Chapter 7- the talk

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Y/n pov

I looked at Jimmy with a serious expression. Ready for anything.

"It was my fault th-that you got h-h-hurt again"

"What? What do you mean?"

He showed me the school's paper with the article 'stop bullying'. I then understood everything that happened so far. I chukled a bit and shook my head. I was glad that was the serious thing he wanted to talk about.

"Jimmy, it's okay. I really appreciate you trying to help, but I really don't mind. I also don't want you to get involved."

"B-but, you don't deserv-"

"Jimmy" I said interrupting him "Thanks."

"... No p-p-problem"

We stood there for a while in silence watching the sunset. I knew this conversation wasn't done so I just enjoyed my last seconds of calm.

"Y/n, can I a-aaa-ask you something?"

I sighed "Yes"

"Is everything okay at ho-home? With yo-your dad?"

Deep breaths...

"Look, I don't want you to start worrying okay, you already have a life of your own to worry about"

"B-but I care about you Y/n. Yo-you can v-v- You can v-vent with me"

"Well. Sure then.... Me and my dad moved here after my parents got divorced. They had been fighting ever since... Fuck. A lot of drama basicly"

"Oh... Okay...."
Jimmy noticed that I really wasn't comfortable talking about it. He quickly changed the subject

"H-hey, do you re-remeee-remember the s-s-special Olympics?"

"Yeah? I think I saw you. I didn't know you recognized me"

"Why are you s-soo fo-focused on helping handicapable kids?"

"Idk. I guess my brother was handicapable but I don't think that should be a reason. Do I even need a reason to do nice things to people who I care about?"

"Can I ask you a-another thing?"

"Go ahead"

"Why are you o-okay with the b-b-bullying? It's a-all my fault"

Jimmy said as he looked away with a sad expression on his face. Why is he saying this? It's not his fault! I hate them so much for getting Jimmy involved

"Jimmy, I'm not gonna stop being with you cause of some stupid kids. If being insulted is the price to be with you then go ahead. And I obvioulsy wouldn't leave you alone ahah" I chuckled. Jimmy didn't laugh though.... I was starting to get worried.

"Y/n" Jimmy said with a very serious voice

"Y-yes?" I said a bit scared and anxious.

"Do you pity me? I-Is that why you h-hang out with me? C-cause if so, you don't need to..."




This is the only thing I was afraid of. Jimmy believing their lies... I knew he would look at me diferently ... I knew it... When I came back to my senses, I noticed tears falling down my face


I then started laughing from stress and anxiety, and a lot more emotions at the same time

"I love you, you idiot" I laughed louder with tears still falling down.

He just looks at me surprised. His eyes wide open and his face completely pale. He then takes some seconds to process what I said and starts blushing like crazy. Hiding his face on his hands hands and suttering some words I couldn't understand. That adorable reaction made me laugh for real. This dork could make me laugh even when I was crying by just being himself.

"I-I really ... I q-q-quite l-.... Loooo-lo-lo-loo...."

I couldn't breath from laughing. He was way too cute.

"Lo-loo-love you t-t-too!"

I quickly hugged him, still laughing. He hugged back. We stayed like this for a while. It was so nice and comfortable. I felt safe, protected. I cleaned my tears and Jimmy stared at me with sad puppy eyes.

"I'm s-s-so sorry for ma-making you cry Y/n"

I rolled my eyes and just shook my head.

"Hey, n-now that I kn-know you're into me. D-do you want to be m-my girlf- girlf- Do you want to be my girlfrieee- girlfr-"

"Yes. Yes Jimmy"

We smiled to each other and enjoyed the now dark sky. It felt nice being Jimmy's girlfriend. Weird, but nice.

We decided to start heading back home because it was already late and we had school tomorrow. When we arrived at my place I kissed his cheek, causing him to paralyze. I laughed and went in while he tried to say "bye" in between stutters and blushes.

I felt so happy and relieved. It was nice to talk to him.... Even about myself. I should vent more. Letting everything out. I'm glad Jimmy was there, and he cared about me. And now I was his girlfriend?! Damn, truly a great day. Taking aside all the drama at school obvioulsy... But oh well. Life isn't perfect sometimes.

I could not wait for tomorrow. To see him again, but now instead of being 'my crush Jimmy' it was 'my boyfriend Jimmy'.

I was not going to be able to sleep. My feelings were all over the place...

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