After You Read

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Glad you awesome readers could make it. Welcome to the after you read chapter! The book officially comes to an end here but this is where I get and give feedback about this here book plus the sequel information...

So here goes some organized randomness as well as some important info...

Sequel?: Yes my awesome readers, there shall be a sequel...however it won't immediately be released. Although I habe recently decreased the number of books I am currently writing, I still have others that have tet to be done and I wish to release those drafts to the public as new books. I'll keep you guys updated on that sequel though. If anything happens, it will be on my message board.

Thank Yous?: Of course you guys get thanked! Thank all of you for making it this far (even if you literally just skipped to this part) because every read counts! I really appreciated the comments, they were great (and probably still are). If you guys voted and/or commented then you get plus thank you points!

Future Plans: Asnof right now, i want to do anoter bokk for a different pokémon rival. They are from the Unova region and their goal was to obtain the pokémon their sister once lost in the past. If you can guess who, then you're awesome.

So that should be it. I'll have to go back and do some editing though so yeah...

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