Chapter 2- Gossip and talent shows

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Jimmy's pov

I entered the cafeteria and sat next to Clyde at the "cool kids" table. Basicly me, Clyde, Token, Tweek and Craig, or how people like to call us, Craig's gang.

I joined in the middle of a conversation. Clyde was going crazy talking over Craig.

"I'm telling you! She's really cute and all but she's a total nerd! She's all nice to everyone even though she's new and doesn't know anyone. Reminds me a butters for some reason. I heard someone said she was actually fake taking pitty on Tim-"

"Yo, Clyde, chill. First of all, you're stressing Tweek out. Second, we don't even know this girl, how can you be so quick to judge." Craig calmly said while rubbing Tweek's hair.

"Jimmy, have you seen her yet? She's in Craig's class" said Clyde ignoring Craig.

So this girl's in Timmy's class.

"Not really. I need to pr-pr-praa- practice my jokes to the talent show very much."

"Can't wait to see you win again dude" Token says winking.

"Well, I'll ca-ca-catch you all later"

"See ya"

I left the cafeteria and headed to the spare classroom to practice some lines. It had been 10 minutes and Timmy wasn't there yet, he agreed to meet me here to help me out but he was late. Only after 16 minutes he came in waving goodbye to someone. The moment he came in, he came across my judging looks. He then went ahead and apologized.

After practicing some jokes and improvising some lines, me and Timmy talked for a while.

"Timmy! Tim-Timmy! Timmy Timmy!"

"You got a new friend Tim Tim? Well that's great!"

"Timmy! Timmy Timmy Timmy!"

"I don't know Tim Tim. I can't aford to waste t-t-tiii-time on meeting new people."

"Timmy ..."

The bell rang and we went our separate ways. The talent show was only a few days away and Timmy would focus more on talking about his new friend than helping me. I was getting angry but I needed to concentrate on the talent show.

-a few days later-

It was today! It was already dark outside and everyone was entering the auditorium with their families. I ajusted my little tie and tuxedo and breath in deeply. I was going to be okay. I haven't lost a talent show in ages, I can do this. My jokes are even better than before.

The place was now full and Ike had just finished singing "uncle fucka". The crowd was applauding while Ike laughed embarrassed and thanked everyone.

"And now, ladies and gentleman, JIMMY VALMER!"

I got up in the stage, lights and eyes focusing on me. I picked up the microphone and tested it.

"How's everyone doing t-t-tonight?"

S i l e n c e

"What a great audience. So here's my first joke.
Why does a squirrel swim on his b-back?
To keep his nuts dry"

As usual, not many people laughed. My friends, laughed a bit louder and I could see Timmy laughing too but what surprised me was this girl, in the middle of the crowd who actually started laughing really loud. I couldn't see her face because of the light hitting my eyes but I could recognise her voice. I didn't remember where I heard it, but it was familiar. She noticed everyone looking at her and stopped laughing immediatly. She was embarrassed so she looked to the floor red like a tomato. I looked carefully at her and when I finally was able to look at her face right I knew it! It was her! The girl from the special olympics! She was the cute girl who was cheering for me, and she laughed at my joke! I-I-I.... I WASN'T READY FOR THIS!

"W-well, m-m-my next j-jo-jo-joke is... H-hum..." I couldn't think of anyhting. My mind was blank.

"My l-l-l-life! Ah-ah! What a t-terrific audience!" I ran out of the stage embarrassed. I could hear confused claps and some people talking. The teacher then announced the next person to come. My head was about to explode along with my heart. I was not expecting her here! She was probably Timmy's new friend that he wanted to show me! Is she everywhere I go? And I can't believe I always make a fool of myself in front of her! I'm such a pathetic teenager!

When the talent show was done I agreed to help clean up so I told my parents I would walk home when I was done being a maid. I went outside to catch some air after cleaning a lot of pamphlets off the ground. In the cold night I saw a figure leaning against the school's gate on their phone. I gave my eyes some time to adjust to the darkness aaand... It was her. Still here. After half an hour of the talent show being done. I didn't want to leave her there alone but I also didn't want to go talk to her. I was still embarrassed about everything that happened.

As I was going back inside I heard the voices of older kids, the famous bullies of our school. I turned around and saw a group of 3 older kids approaching the girl. I knew this wasn't good news. They dragged her to the back of the school and I followed as quietly and fast as I could. I could hear some of the things they were saying.

"Oh look, it's our famous goody two shoes. How's the little helper doing?"

Another one spoke

"You know cutie, just because you take pitty of crippled kids doesn't mean you're better than us!"

"Yeah! You think you're an angel or something? Let me tell you, for an angel, you sound like a pig laughing"

I started to hear sobs and went faster. The snow wasn't helping and I needed to get there as quickly as possible. They continued to insult her and when I was just around the corner I hear a thud...

I turned my face and saw her, on the ground, with a bloody nose and with a monotone expression while tears fell from her eyes.

"S-S-Stop immediatly w-wh-wh-what you're doing!" I screamed, thinking I would be like a hero.

They left laughing and making jokes. I helped her get up and took her with me to the infirmary. The nurse wasn't there so I got the bandaids myself.

We were alone, in this small room, me touching her face, really close, at night.....

F u c k

WHAT AM I DOING?! SHE'S GONNA THINK I'M A PERVERT! OH NOO!! but she's really cute, I'm glad I'm with her NO! I SHOULDN'T! SHE SHOULD BE HOME! But I did save her from those dudes....NO I DIDN'T, I JUST MADE A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF AGAIN!

"Hey, thanks, you didn't need to. Sorry to cause so much trouble"

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