Chapter 12- new friend?

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Life was being a little bitch.
It had been like 1 week since me and Jimmy had to break up and everytime I got a new idea it always turned out to not work.

-Dating in secret?
No way, my dad would figure it out by my happier face and sounds of crutches in the morning.
-Threaten my dad?
With what? Myself? It's not like he could give anymore shits about me.
-Run away with Jimmy?
Yeah sure. I can't go two days without my warm comfortable bedroom and goodies. Also, Jimmy's parents would get worried for no reason.
-Call mom and tell her about this?
No.... She probably has work to do
-Convince my dad that Jimmy isn't actually handicapable?
Pfft, how? No, not even an option


I was running out of options and the fact that neither of them seemed to actually work scared me.

I started getting bad grades and talking less to people. When you spend an entire day inside your own head thinking, it's hard to concentrate on other things like class or classmates.

I was eating alone in a lunch table with a note pad next to me full of ideas. I didn't even notice I took no soda so I was just casually drinking soup from a cup... I don't even know how it got there. After a while I feel a touch on my shoulder.

"Timmy? Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Timmy Timmy...." Timmy replied with a sad look. I felt bad for not being very social with him so I invited him to sit next to me. He pointed at my notebook and I quickly explained the situation. He then layed his hand on my shoulder again and gave me a pitiful look. I changed the subject to cheer up the mood so we talked about gobbles for a while.


The canteen door opens. And a very familiar girl comes out. She was diferent though.

HEIDI WAS SKINNY AGAIN! She even had her face cleaned and was actually very pretty now.
No one noticed her until she went to the "boys" table; Stan, Cartman, Kyle, Kenny and Butters's table; and smashed her hand right in front of Cartman.

"Oh hey Heidi" Cartman said with the most annoyed face ever

"Hey babe, what do you think?"

"Looks great babe" he said not even looking at her.


Cartman, scared, jumped and looked at Heidi. He nodded really fast and put on a fake smile. She smiled back and went away. I could hear Cartman talking to the boys.

"This is it. She's not manipulating me anymore! It's today! Today I'm going to break up with her!"

Me and Timmy shared suprised looks and I just quietly added


The day went on and I as always was dozing off thinking about Jimmy. I haven't seen him all day. I was getting worried but maybe it was for the best, we seeing each other might be a little awkward.

Some days went by and I noticed Jimmy talking to Heidi. Weird.... Why would she talk to him... Why da fuck is Jimmy actually talking to that SLUT!

I didn't mean that.... I.... Is this jealousy? Oh my God! I was not jelaous of Heidi right? RIGHT? PLEASE TELL ME NO!

With the surprise and I ran to a deserted part of the lockers and sat on the floor in confusion. I opened my notebook and started writing down everything and nothing. Venting, wondering, ranting.... It was a mess.

"Hmm.... You're in front of my locker"

Who? I looked up to see one boy with a bit green hat and curly red hair coming out. I quickly recongnized thus boy from the table where Cartman usually sat with the others. I tried to remember his name but the only name I could remember Cartman saying was


"What? Yeah? I guess.... Does it really matter?"

Then it hit me what I actually said.

"Oh no no! Sorry! I don't know your name and the first thing that popped in my mind was what Cartman calls you all the time! I'm truly sorry"

He chukled a bit.

"That fatass..." He said with a more angry face but still smiling, looking to the side. Then he looked at me again and continued. "I'm Kyle. And you are?"

"Y/n" I said getting up.

"And you are still in front of my locker" he said laughing a bit

"Oh yeah! Sorry!" I said panincking my way out of his way.

"Why were you here alone?" He asked while putting some book inside the locker.


"About what?"

"Hmmm... Kinda personal" I laughed awkwardly while scratching the back of my head.

"Oh sorry."

"No problem"

I stood there looking at my notes while he did what he had to do in his locker. He gave me a confused look

"Are you waiting for me to leave?"

"Oh! I didn't even notice I was still here. I was just reading my notes. I space out very often sorry." I laughed once again very awkwardly.

"Hmmm.... I think I know you. I've heard that laugh before."

Oh no

"You're that girl that laughed at Jimmy's jokes!"

"Ahahah...." War flashback

"Ahah, it was so funny, you were so embarrassed" he laughed louder.

"Ahh... It wasn't that loud..."

"Wait, aren't you Jimmy's girlfriend?"

My heart sank

"No... Not really" not anymore... He looked at me smirking

"Oh, okay then"


"See ya later Y/n!"


He went away leaving me in a deep state of confusion.

But surprisingly, he did see me later. We started chatting more and he even helped me study. I was genuinly glad to have found him as a friend in such a hard time. Timmy and Kyle were such amazing friends. I still felt down and lost sleep overthinking the Jimmy situation, but they made me feel better.

But while that, I just couldn't stop thinking of Heidi getting closer and closer to Jimmy. And I couldn't ask him about her cause it would seem obsessive and jealous. I just had to deal with that in silence while planning my big revenge on my dad.

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