Chapter 17- ahah, kyle's gay

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A whole summer break passed by. I spent my summer break with Kyle and his friends, we got really close and I could proudly say that Kyle was my best friend. But I hadn't talked not even a little with Jimmy. I saw him sometimes sitting in the pond's bench, alone or with Heidi. For more that I wanted, I couldn't get my mind off of him. He was my first crush, and the worst part was, he did nothing wrong so I couldn't bring myself to hate him. I just didn't have any reasons to stop liking him. Either way, I was ready to start this new year .... I thought....

First day of school came around and I got dressed. I went downstairs and ate breakfast with my dad. Me and him got much more close during summer break, we even went on a trip to Portugal.

"So, are you ready to start this new year?"

"Noooooooo" I said with a annoyed but playful voice.

"Ahah" he chuckled "you'll see that this will be a great year, better than last I hope"

"Yeah, I hope too" I smiled genuinely and we shared a comfortable silence before I headed out.

While walking down the street I noticed the slight cloud of hot air leaving my mouth when I breathed. It was getting a colder, and for more that I hated having my fingers purple freezing, I was super excited to see snow again. Memories of the first time I walked this path to school gave me nostalgia. It also made me feel a bit sad because of everything Jimmy and I did in the beggining of the year. I closed my fist and kept my mind off those thoughts, I decided that this year I would be positive about life.

I arrived some lucky 5 minutes early and checked the schedules. Luckily I was in Kyle's class but unfortunately I was in Heidi's class too. I mumbled something on my way to class and when I arrived I sat down on the table in the back. Some minutes went by and there she was, the fucking... Hmmmm... The girl that I wanted to avoid at all costs. She walked past me giving me a look. She then murmured something I could barely hear.

"... Happy now?"

I looked at her confused but she just looked away and sat on the opposite side of the class.

After a minute or so, Kyle walked in along with the people who came by bus. His bored expression quickly changed after seeing me.


"Yeah dumbo, didn't you see the schedules?"

"Ahah, I was too stressed to check the classmates." He said while putting his bag on the table next to me.

"How was your summer break?"

"Dude, I literally spent it all with you, what are you even asking"

"Wow, I was trying to be polite but I guess you want non of that uh"

"Oh, by the way" he said while putting his books on the table. "Did you do your homework?"

"HOMEWORK?!" I gasped in horrror feeling my anxiety comming back. I opened all my notebooks and checked if I had any homework. I looked at him and only saw a ginger boy laughing his ass off.

"Chill! We had no homework, I'm just joking"

"Do not repeat this, you fucking asshole" I said also laughing a bit.

I could see Heidi looking at me with an anrgy expression but I decided to ignore her.

Lunch time arrived and we headed to the cafeteria. Cartman and Stan were already waiting for us while Butters and Kenny were no where to be found. We all started eating our plane boring sandwiches and somehow started talking about crushes and our love lives. Stan went ahead and said how he missed Wendy and stuff. They broke up during summer break, again. Cartman just rolled his eyes while Kyle patted him on the back to make him feel better. Then Kyle turned to me out of nowhere.

"How about Y/n?"


"Do you have a crush on anyone?"

"Hmmmm..." I spent some time pondering if I should tell them about Jimmy or not. Honestly, even I was confused if I still had a crush on him or not. "I don't know? It's confusing"

"Well, are you free Friday?"

"Yes? I think so"

"Then it's a date. Me and you, Friday"

"Wait ... Are you asking me out?" I said confused

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Kyle asked a bit confused and scared

"B-but aren't you dating Cartman?"

Cartman spilled his milk all over the table and hid his face between his hands.

"WHAT?!" Kyle yelled loudly now looking at Cartman. "DID CARTMAN SAY THAT TO YOU?!"


Kyle got up. I swear I could see fire comming out of his eyes. He grabbed Cartman's coat pulling him up. Cartman smiled with sweat running down his fat face.


"W-what do you mean Kyle? B-baby. Y-you know I-I love you very much..."

"YOU-" Kyle was going to punch him when I interrupted.

"Wait. So you are NOT dating?"

"NO!" Kyle yelled desperately.


And then, a terrifying scene occured in front of my eyes. Cartman violently grabbed Kyle's face making his lips touch Kyle's. Me and Stan gasped in shock.

"Oh wow fellas! I didn't know Kyle was gay" Butters said next to Kenny at the cafeteria door.

Kyle then kicked Cartman and grabbed a fork. Me and Stan got up and Stan grabbed Kyle to stop him from hurting Cartman, even though he deserved it. Kenny and Butters came running too to help ease the situation. I left in the middle of Kyle scareming and Cartman grinning.

I walked out and wandered through the empty hallways. I definitely didn't want to get between Cartman and Kyle, they always had the worst fights.

I walked a bit more when I noticed a very bright yellow shirt. I looked up to see Jimmy. I froze. He was taller and his face was more handsome and mature. I looked at him for a while and gave him a sympathetic smile as a way to say 'hi'. I really wanted to talk to him again, I missed his jokes and his smile... Everything. He looked at me with a hurt and rather sad face.

"C-can we talk af-after school?"

"Sure" I answered a bit confused. Why would he want to talk to me? I mean, I was happy that he did but I was also scared. What if it was something as bad as last time... What if he told me that he never wanted to see me again? No.... I closed my eyes and focused on being positive.

I wasn't gonna let this bring me down!

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