Chapter 19

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Yup, maybe seven more chapters until the books ends. Might just be less than that depending on how things play out, but don't worry about that stuff right now. Here's the next chapter...

        Just as Silver thought. Team Rocket was relentless and wouldn't stop searching for him until he went with them. He'd nearly forgotten how obsessed Team Rocket had been with finding him until he remembered why (y/n) had ended up in Team Rocket's hideout in the first place. Yes, it had been his fault. He was the reason, or so he told himself, but none of that mattered at the moment.

        Right now he was more concerned with Proton and his Team Rocket lackeys who thought they were being slick by sneaking up on a group of teenagers they assumed to be asleep. They were mostly covered by the area around them but there was still the "All we need to do is snag the red head right?" one whispered. "Shut up you idiot. You'll wake them up," Proton hissed but what he didn't know was that none of them were sleep.

        Gold was faking sleep again for he couldn't fall asleep even if he tried and (y/n) simply had her etes closed to give them a break. Both of these were facts that Silver nor Proton knew but they were sure to find out soon enough. Proton and his lackeys were approaching him from behind and didn't realize that his eyes were wide open as he watched their shadows approach him. Would it be so bad to let them simply take him back to Team Rocket's hideout without (y/n) or Gold?

         Proton also didn't know about (y/n)'s ability and neither did Archer so it was safe to assume that Giovanni would never find out if (y/n) isn't even brought into the picture. "What do you people think you're doing huh? Kidnapping is a crime you know," Gold said, not even moving as he lay still in the grass. Proton froze in place and so did the idiot trio behind him. "I was going to actually try going to sleep too but I guess you guys ruined that," (y/n) said as she opened her eyes with a surprisingly terrifying glare.

        "This is none of your business. Silved knows that he's supposed to return to Team Rocket and that's final," the third of the idiot trio blurted out. "What do you say, Gold? Want to redeem your trainer's honor? They'd go down pretty easily if we team up, right Silver," (y/n) said as she sat up from the grass. Proton, as well as his three followers, took a few steps back as if they knew just how dangerous (y/n) could get when enraged.

        "This isn't a matter that Totodile can't handle," Silver nodded as he also got up from the grass. "Then let's take them down," Gold said, already standing with his angry Cyndaquil by his side. The three Team Rocket memebers behind Proton shared looks of fear before they ran away. When Proton realized he was by himself, he ran too, which Silver thought was rather pathetic but he wasn't complaining.

         "So much for sleep. I can't seem to be able to," Gold muttered as he rubbed his eyes. It was obvious that they were all tired but unable to sleep for their own personal reasons. "Then how about we go ahead and go to Violet City. I don't usually travel at night though so we'll need to be careful," Silver suggested. (Y/n) and Gold nodded in agreement so the three of them cleaned up the area they'd been in, gathered their things and pokémon, and headed to Violet city.

        Silver, out of habit, took hold of (y/n)'s hand which startled her. Realizing that he was in the past, he quickly let her hand go. "Sorry,'s a habit," Silver muttered. (Y/n) only shook her head at him and took his hand again. "It's alright. It's the least I can do to thank you for coming back in time to save my life," (y/n) said with a smile. Silver probably would have said something else if Gold hadn't spoken though. "I'm right here. Seriously you two. Take that couples stuff somewhere else," Gold grumbled.

         "Oh shut up Gold. You're just mad because Crystal dumped you," (y/n) snapped which Silver winced at because she might have been going a bit too far. "She didn't dump me! I dumped her!" Gold snapped. "Yeah whatever. We should get going," (y/n) said before Gold could say anything else. Getting there didn't take too long and not a single wild pokémon decided to attack them. Silver guessed that to be because of (y/n) but he didn't ask her to confirm it.

        "The Pokémon Center is always open. We can head there to talk," (y/n) pointed out. "It's better than staying out here. It's so dark amd eerie that it's giving me the creeps," Gold muttered. Since (y/n) hadn't been to Violet City before, Silver led the way to the Pokémon Center. He found himself remembering the first time he'd taken (y/n) to it back in the future...past future...uh, whatever it's called, he didn't know.

        "Now I know something new about you, Silver. You space out whenever you're deep in thought," (y/n) noticed. Silver didn't realize she'd been analyzing his every action and suddenly felt a bit embarrassed. "It's alright. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just who you are, right?" she said with a smile. "Yeah but it also makes him seem a bit dull minded when he doesn't answer your questions," Gold teased.

        "I'm not dull minded by far. I've just been through a lot, that's all," Silver said. " have I," (y/n) said as he demeanor saddened a bit right before they entered the Pokémon Center. Silver wanted to cheer her back up but wasn't given the opportunity to because standing there waiting for them in the Pokémon Center was none other than Giovanni. What surprised the trio even more was that Crystal was there too. "Well look who finally showed up. It's good to see you son," Giovanni said. Silver, (y/n), and Gold were shocked into silence.

I kept my word. One chapter everyday until I finish the book. It won't be long. Until next time you miraculous readers!

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