The Troublesome Trio

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"Okay! Today we are going to be sorted into teams!" Kurogiri said to everyone "Okay, D-rank will be Saki, Tenshia and Raido." Saki was a D-rank which is the lowest ranked team with stupid missions and Kurogiri goes on for C and b rank now only 2 ranks left and 6 people left, "A-rank will be, Dabi, Tomura and Me. Which means Ochako, Himiko and Izuku you guys are S-Rank!" Kurogiri congratulates us with a hug and so does the whole LOV. "I can't believe it! S-Rank?!" Ochako Says jumping on me "Oi! Get your hands off my Darling~!" Himiko shouts and pulls me back and I don't know if it was just me but while Ochako and Himiko stared down at each other they had like lightening sparks connected just battling like red and pink...I separate them "Babe, You know that I wouldn't trade you for the world, I love you to the moon and back," I say cheesily and kiss her forehead, "Awe, Darling you're so sweet~," Himiko says hugging me tightly.

We decided that since we were a team we should be more friendly by that I mean Ochako and Himiko should, "Ooo, Darling is deep in thought~!" Himiko shouts but not too loud so other people can hear, "Is it about me? Or bed~," "W-What?! You did it with her?!!" Ochako shouts I remain silent at the topic and Ochako storms off and I chase after her, Himiko chases behind me, I finally was able to catch her, "Hey! Ochako what's wrong?" I ask I know already but I want her to tell me so she can let it all out, "Let me go!" Ochako shouts and struggles I use my shadow to link us and she can't run away she has to face this as her friend I need to help her, "...Deku I-I I love...Y-You!" She shouts I don't feel the same but I don't want to stop being friends with her, "Ochako, Listen I may not feel the same but you are my friend and losing you hurts me as much as it hurts you, I am sorry but I just don't feel the same I hope that we can still be friends," I say calmly while embracing her she says nothing instead just cries on my shoulder.

Once she stopped I pulled away and looked at her, "Friends?" I say holding up a fist, "...Friends," She says and bumps it and we walk back where I  told Himiko to stay, "So, Darling time for our first team mission!" Himiko shouts and jumps I laugh and follow behind her and look back I put my hand out and smile at Ochako this wasn't a fake smile I felt it but it was meant for Ochako she looks at me and smiles and reaches out and runs with us at this moment nothing could tear the team down nothing could break us...but maybe that won't be so soon~

aye, guys cool you know its a rushed one but this is sorta a filler since I got an idea while trying to sleep and imma do dat so yep guys i am writing it rn peace peeps!

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