I'm Here For You- (Mother Spider)

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*Multiple updates. Go back to the Christmas one.*

Okay, so Ima do a few of these. They're short, but I liked writing them. So... Here ya go.

Peter walks through the Avengers compound, trying his best to be happy. Over all it was a pretty crappy day. He had been late for school that morning, he was pretty sure he failed his Spanish Quiz, and Flash has been bothering him more than usual. All if that combined and he was just exhausted.

He's on his way to his room where he can sulk in peace, when he runs into none other than Natasha Romanoff. He mumbles an apology as he tries to move around her, hiding his face as he moves toward his room. He thinks he may have gotten past her, when she grabs him by the shoulder and slowly turns him around.

"Hey ребенок паук. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, мама паук ."

"No, something's bothering you. You haven't been yourself lately."

"Please, just let me go..." Peter says as he tries to move past her again.

"Just talk to me. Please?" Peter sighs and nods as Natasha leads him to the common room.

Natasha sits on the couch, tucking her legs under her as Peter sits next to her. He stretches out on the couch and lies with his head in her lap. Natasha begins playing with his dark curls, something she's realized calms him down. "So what's bothering you?"

"Just a bad day I guess. I got detention for being late again. My grades are dropping. I'm just so tired all the time. And then there's Flash-"

"Who's Flash?"

"Some idiot kid I go to school with. He doesn't know when to quit. He's rude and won't leave me alone."

"So he's a bully?"

"Kinda. I mean it's not that bad. I could handle it."

"Has he ever hurt you? And I don't mean just physically."

"I mean yeah, his words hurt. But I've learned to move past it and just ignore him."

"Can I kill him?" Natasha asks.

"What?! No!"

"Not even a little bit?"

"No мама паук. You can't hurt Children."

"Yes I can. I might get arrested, but I can." Peter just laughs and closes his eyes. The feeling of Nat running her fingers through his hair is making him sleepy. He's fighting to keep his eyes open.

"мама паук?"


"Were you ever bullied?" Natasha gives him a sad sigh.

"All the time." Peter looks at her in surprise. One of the most dangerous people he'd ever known, had been bullied.


"Yep. I was seen as shy and awkward. People thought it was fun to pick on me because I wasn't as pretty as the other girls my age."

"I think you're beautiful Aunt Tasha." he says with a yawn. She can't stop the smile that comes to her face.

"Thank you." She says softly.

"Hey мама паук?"


"Will you sing to me?"

"Of course. What do you want to hear?"

"Can you sing (Russian for My little one because I don't speak Russian)?" Natasha nods as she continues to play with his hair, gently untangling his messy curls. She begins singing softly...

My little one

My darling dear

When you wake

I'll be here

Forever and Always

I'll hold you close

You're the one

I love the most


My little one

My morning star

You are safe

In my loving arms


Forever and Always

I'll hold you close

You're the one

I love the most...


She continues to sing as Peter's eyes close and he falls asleep. He must've been exhausted. Just as she finishes the song, the doors to the elevator open revealing a few more heroes. Rogers, Stark, Barton, and Wilson all step into the room, laughing and carrying on.

Stark is the first to spot the two on the couch, his kid fast asleep. Tony hits Clint (who is the loudest of the group) in the shoulder, effectively shutting him up. The rest of the group look over to the sleeping kid.

"How long has he been asleep?" Tony whispers.

"He just dozed off. So all of you keep quiet." They all nod before leaving the two spiders alone. Natasha sits with her ребенок паук silently promising that as long as she's around, nothing will ever harm her little one.


And there you have it. I hope this was okay. Remember to send in requests, and I thank you all for reading this. I've done more of these with different heroes. The next one will be with big sister Wanda.

I larb you all,


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