Book Six Chapter Eleven

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"I am still coming Georgina, I just forgot, you realise just because we did stuff together with Jackson does not mean he is going to start trying to rip your clothes off right? So taking me to distract him is useless" 

She laughs kissing the girls on the head.

"Are you ready to leave then?" Alena stands with her hands on her hips, defiantly waiting.

"You need to get MJ up and changed, Liam can't do that" I want to roll my eyes at her,

"There will be three of us here, I am sure between us we can manage, he will be tired from being woken up last night, just let him sleep" 

I look at Georgina and then to Alena, hoping I didn't overstep the mark.

"See sorted, now let's go because I want to ask about a new tattoo, Georgina rolls her eyes at Alena's comment, and I feel like I should go with them, but I know she will be safe. 

Liam looks at me, clearly on edge, his eyes raking over my body and I know Jackson has not told him.

"Sorry for freaking out before, I just saw you looking like you was ready to lunge for her" His eyes staying on me as he says it.

"Uncle Liam, can we have chocolate?" Katie stands smiling at him, I am grateful they are distracting him.

"I don't know what did your mum say?" He looks at them.

"She said we could have chocolate, she was going to tell Jo" Katie smiles, and Liam walks towards the kitchen, total sucker as always I laugh, and he turns to look at me.

"What?" He looks around him, noticing there is only him there to laugh at.

"She will get you in crap one of these days, Alena never mentioned chocolate" 

The sound of MJ crying making us both look towards the stairs, Liam looks awkward, clearly unsure what to do, why would they leave him with the kids?

"I will go" I walk upstairs Liam not arguing, walking to MJ's room he is stood in his cot crying, picking him up I look around, grabbing his clothes I help him get changed, holding his hand we walk downstairs, he sits at the table eating, Liam looking at us confused.

"How do you do that?" He looks at MJ clearly fascinated.

"Do what? Pick him up, get him changed and help him downstairs? It is really easy Liam, it is called using your hands and brain" He doesn't appreciate my sarcasm that is for sure.

"I mean, how do you get him to be fine with you? Whenever I am left with him he throws a fit, screaming the whole time, even when Alena is here, if I go to try to distract him while she cooked breakfast he will hit me."

"I don't know, I guess he just knows who real men are" I laugh sitting back in the chair.

"Not true, I am a real man, and you saw my struggles with him yesterday" I turn to Troy's voice he has a point there.

"Well, I don't know ask MJ" I sit drinking my coffee, MJ watching us quietly, I spend the day with MJ. 

Liam avoiding him as much as possible, he is right whenever he comes over to MJ to try to talk to him, he screams and kicks off, it makes me want to laugh but at the same time it is worrying, if at any point Liam needs to grab him and run it could cause trouble. 

Alena and Georgina walking in laughing, looking at me and MJ and then Liam with the girls.

"Really, keeping so much distance, you are in separate rooms Liam?" Alena laughs at him.

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