A New Home

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*takes a bow* It's terribly written but at least it's finished.

As I said, I'm working on them in a random order. I'm actually working on several at once, and I'm trying my hardest. Just be patient.  Please?

Okay you can continue. (IMPORTANT A/N AT THE END)

Requested by: Stonyisthebestship

Peter closes his suit case before lifting it off his bed and carrying it to the front door. The house seemed cold and empty, all sense of home drained from it. Normally his mom would be cooking dinner despite the intense heat of a Texas summer, and he would be outside working on trying to fix that old car that was gonna be his project for that summer.

      But things were far from normal. Peter's mom wasn't cooking dinner. She was being buried six feet under in the Austin County cemetery. Pete wasn't working on his car. He was getting ready to leave his only home to live with a man he's never even met.

   Cancer had taken his momma, and now he was being forced to live with his dad. The thing is, Peter's dad didn't even know he existed. Child Protective services had made a call telling him to schedule a meeting, but as far as Peter knew they hadn't given many details.

   Peter knew as much about his dad as his dad knew of him. His dad was someone named Tony Stark, who lived in New York. Peter knew he was a business man of some sort and that he was pretty well know. But Pete and his mom had never really followed more than the local news. And everytime something came up about Stark, his mom always changed the topic.

   Peter had only found out Stark was his dad a few days ago, when CPS told him he would need to live with his closest blood relative. In this case, it was his father.

    "Peter? Are you ready to go?" The social services agent asks, her tone gentle and sympathetic. Peter takes one more look at the empty house before nodding and following her to the car, his suit case in tow. Once in the car, she makes an attempt at conversation.

"So have you ever been to the city?" She asks.

"No ma'am." Peter replies, his thick southern accent obvious. He adjusts his baseball cap before turning to look out the window.

"Well have you ever met Stark?"

"No Ma'am. " Peter says again. "My momma didn't like to talk about him much."

"Oh. Well I'm sure you'll like Him. I've met him and he seems nice."

"Yeah, I guess. Momma never said much about him." Peter replies with a shrug.

"Listen Peter, I really am sorry about all this. I wish I could make it better." Peter just stares at the landscape passing in a blur of color.

"Yeah. Me too."


The car stop in front of a huge building as Peter stares out the window, speechless. The place is huge, and Peter doesn't like it. He misses home already, with the comfort of his small kitchen and his friends at his old school.

"Come on Peter. Let's go." Peter opens his door and grabs his suit case from the trunk before following Jennifer (he had finally learned her name) to the front door. He walks behind her and keeps his head down as she approaches the front desk.

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