My Time to shine.

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I wake up get dressed and went downstairs like any normal day, but this time kurogiri stops me "Hey kid! hold up you don't have to go to school because we have something to do, Today is a hero test where your class has to go to a dome where it puts on a simulation of a natural environment to test your skills but the whole L.O.V is going to ruin that and trap the students in an environment  where they are weak at and assassinate Aizawa Shoto your homeroom teacher and known for being the Eraser head All for one will give the mission briefing and assist us from the outside and also since from what we told U. A, you are in a rich family and that family does business and you will be the next head so we told them that you are preparing for that and told them to not say anything to the students just in case," Kurogiri explains in a long time while I was still standing next to the door about to open it.

The door opens and it was Saki oh yeah kurogiri said that the whole L.O.V is joining us. "Yo! Izuku you've grown since the last time I saw you!" Saki said while hugging me. "Hey! Get your hands off my baby!" Himiko says while snatching me back, Saki lets me go and winks at me...I put my hands on my face and just sigh. "Ok! Some of our members are meeting us at the dome but our plan will be, Izuku you will look out from the top and warp the people to the environment they are weak in, you can do that by trapping all of the members in your shadow and someone will stop time while you figure it out and put Toga in to steal one of the stronger kid's blood to disguise as them and Tomura you go in with the Nomus and be back up but Izuku you can hide yourself in the shadows and get rid of the back up arriving while I and the others hack the system to lock the doors and do some background work, Got it?" All For one says while sitting down and getting some coffee "...But what if All Might comes?" I ask "Well...I won't be there because if I get caught all of L.O.V will get caught too so...thats why Toga is there she will distract All Might and get his blood, Well try to and Izuku you can use your shadow trap All Might and knock him out in your world if you need to, But our main focus is Eraser Head." All For One says."Ok L.O.V Let's Go!" Kurogiri shouts and he warps us close to the dome and We met up with all the other people including Dabi and we get in our spots and wait for Class 1-A to come.

Class 1-A's p.o.v(third person)

"Ok! Class Izuku will not be joining us and same with Bakugou! Today we will be doing our dome test," Aizawa says to the whole class Ochako sitting in her desk questions why Deku isn't present she remembers that Bakugou said that Deku was crazy about this dome he wouldn't care if he was sick he would still go. Kirishima one of Bakugou's close friends seems to be very suspicious of what Aizawa said, what if Izuku didn't come because of bakugou He will try to hurt him but from what I see from Izuku's behaviour he wouldn't care...and I'm sure Bakugou wouldn't want to miss a chance to prove himself and beat people up... Kirishima thought as they went on the bus to the dome. Iida saw something a black shadow from the corner of his eye out the window, He looks back and nothing was there he knew something was not right he could feel it but brushed it off but he knew something he felt something...should he have alerted Aizawa?. 

A/N first third person pov so if it was bad ye and cliffhanger too suck it XP and the black shadow was in fact deku so ye.

Word Count: 707 words.


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