Chapter 1- Who is she?

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Jimmy's pov

It was almost time for the Special Olympics. This year I'm going to win! For real! I'm not even going to use steroids! Even if I tried Timmy would annoy me not to and lecture me all over again. But I actually do want to win genuinely, without cheating. I'm also not letting Nathan win, I see how he looks at me, he thinks he can beat me.

Me and Timmy got dressed up and ready for the big event. We stepped outside and the sun was shining and burning everyone in the field. It was already dificult for us to do this and the sun and hot weather did not help at all. The crowd was half empty, as usual, what also didn't help to motivate us.

I was "lucky" to go first against some other kids on a running competition. We were all ready, looking scary and tough, some looking like sweaty babies in the sun but we were ready. A lady shot the empty gun and we began "running". When I finished the first lap I heard a huge cheer from the crowd. I glanced at where the loud scream came from to stumble across a really cute girl with a beautiful smile and with long/short (h/c) hair waving in the wind as she cheered and sang motivational things for all of us. She looked my age and I definitely don't remember seeing her here or at school before.

I tripped, distracted by her, and fell face first and looked pathetic. I heard a gasp from her and as fast as I could I got up and started going again. I could feel my face burning up from shame. I can't believe I fell in the middle of the competition because of a girl! What is wrong with me?!

The race ended and I finished in second place. The disappointment was taking over me. Timmy was very nice and helped me feel better but I still was pretty ashamed of this failure.

Y/n pov

Me and my dad entered the stadium and sat down with the sun hitting us like arrows of heat. Not long after, some kids started coming outside. I was already getting excited. This was the first time my dad brought me here after a lot of convincing. I couldn't wait to support and cheer on a those amazing kids!

The first race started and I watched carefully everyone doing their best. One kid with brown hair was in first and the moment he completed one lap I couldn't resist but scream


He then tripped and fell. And then it hit me that I probably shouldn't distract them like that. So I just kept quiet in my little sweaty seat while feeling a bit guilty by making that boy fall to the ground.

When the special olympics were done I went home with my dad right away. He didn't like this kind of thing. He prefered to stay at home, even though my mom would yell at him to get a job and move his ass to help the family out. Not many weeks after that my parents got divorced. My dad moved with me to South Park, a more calm town with less "city problems". He got a job as a janitor at the Police station but he wouldn't do much to clean. Good thing this town wasn't very strict.

Today was going to be my first day at the new school. I was nervous but excited, I could not wait to meet so many diferent people with so many diferent life styles. I got my big overiszed (f/c) hoodie and a good fluffly warm scarf, ready for the freezing cold that I was not used to. The snow was very pretty though, it was worth not feeling the tips of my fingers.

I entered the classroom where I was welcomed by the teacher.

"Everyone, this is Y/n L/n. She is joining us and I want you to be nice to her and welcome her to this school."

She then told me to a sit next to a boy she pointed at in a wheelchair with orange hair. I immediatly recognised him from the special olympics. I gave him a small wave with my hand along with a smile. He replied saying "TIMMY!" I assumed that was his name. He was really cute and nice. He even showed me the page we were in. When class ended I helped him pack his books and carried his backpack to the cafeteria, where I helped him pick the food. We sat in a corner eating together. I asked if he wanted to eat alone but he just said "Tim-Timmy!" Nodding his head no. He would radomly say his name and laugh, I would join and talk about this new school and students in it. Even though he didn't spesk properly I could understand what he meant by the "timmy" 's and nods. I could hear some people whispering and talking about me behind my back but I really couldn't give a single shit about poeple like that so I ignored them.

Me and Timmy finished quickly and decided to go outside to look at the snow and talk more.

Author's note:
Hey guys, I hope you're liking it so far. It's gonna get more interesting trust me. But let me just say, Timmy is such a precious boi, sorry if you don't like him that much cause in this fanfic you're friends with him :P

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