Chapter 18

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I want to quickly finish this book so updates are going to be more frequent, probably every day until I get the last chapter done. Hope you guys don't mind that.

        "Wait so you way. That actually happened?" (y/n) said with slight disbelief. Silver and Gold both nodded to confirm that their words were true. "I shouldn't have let you go with them. I should have gone alone and forced my father to shut down the machine," Silver said. "Hey, don't blame yourself. I don't know exactly what your like right now but I know that what happened couldn't have been your fault," (y/n) said.

        Silver seemed to flinch when she mentioned not knowing what he was like and she suddenly felt bad about it. A year and almost a half. That's how much time Silver claimed to have spent with her, making memories and traveling together. The fact that (y/n) didn't recall any of it made perfect sense but it still made her feel bad. Silver obviously lived her and probably knew all about her yet she was completely clueless about him other than what she remembered.

        Gold and Silver had explained that they'd somehow come back from the future but even so, (y/n) wanted to remember the events of the future that had still yet to happen. "And I was able to actually control Ho-oh long enough to let you all escape. I'm glad to have saved you two," (y/n) said with a smile. "Please...don't say that and smile like that. It's not right," Silver said. (Y/n) tilted her head, not sure as to why Silver would say something like that.

        "You shouldn't be so willing to die for people who failed you," Silver muttered. Gold nodded in agreement. "You guys didn't fail me. None of that stuff happened as far as I know. You two have the chance to make right whatever you made wrong," (y/n) said. "I don't deserve this second chance though. I was so mad with you when I found out about your past and I let that get in the way of the person you became. You'd died before I had the chance to fix things," Gold said.

        "Everyone deserves a second chance, right?" (y/n) said. Silver sighed. "Does everyone really deserve one? My father knew you'd died and he didn't even seem to care," Silver said. "I can't tell you for sure whether or not he deserves a second chance. It's not my place to decide. All I know is that you and Gold got your second chances so you two better not waste it! You've got a future to protect," (y/n) said with a thumbs up. "Yeah, we do don't we," Silver muttered.

        The area remained relatively silent afterwards aside from the wild pokémon that were in the area around them. They made a small camp in the woods not too far from the main trail so that they could rest for the night. They would be entering Violet City in the morning and figuring out their plan of action. "Well, I think I'm going to head off to sleep. Whoever goes to sleep last has to put the fire out," Gold said.

         He went over to his area in the frass that he'd claimed for himself and went to sleep alongside his Cyndaquil which had graciously provided them with fire. "I'll get Totodile to do it in a minute," Silver said. He glanced at (y/n) as though he wanted to say something but kept silent. "You okay? All of this must be hard on you," (y/n) said. "I'm okay for now. I'm just a little worried is all. I don't know what's going to happen now that everything that happened in that year will now be different," Silver said.

         "Then don't worry about that year. You should take things one day at a time," (y/n) said. Silver let out a slight laugh. "Sounds just like something you'd say. You were always one to stay positive even if you weren't feeling positive on the inside," Silver said. "You say that like I'm still dead," (y/n) said. "I didn't mean it like that it's just...technically all of that time that I soent with you no longer even exists. It's kind of frustrating," Silver said as he met (y/n) gaze. She smiled at him.

         "I knew you were a good guy. Already thinking about the adventure we went on huh? Well how about we do the exact same things that we did laat time? Will that make you feel better?" (y/n) said. Silver nodded. "If we make it past this first trial," he muttered. "Not if but when we make it past this first trial. I'm sure I can trust you with my life if I was so willing to give it up for your sake. No offense, Gold, but I don't think I'd give my life for people who didn't treat me fairly," (y/n) said.

         "How'd you know I wasn't asleep?" Gold asked in alarm yet not moving even an inch from his spot. "You're Gold. I've known you long enough to know just how nosey you really are," (y/n) said. Gold sighed in defeat. "Yeah whatever. You two need to get some sleep and Silver, stop worrying so much. Team Rocket is not going to win this time. I swear that on my honor as a trainer," Gold said. "What honor?" Silver joked.

          Gold immediately shot up from his spot, startling his Cyndaquil. "What do you mean what honor?! I showed up to stop Team Rocket's schemes and I accepted every challenger that came at me as I made my way up that tower. Do you know how many times Cyndaquil and I had to battle? Yeah so what if Crystal was there too. I did most of the fighting! How does that not give me honor as a pokémon trainer?!" Gold said, surprisingly being completely serious about the matter.

         "Just go to sleep you two. We've got an important day tomorrow," (y/n) said as she retreated to her spot in the grass. She felt Silver's gaze on her as he released his Totodile. The fire went out soon after and (y/n) tried to go to sleep but found that she couldn't. She nearly yelped in surprise when Silver appeared next to her. He lay in the grass across from her not saying a word. "You okay?" (y/n) whispered. Silver nodded.

         "I want to keep an eye on you since I won't be able to sleep," he whispered back. "You need to at least try to get some sleep," (y/n) scolded. "No. I'm not letting my guard down," Silver stubbornly replied. (Y/n) deadpanned at him but gave up. Although she didn't know Silver as well as he knew her, she could tell that his care was genuine and he seriously wouldn't be going to sleep any time soon.

Let's see...maybe seven more chapters. I'm thinking seven chapters is good. Well, until next time you spectacular readers!

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