Chapter 13- reasons why

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I need to stop with these titles God damit. I hate my life X'D

Good morning! Is what I wish I could say. Every morning was the same old shit. Waking up to be greeted by a walking piece of garbage always holding a beer. His smell made me sick everyday. I was getting used to his wasted face but the smell..... Ugh.

But lately I was feeling a tiny bit better because of Kyle. Since we first talked I started hanging out more with him and his friends. Stan was very nice but really edgy and it concerned me when he talked about getting drunk. Cartman was really annoying and would act badass but deep down he was a loser, I avoided talking to him. Kenny was very quiet but really caring, specially to his sister. And Kyle was a polite and fair kid that would always help anyone who needs. Though it surprised me to hear that he had dated 3 girls in 2 years, he really didn't come across as a popular boy between the girls.
I would occasionally sit with them when Timmy would sit with Jimmy.

Of course I still cared about Jimmy and wanted to be with him, but I wanted to have a solid plan before talking to him again. I could see from the sad stares that he wanted to talk to me, but even he knew how awkward it would be if we tried. I also noticed that he was getting better, talking to Timmy more, making more jokes, smiling more but being with Heidi made me more sad than jealous.

These thoughts wouldn't leave me alone as I walked to school. Kyle told me how everyone goes to school by bus but walking gave me more time to relax, think and prepare for the day ahead of me. A long cloudy day with strong emotions and a messy head was about to come. I felt like it was the calm before the storm. Something was going to happen, I could feel it.

The feeling continued through out the morning and finally lunch came. I sat between Kyle and Butters, who would sometimes eat with us. I kept quiet as always and just ate my food. Until. Cartman aggressivily smashed his plate on the table and sat down, crossings his arms. Me and the guys, scared, just stared at him. As we went back to our conversations he shouted.

"Oh YEAH! Everything's great! Thanks for asking!"

We all shared awkward and confused looks. That's until Butters finally broke the awkward silence.

"Oh, s-so Eric. How are you doing?"




We once again looked at each other confused. Kyle shyly added

"I thought you said you were breaking up with her?"


I kept my head down, scared of Cartman screaming, but somehow still interested in what was happening.

"Dude, what do you mean?" Stan asked calmly


"Talk quitely fatass! We're in a fucking public place"

"Ugh jew" Cartman said to himself before continuing "As I was saying. Heidi texted me saying that she was dating someone else!"


I was quitely sipping my milk while processing the drama happening.

"She's fucking dating Jimmy!"

I choked on my milk and the boys looked at me worried.

"Wow Y/n, are you okay?" Kyle asked worried patting my back.

"Y-yeah" I said coughing and crying. It took some solid 5 minutes to get back to breathing normally. And when I stopped coughing, I excused myself to the bathroom and left the boys talking.

'Ah.... Ahah... Nah ... No way'

I said to myself while sitting down on the empty stall locking the door behind me. I closed my eyes to stop myself from crying but slowly and surely, my breathing got faster and I felt salty bits falling down my cheeks. I curled up in a ball, hiding my face between my legs, thinking that somehow it would give me a feeling of protection.

'okay, no, think. You're not gonna believe Cartman are you? He can be lying.... You should make sure....'

I got up with all my strenghts left and cleaned my face. Looking at the mirror I nodded to myself.

I left the bathroom confident just to see Heidi kissing Jimmy's cheek from across the hallway.

'oh shit'

I ran the opposite way heading to my classroom. When I got there I laid my head on the table, hiding my face with my arms. When Timmy came to me I just told him I was tired. Luckily the teacher couldn't give a single shit about the students so I just kept like that for the rest of the day. The moment the bell rang I grabbed my backpack and jacket and sprinted home.

When I arrived I threw my boots to the side and my backpack to the floor. I stood there for a second, in silence, taking everything in. I then went up the stairs and sat down on the floor against the bed. The moment I sat down, I couldn't take it anymore and cried out all the 3 hours I kept it inside. Shaking, fragile, in despair.

That's until I saw my dad at the door. Then I was scared.


Shit! Fuck! No! Not him! He's the last person I want to see me cry!

"Dad, please just go away..."

"Y/n, a-are you okay?" He said walking towards me

"STOP! PLEASE!" I said between hiccups and cries

"Sweetie, please, let me help you, I just want to know what's wrong"


I was interrupted by a warm comforting hug...

I didn't fight, I just hugged back.

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