Chapter 3- pleasure to meet you

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Y/n pov

I looked down, too ashamed to look at his face. He saw me getting punched by somone, being vulnerable and weak. And wrost of all. He saw me when I wasn't happy. I can't show other people my sadness, I need to give them happiness and cheer them up... I suck....

"H-hey, t-turn that frown up-up-up-upside down"

I chuckled. He's such a funny kid. And cute too. I still can't forget him from the special olympics, what a dork. I still feel bad for making him fall tho... I mean, it's not like I can apologise now cause he probably doesn't remember me anyways.

"W-what's your name?"

"Y/n. I'm new here, sorry, I should have said earlier"

"No prob b-bob. I'm Jimmy by the w-w-way" he says with finger guns. He's so adorably awkward.

"Why were you still in school?"

"I was helping w-w-with the cleaning. But I c-cou-cou, I c-c-could ask you the same thing"

"Oh, my dad forgot I was in school so he's late"

"O-oh, that s-su-sucks" He had a rather sad look on his eyes. I'm happy he cares about me but I really don't want to worry him with useless stuff...

His hand stopped moving from drying my already dried nose. He's been cleaning my bloody nose for a long time, and it was already cleaned after the second touch, but I didn't mind. His gentle touch felt good and I couldn't feel more comfortable and protected. I felt as if he was my knight in shinning armor and crutches.

After a comfortable silence he looked at my eyes and noticed that I was looking at him too. He quickly moved away and apologized. I started laughing at his cute embarrassed red face until my dad called me.

Jimmy took me to my dad's car and we said goodbye to each other. My dad looked like hell and didn't say sorry or even asked about jimmy. He just drove home and when we got there he passed out on the couch.

I fell alseep and woke up the next morning with the birds singing outside. So peaceful and relaxing... This town was truly amazing.

That was until I had to wake up and embrace the cold air in the morning and abandon the warm and cozy blankets. I brushed my hair, washed my face, did some other normal everyday life routine things and went downstairs. A big bowel of cereals was expecting me with a note saying "sweetie, had to leave early, gonna be home late, sorry, I left some money, order pizza for dinner"

Wow. Great. Yey. Amazing. Awesome.

In school, I got tripped 4 times, someone stole my pencil, someone wrote "Angel pig" on my locker and pushed me to the boy's bathroom. So this is what it feels like to be bullied. Well. It sucks.

I tried talking to some girls but they would just go along with the jokes. The only people I had were Timmy and Jimmy. And after the talent show's night, we started to hang out a lot. I even met Jimmy's friends, one of them, Clyde, was very flirty and annoying but I'm not really into that type of boy.

I started to get really close to Jimmy. I would wait for him outside of his classroom and help him pack with backpack, I would also eat with him everyday in the cafeteria, we even started walking to school and home together. I gotta admit, I started having a small crush on him. He's just so sweet and always knows how to make me laugh when I need it. I just wish I could give him something back.

Of course that, if I got closer with Jimmy, the bullys got worse. Calling me a "goody two shoes", "teacher's pet", "Angel pig" and worst of all, the "pitty girl". I hate it. Just cause I'm actually nice and help Timmy and Jimmy (and sometimes Nathan) out when they need help it doesn't mean I'm doing it for pitty. I care about them and I see them as normal friends, instead of everyone who just sees them as the crippled kids. But oh well. When someone's too stupid, it isn't worth it.

Things like throwing my backpack in the showers or pushing me in the hallways or insulting me didn't hurt me. I was ah-okay with all that shit. I'm smart enough to know that if I ignore them, they'll eventually just leave me alone. The thing I hate the most is when they go to Jimmy and insult HIM! He doesn't deserve it! It's unfair! And no one does anyhting about it! His friends sometimes talk back but because the bullies are older kids, everyone's afraid of them.

I never give them the satisfaction of being offended or sad. And when I cry it's only because they hurt me really bad physically. And I always remember to keep a straight face.

School life sometimes sucks. Thank god I have Jimmy's jokes and hugs to keep me from going nuts.

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