Apologies: A Film by Peter Parker

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[the video begins, an empty seat shown on the screen]

*off Camera*

Me: But what if they hate me?

Peter: They're not going to hate you.

Shuri: They might. I mean, she did just leave them without-

Harley: Shuri!

Shuri: What?

Harley: You're not helping!

Me: Guys, can we just get this over with? Maybe I should just send them several new chapters. Maybe then when I come back I may not be faced with angry readers.

MJ: Oh Woman up. *shoves me to the empty seat*

*everyone moves to sit within camera view*

Loki: *waves* Hello my Loki Army.

Tony: Hey Everyone!

Clint: Hey guys! Did you miss me? I bet you missed me.

Steve: *patriotic wave*

Me: Okay, so this video is being made as an apology. I've been gone for a while, I know. In fact, a lot of you probably stopped reading this book. And I'm soooooooo sorry. I honestly can't Express how sorry I am.

Clint: *raises his hand* Miss Author?

Me: Yes Clint?

Clint: Can I ask, why did you disappear?

Me: I was just getting to that. I don't have access to internet at home. Like, at all.

Tony: What?! How do you live?

Me: I read. But that's besides the point. I always used the wifi at my school, and right now we're on summer break. I've not had the chance to be on wattpad, and even when I was it wasn't for very long. If you don't believe me Ask my friend @percabeth_16_.

Clint: *raises hand again*

Me: *sighs* Yes Clint?

Clint: What about the stories?

Me: I'm getting to that part. Well I've had writers block for a while. Like,.for a long while. I Still kinda am.

But that isn't the only reason. I spent a week at church camp, and I would like to announce that, as a Christian, I have renewed my relationship with God. I have now devoted more of my time to studying his word and growing as a follower of Christ.

Clint: *raises his hand again*

Natasha: *hits him in the back of the head* Let her finish speaking!

Clint: Fine then. I know when I'm not wanted. *retreats to the vents*

Me: Clint Wait!

Bruce: I'll go find him. *exits stage right*

Natasha: Now Author, if you would please... *motions to the camera*

Me: thank you. Now, I would also like to say that I've been dealing with some stuff lately. I don't really want to go into it. But I can say this. I'm perfectly okay. It's no big deal or anything, but it has taken up a decent amount of my summer.

Peter: As long as you're okay...

Me: *smiles at Peter's adorableness* I'm okay. I promise.

Me: *looks at my watch* Aces it's 5:00 AM. I should probably go to bed. *sips coffee instead*

Steve: *takes my coffee* I think you've had enough.

Scott: Did he just...

Tony: I think he did.

Me: Give me the coffee.

Steve: *stands up* No. You've had enough.

Natasha: You shouldn't have said that.

Steve: *arrogantly* what's she going to do?

Me: *takes out computer and begins typing* Suddenly a vicious Flerken appears, ready to do the author's bidding...

Steve: What the-?

Me: Give me the coffee or Goose eats you.

Goose: *goes all Flerken mode*

Steve: *screams like a terrified little girl* HOW?!

Me: Power of the Author.

Steve: *drops coffee and runs away*

Me: Oh Stars Above! He dropped my coffee. I think it's time I let you read the actual chapters now anyway. Bye for now you guys!!

Clint: *from the vents* Bye guys!!


Me: Goodnight. *climbs over the rubble that used to be the fourth wall to my room before going to sleep*

Peter: *sighs* I'll get the duct tape.

Harley: *looks at damage* so this is what you all meant when you said we'd have to fix the fourth wall.

Shuri: Yes. It's always being broken.

Harley: then why bother fixing it?

Peter: *hands Harley the tape* That's just the way things are.

[The screen goes dark, leaving only A Film By Peter Parker]

It actually was 5 in the morning when I wrote this. Mild case of insomnia. (Renegades anyone? No? Okay...) Well after you read this, then there are some chapters for you to enjoy.

I larb you all 3000,


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