Book Six Chapter Twenty-Six

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Rolling over I get a sense of someone looking at me, opening my eyes MJ is stood there looking at me. Looking around I grab my phone, it is five AM.

"What are you doing up fella?" I sit up, and he stands smiling at me, okay this is weird.

"Shall we get you back to bed to sleep?" I go to get out of bed, and he shakes his head.

"I'm not tired. Can I play with my cars?" I think five AM is a bit early for him to be making car sounds.

"Is mummy and daddy up?" Why has he come in here? This boy baffles me.

"No, daddy put me back in bed, but I can't sleep" He moves climbing on the bed, his legs swinging down the side smiling at me.

"Okay, do you play games?" Is he too young for technology? Okay, this is just showing me how much I don't know about being a parent. 

I know I should probably take him back to bed but if he isn't going to sleep what is the point?

"I play pokemon" I laugh at his response, I don't have Pokemon or anything similar. Plugging in the PlayStation I load it up, flicking through the kid's games trying to find one he can do. 

Eventually, we settle for angry birds, buying it I set it up for him. He moves sitting back on the bed, beginning to play, he isn't too bad at it considering his age. At least my PlayStation has a use now, it has hardly been used.

"Your turn" He passes me the controller, and I sit and play, doing worse than him, I have a feeling he has played this game before now. 

Handing him the controller, I plug in the second one, sitting we play together, he stays quiet the whole time.

The door opening Alena running in looking concerned followed by relief at seeing MJ.

"Everything okay?" She nods and smiles.

"Just couldn't find him that is all. Breakfast is ready now anyway" I turn looking at the clock, 7:30AM, nearly three hours of angry birds.

"I see he got you to buy his favourite" She laughs shaking her head, I knew he had played this before, he is far too good for it to be his first attempt.

"Well that explains how he managed to beat my butt every time, I have never played this before" 

I stand up MJ following Alena out getting showered and changed I walk downstairs, Jackson looking far too amused.

"You got your arse whopped by a four-year-old" I shake my head, the girls covering their mouths and laughing.

"Okay, enough of the A word around the kids" I look at Jackson, and he realises.

"Yeah, don't repeat what daddy says please girls, your teacher isn't best pleased with me as it is" Alena laughs walking over.

"Come on girls, uniforms and ready for school, please. You as well MJ" They all huff and get up clearly finished breakfast walking upstairs together to get ready.

"Isn't he a little small to be going to school?" He looks it, he is nearly five, surely that is too young?

"Marcus, he is in reception, soon year one, he isn't too small for school" Nodding I accept her answer, I was hoping to spend the day with him, but I guess not.

"So what do you two do all day now then without the kids?" Okay, that was a stupid question I can probably guess.

"Work," They both say it together, well that is fun, isn't it.

"You can come with me, your office is still there" Jackson pointing out, I guess I could and make myself useful.

"While I remember, Peter is around tonight around eight or night, I need to sign the papers, and he needs to talk about Roxy and Jake" They both look at me shocked.

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