion and sorrow. Silver shook a bit before he began to cry, allowing his father to hug him as he did.

        "See. That wasn't so bad. It's good to have you back home," Giovanni said as he let Silver go, placing his hands on Silver's shoulders. "Let's first get you out of this room," his father said as he guided him out of the door. Once Silver's had wiped his eyes and adjusted them to the light, he saw that Team Rocket's base had gotten upgraded since his last visit. "You've got a lot to catch up on as my successor. I have a new plan to share with you. I'm sure the world will..." Giovanni was saying as they began to walk down the polished halls, but Silver had begun to ignore him.

        The moment his father had let him go, Silver felt empty again and he recognized the undeniable deceit radiating from his father. "Where is she?" Silver said, cutting his father off. Giovanni stopped in his tracks. "Where is who? You'll need to be more specific," Giovanni said. He seemed genuinely happy but Silver knew better than to fall for his bull crap. "Don't play dumb. Where is (y/n)?" Silver snapped. "Oh, her. She's a key player in this game called our plan. I asure you that she's being well taken care of," Giovanni said but that was the last thing Silver wanted to hear.

        The last time he'd said something like that..."this is the key player in our game which is our plan. Mewtwo is being well taken care of as you can see." Silver's eyes widened in shock. "You didn't," Silver denied as he shook his head and backed sway from his father. "What are you talking about? What didn't I do?" Giovanni inquired. "How could you ne so insensitive?" Silver whispered as tears began to fill his eyes. "Silver, don't you walk away from me," Giovanni said in a stern tone as he noticed Silver's actions.

        Silver quickly turned around and fled ignoring his father's roar. "Get back here this instant!" he yelled after him but Silver had a priority. Her ran to the one place he hoped she wasn't, passing the members of Team Rocket along the way. They must have assumed he was trying to escape because a few chased after him but he didn't care. It wasn't long before Silver found himself in the lab that Mewtwo had once been held in. He was devastated when he saw (y/n) in its place, floating in the same strange liquid that Mewtwo used to float in. Mewtwo had long since been taken from Team Rocket though.

       She had tubes and wires connected to her and the people in the lab were performing various tests. "(Y/n)!" Silver cried out as he ran up to the glass. The scientists in the room were startled by his sudden appearance and outburst. There was no response from the girl but even so, Silver punched the glass in an attempt to break it despite the fact that Mewtwo was never able to. "Let her out!" Silver demanded as he turned to a scientist who backed away from him in fear.

        "Silver, calm yourself. She's perfectly fine," Giovanni said, just having arrived. "She isn't some science experiment! Let her go!" Silver yelled at his father. Giovanni waved ahand and two of his lackeys went over to Silver, likely to restrain him. Silver wasn't about to allow it and immediately lashed out on the nearest one only for a scientist who didn't seem to be afraid of his outburst caught hold of him. The two grunts, one of which Silver had gotten a good hit on, held him back as his father walked over to him.

        Giovanni stood next the restrained Silver and forced him to look at (y/n). "Look at her. She's sleeping so peacefully. Do you want to disrupt that peace? Her ability will help our plan succeed. If you hadn't found her, then this would be a lot harder than it is now. To think someone like this existed. Good work," Giovanni said and he waved a hand so that Silver was then released. Silver collapsed onto the floor in grief.

         "It's all my fualt. Why did I let her get to know me? Why didn't I shut her out like everyone else?" Silver thought. Suddenly, alarms in the laboratory started going off. "There's a lot of brain activity going on! It's too much. She might be waking up!" one scientist said. "She's going into a state of shock! We need to get her out of there!" another said. Silver looked up just in time to see (y/n) snapping her eyes open.

Who's ready for a blast to the past? In the next chapter of Déjà until next time you awesome readers!

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