Book Five, Chapter Six

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Sitting we watch the film, she is really into it, I feel like yawning, and this film honestly needs to end, sitting I watch it all with her, cuddling on the sofa, straight after she puts on another film, she is not letting this opportunity go to waste.

"I should cook for you Master" Rebecca gets up off the sofa, my hands grasping hers and pulling her back down.

"No, I will cook, if you weren't here I would be anyway" 

I am grateful she doesn't argue. Her hands wrap around my neck, her body climbing on mine. Her lips kissing me, as her fingers start to take my shirt off.

"After kitten, let me cook for you" She nods climbing off me, walking to the kitchen my heart smiles at escaping the film, even if it is just while I cook. 

Standing cooking I know all I am doing is delaying going back to Maria and sorting things, in a way I am hoping when I do go back, she has calmed down, I am hoping she will realise she is wrong, and I did nothing wrong, sure I tried, but she refused, and I stopped straight away. 

Finishing cooking, I carry it through to her, sitting down, we watch the film and eat, this is the sort of thing me and Maria do, it isn't often me and Rebecca sit watching films.

"So, the mission, do you think, will be one week or two?" Time to get things sorted for me leaving.

"Two weeks kitten, why?" I always ask her why, whenever she asks me how long a mission is I ask her why, just in case she is thinking something that makes her wonder.

"I just wondered, so what are your rules for while you're away Master?" I don't think my rules have changed, the same as ever.

"No changes kitten, you play at least once a day to keep my pussy happy, men allowed off the list we have put together, and I want my pictures when I get back" 

Easy and simple rules, if I didn't set her rules she would complain at me, she likes her boundaries and rules even when I am away. Sitting we finish eating and watching the film, night coming quickly, getting up as the film finishes I turn it off.

"Bedtime Kitten" She nods and kisses me.

"Good night Master" Walking past me, I follow her, she goes to walk into her room, stopping her I pull her towards me.

"Not tonight, come sleep with me" Her eyes are assessing me, yes, this is something else we never do, but I am changing tonight. I put limits there, for Maria, limits so she wouldn't feel so bad, yet she doesn't limit James, she is limiting me, so tonight I will sleep with Rebecca, in my arms, in my bedroom where she has never been. 

Walking to my room, I pull her along with me, she is still looking at me like I am playing a trick on her, getting into the bedroom, I undress getting in bed, watching and waiting for her to join me.

"Honestly kitten, come to bed, I am not saying this will be okay every night, but tonight, yes, so come and enjoy it" Nodding, she begins getting undressed, my eyes watching her as she does, slowly climbing in the bed lying next to me, but with a gap. 

Clearly unsure if she should cuddle up or not, wrapping my arm around her, I pull her to me. I feel her body relax against mine, as she grows more tired, until she falls asleep, her body rolling over, her head resting against my chest. Closing my eyes, I wrap my arms around her, enjoying this moment, something that I don't know if I will let happen again. 

Waking up, it is too bright, how late have we slept in till? Rebecca is still asleep on me, and I don't want to wake her, grabbing my phone I look at the time. Nearly one pm, I will need to wake her soon, I have to go sort things with Maria, apologise for how I behaved and everything I said. Rebecca seems so relaxed, slowly moving I kiss her, trying to tempt her awake, her eyes slowly opening, her smile growing.

Seductive Vibrations Book Five To SixWhere stories live. Discover now