EXTRA - kyle's pov

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Kyle's pov

I started to notice Y/n and Jimmy holding hands in the hallways and flirting with each other. It was obvious that they were dating. That was it, my chances with her were over...

I layed my head on the lunch table. Where there used to be Y/n, now was Stan patting my back while Butters tried to make me feel better and Kenny sipped his apple juice.

"Don't worry Kyle, you'll get a girl eventually. My mom says you're a very smart boy! I bet you'll have tons of girls after you go to college! So, don't stress over this fella!"

"Yeah dude, you're amazing. If Y/n doesn't want you then she doesn't know what she's missing out on" Stan added still patting my back with pity.

"It's not her fault though, how could she even like me when she thought I was dating-"

"SUP LOSERS!" Cartman joined us. When he sat down I swear to god it was like an earthquake

"Fuck off fatass" I said not in the mood to take his bullshit.

"Ugh! Are you still thinking about that girl? Fucking jews..."

I slammed my hand on the table and looked at him in the eyes.


"yo dude, calm down" Stan pushed me back to my seat and I took a deep breath.

"Really, Cartman, why the fuck do you do this to Kyle? He did nothing to you"


I controled myself and just left isntead of punching that fucking obese face. I noticed Stan was following me so I stopped and turned to him.


"Kyle... I'm sorry about Y/n. You deserve better... And I know you still like her, and I'm obviously not enough for you but... If you ever need anything, I'm here. Love you dude"

"Thanks dude" I smiled and hugged him. And then I thought of what he said. "Wait.... Stan...."

Stan gulped

"You love me?"


He stared at me in silence until he finally said those words that changed everything

"No homo"

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