Chapter 20- that place (the end)

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We finally arrived at Stark's pond. That damned place....

We both sat down at the bench. It was as we went back in time. Every moment I would have a deja vu of last year. It was peaceful and almost made me forget of everything so far, all the problems, all the anxieties, everything. I was just there, next to him, looking at the view.

The sun was setting already even though it was only 6pm. I had no words for I was too focused on looking back at everything. Getting lost in my thoughts as I saw the sunset once again, like it was my first time. The first I had ever been there, the first time I'd ever talked to Jimmy, the first time I felt so in love... It was here, it was in this town, exactly a year ago... So much changed... It was amazing and scary how much time altered everything.

"Hey Y/n..." Jimmy said snapping me out of my thoughts. "This brings a lot of memories don't you think?"

"Yeah" I chuckled not looking away from the sun. "Time flies"

Some quiet moments passed until I felt something. Jimmy gently held my hand. I looked at him surprised by the sudden act expecting any words of explanation but was instead greeted by a warm smile. I smiled back.

"So?" I asked. It wasn't a very specific question but he understood it

"D-do you want to be m-my girlfriend?"

I giggled while holding him close to me. We both shared a great moment before pulling away.

We looked at each other's eyes for a bit. We both knew what was going to happen. I held his face and he came closer and we finally kissed. I sure did miss those soft lips. This time we didn't part away. We kissed until we both had to catch our breaths.

"It's official. Nothing can stop us, not even Heidi" Jimmy said.

"Ugh, don't talk about her" I said rolling my eyes in a playful way.

"Sorry, h-huge cockblocker I know"

We both laughed and enjoyed the moment. I layed my head on his shoulder and we watched the sun completely disappear behind the mountains. And like that... I was finally truly happy.

Everything was just how it should be.

E N D.

Hey guys, thanks so much for reading this! I really appreciate everyone who leaves comments or likes this. I worked so hard on this story, each chapter has 1000 fuccing words and I really tried my best to make it good and enjoyable to read. Leave your opinions on the comments please!

That's it and thanks for reading!!

Love you all <3

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