Chapter 4

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I got another chapter here for you guys! Read on to find out what happens next...

        Maybe it was how odd she was and how similarly opposite of him she acted at times. Perhaps it was her creepily accurate perception that allowed her to see right through him and guess things about him that he wouldn't have told anyone otherwise. Maybe it was because she was downright stubborn. Whatever the reason, Silver found himself not minding the girl's presence. He had been so shocked when she hugged him that he hadn't pushed her away and still didn't even after he'd processed what happened. He'd made her promise not to tell anyone that he had been crying though.

        After all of that, he'd gotten his Murkrow to dry them both off a bit although their clothes were still a little damp. "It's possible that those people are still searching for you in Azalea town but we're going to head there anyway and confront them if we have to. I won't lose a pokémon battle and since you beat me, there's no way you'd lose either," (y/n) was saying as they walked. Silver began to tune her out a bit as he thought about those Team Rocket idiots.

        One of them was Proton and Silver wasn't very fond of the man...not that he liked anyone from Team Rocket anyway. If Proton was out looking for him along with that idiot trio of Team Rocket lackeys, then the situation must have been serious. What would Giovanni want him back so badly for though? "Silver, how come you're so lost in your thoughts, huh? I'm trying to talk to you ya know," (y/n) said as she nudged his arm to get his attention.

        "Huh? What are you talking about?" Silver said as he turned his attention to her. "Nevermind. I guess we'll just walk around Azalea town asking for your pursuers to find us. That's a way better plan than the one I was just explaining to you," (y/n) deadpanned with a bit of sarcasm. It sort of surprised Silver since he hadn't expected her to react that way. Usually when he ignored people, the ignored him back or simply complained without sarcasm.

        His surprise must have shown on his face because (y/n) laughed at him. "You're hilarious when you aren't glaring or frowning at someone. But seriously, now I'll have to retell the plan," (y/n) said. This time Silver listened and it wasn't that bad of a plan. Silver had faught (y/n) before so he knew she was at least capable of handling all three of Proton's idiots at once. They were going to purposely walk out in the open in order to catch Proton's attention but Silver found it funny that (y/n) refered to Proton as the "not as stupid idiot" since she didn't know what his name was.

        Silver didn't plan on telling her since the replacement name she used was quite amusing. If they were not spotted by Proton or the idiot trio before getting to the Pokémon Center, then (y/n) would tell her story or at least summarize it for him. They were getting close to Azalea Town and would be there very soon too. "I hope they find us before we get there. I wouldn't want to leave the pokémon center only to have to return. Tabunne can't heal herself because she chose to heal others," (y/n) ranted just before they entered the city.

        Silver glanced at her but was a bit surprised when Proton fell into his line of sight as he look a little further past (y/n). "You're kidding. Were they seriously waiting for us to show up here or was this just coincidental," Silver muttered as Proton spotted him and hardened his somewhat worried gaze. "Huh?" (y/n) said as she noticed Silver reaching for one if his poképartners.

        She turned to follow Silver's gaze and did the same as him as Proton called for the idiot trio. They arrived, running up to where Proton stood. Fhere weren't many places for Silver or (y/n) to go if they'd chosen to run and hide. Azalea Town was rather small afterall. Proton stood in front of the well that many knew Azalea Town for with his three idiot lackeys behind him. "So we meet again!" one said. "We'll get you this time!" said the second. "Yeah, we have Proton here to help!" the third said.

        "Proton? Is that his name?" (y/n) muttered as she slowly walked forward, completely unafraid of the four adults in front of the well. "You must be the one that these three informed me about. You don't know what you're getting yourself into do you?" Proton said. Silver reached and pulled (y/n) back by the arm to which she shot him a look of protest.

        "You shouldn't get close to him. Those three might follow the unsaid rules of this world but I know for a fact that he doesn't. You won't be getting a fair pokémon battle if that's what you were expecting," Silver said as he let (y/n)'s arm go. Proton laughed at Silver's words. "It's amusing to see you acting that way, Silver. You didn't do that for Gold when he tried to do the same thing," Proton said. "Shut up!" Silver snapped.

        The last thing he wanted to think about was the past, the times when he and Gold weren't enemies. "It seems I hit a sore spot huh. No matter. I'm not here to taunt you. I'm here to take you back home. He still awaits your presence you know," Proton said. "Didn't he say shut up? Are you so stupid that you don't understand a phrase as simple as that one?" (y/n) said. Silver glanced at her seeing that she look quite angry.

        It was sort of scary, the look on her face. Proton was shocked by her words and actions as well. "To have the audacity to speak to me that're quite the fool," Proton said as he returned (y/n)'s glare. "We'll see who the fool is in a second when this fist goes right at your face!" (y/n) said as she was about to rush at Proton. Silver had to quickly grab hold of her and pull her back. He never would have guessed that he'd have to do so.

         "(Y/n), calm down," Silver said, not understanding why (y/n) was so upset by Proton who had smirked when Silver restrained (y/n). "You're just like them. No wonder Silver wants nothing to do with you. I don't even know him very well and I can already tell that you and him will never get along. You're nothing but scumb, you hear me!" (y/n) growled as she reached for her pokéball containing Tabunne. Silver stopped her, knowing that Proton wanted her to release her pokémon to attack.

        "Don't let him get to you. What happened to the calm and collected (y/n) you were a second ago?" Silver asked. He wasn't very familiar with the girl but he was almost sure that she didn't have such a short temper. "She disappeared the moment I heard them. His pokémon. Their cries for help, for freedom. He's just like those Team Plasma people. I can't stand it," (y/n) said as she tore from Silver's grip. Proton gave her a look of confusion.

        "Team Plasma? Never heard of that name. You must mean us, Team Rocket, which would makes sense since I am very similar to my fellow admins," Proton said as he reached for a pokéball himself. "(Y/n) this wasn't a part of your plan. How do you expect me to trust you if you can't even listen to me in a state like this," Silver said. (Y/n) looked back at him woth a bit of regret and recognition in her eyes. She sighed and turned back to Proton.

        "You're right. I should listen to you. This is your problem afterall. I'm just here to help," (y/n) said with a nod. Silver let out a small sigh of relief before stepped forward to (y/n)'s side. "He won't fight fairly so you'll need to watch carefully. Ready?" Silver asked as he released Totodile. "Thanks to you I am. I lost it for a bit there. Let's do this," (y/n) said with a grin. Silver couldn't help but smile a bit which was very uncommon for him. "Then let's go," Silver said as the four Team Rocket members released their pokémon as well.

Yes, I know I ended the chapter right before the fight actually happens. The suspense should help with the story experience. Until next time you awesome readers!

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