Chapter 5- The date

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Y/n pov

It was saturday morning and I couldn't wait for my date with Jimmy. It was only at noon but I couldn't stop thinking about it. I really liked that guy! I loved spending time with him, he was just so positive and charismatic. And besides that, he was really nice and caring. I also loved how he's hot and dorky at the same time. His little adorable smile was the most comforting thing in the world. And his brown, kinda wavy and always messy hair, I just wanted to play with it all day. I might really like like him....

Too bad the possibility of him liking me back was very low. He must have heard what people say of me, and that probably changed the way he sees me. His jokes are also the best! I bet he had tons of girls after him because of his sense of humour.

After a long day of me overthinking everything I decided to get ready. It was almost noon and Jimmy was picking me up in 20 minutes. I took a fast shower and got my hair done all nicely. I tried some make up but I'm really not that good at it so I gave up on that. I was trying to choose what to wear, formal or casual? I had no idea where Jimmy wanted to take me to dinner but what if it was fancy? What if it was TOO fancy? Hum....

I decided to go with a simple (f/c) long shirt, that looked like a dress, and some jeans under it. I got my big boy boots on and was ready. Of course I had to then put my jacket, scarf and beanie cause it was still very cold outside. My dad was in the living room watching Tv

"Dad, I'm going somewhere with a friend. I'll probably be late"

"Take condoms"

"DAD! JESUS CHRIST! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" I screamed back as I rushed upstairs to grab my phone.

"Just sayin' sweetie... Have fun"

I was going to reply but I was cut off by the doorbell. I panicked for half a second and then opened the door. Jimmy was with his normal yellow shirt and a parka unzipped. He was holding some flowers and smiling awkwardly. I layed the flowers on the table, said my half goodbyes to dad and left with him.

As we were walking in the cold night, in the direction of the restaurant I noticed that his parka looked a lot like Kenny's.

"You stole Kenny's parka before comming here?" I joked. He looked at me and then at his parka. He smiled and laughed too.

"No, c-come on. I wouldn't. Timmy gave it t-t-to me"

We talked about some more about his and Timmy's frienship, what got me laughing all the way. They really fought because of scouts? They were really dumb kids. But I was a pretty dumb kid too so I can't judge them.

We arrived at a very classy but casual italian restaurant. We sat down and saw the menu. I really wanted to order spaghetti so we could recreate the classic scene of kissing while eating the same part. But no, I'm not ruining this with some shitty ideas and clichés. The waiter came and we ordered. Jimmy asked for a "green tagliatelle" and I asked for (f/italian food).

We talked some more, mostly about Jimmy's life and career. He would ask me about myself but I would prefer to talk more about him. I would avoid the topic with other topics that I knew Jimmy would want to talk about. Jimmy was absolutely adorable when he talked about something that excited him. His eyes would shine and he would jump around and move his hands a lot. It was so cute I would just stand there looking at him like a fool.

Our food came and I looked at Jimmy's pasta. It was actual green pasta... I never saw that before. It looked really good though... Jimmy noticed the way I was intrigued looking at it.

"Want to tr-tr-try it?"

"No! It's your food. You eat it. Sorry, I didn't meant to stare"

"R-really. Go ahead and tr- go ahead and try it"

"If you say so..."

With my fork, I took a little bit of his plate and tried it. It was so delicious! He smiled at my reaction and continued eating. We both ate our meals while talking about whatever came to our minds. It was being really fun. I haven't had this fun in a long time, specially with someone like Jimmy. He's so unique and amazing. I wouldn't have asked for anyone else.

We left the restaurant and headed to the stark's pond. It was a beautiful night sky with the stars above us shinning just enough for us to see them. Compared to the city, this was the best. There were no car noises, just nature and the wind blowing in the trees. We could hear crickets and other diverse animals as we walked to our destination. I was so focused on the ambient around us that I didn't notice how quiet Jimmy was. We arrived and sat down at a bench.

The view was breath taking. The water was clean and like a mirror, reflecting the already incridble sky above with some small waves, making it all seem like a dream. We had a perfect view of the huge mountains far far away from us. The night wasn't too cold but it wasn't too warm either, it was perfect enough for me to not have my scarf and jacket on.

There was a comfortable silence between us. I would just stare at everything around me and Jimmy would chuckle about how cute and silly I looked. After a while, a group of fireflies started coming to the pound and they made a beautiful dance close to the water. My eyes were stuck on them. The only light upon us was the moon and small little yellow lights from the little dancers. I was at the edge of the bench looking at them, loving what was happening in front of me, forgetting everything else in the world.

I then looked at Jimmy and noticed him looking at me with the same passion I had in my eyes while looking at the fireflies. I blushed and tilted my head while smiling

"Aren't they beautiful?"

Jimmy blushed and looked at me with a very serious face. He breathed deeply and then opened his eyes with a determined face. Kinda surprised me, I wasn't expecting a serious face right now.


"Yeah?" I said with a confused look on my face

He leaned in and I quickly noticed what was about to happen! HE WAS GOING TO KISS ME! WHAT DO I DO?! I NEVER KISSED ANYONE BEFORE?! AHHH!!!

I finally closed my eyes and leaned in too when my phone rang. We were seconds away from kissing and we both stopped when we heard my ringtone.

"S-sorry. It's my dad" Jimmy nodded and smiled a bit dissapointed.

I picked it up and my dad started screaming.


"Dad, I told you, I'm doing something and I'm going to be late"


Jimmy heard that and started laughing while blushing a lot.



I sighed... I looked at Jimmy and he also knew there was nothing to be done about this.

"I'm comming"

"You better!"

I hung up the phone and started walking home along with Jimmy. The silence between us was now more awkward than comfortable. I still can't believe we were inches away from kissing, from touching lips! AHHH! I can't! It's too much for my little heart! And I never knew Jimmy was the type to do this! It was so out of the blue! Does that mean he likes me? I'm so confused!!!

We arrived at my place and I hugged Jimmy goodbye, not saying much. He replied with a short "bye". We were both as red as a tomato. He went his way home and I entered the living hell known as my house.

What a great day....

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