Chapter 9- everyone is ROASTED

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Jimmy started making 'yo momma' jokes and roasting the older kids like it was nothing. Insults, jokes, puns, you name it. Everyone was either laughing or screaming 'OOOOOOHHHH!!!'

The older kids were lost, confused and hurt. Having literally everyone in the cafeteria laughing at them affect them more than I thought. Even Heidi was smirking and rarely saying "burn".

I wanted to tell Jimmy to sit down but this was too magnificent. I was crying from laughter. I could not believe Jimmy had it in him. I could see in Jimmy's face, he was also not believing what was happening.. He was clearly nervous and stuttering a lot, but he was also having the time of his life, letting all the anger out.


And that's how it ended. Jimmy sat down, breathing in and out, trying to calm down. The other kids got back to eating too. I stopped laughing and just looked at Jimmy with a confused smile, as a way to ask "what just happened?" He just rubbed the back of his head while laughing embarrassed.

One of the older kids got up. He threw his plate on the ground, that immediatly broke in a milion pieces, catching everyone's attention. I froze as he walked in our direction. He was gonna beat up Jimmy, I couldn't watch this.

As he was walking to us, kids would cough some of the things Jimmy said making the older kid even more self conscious and ashamed. As he was about to touch Jimmy, the principal came in, kicking the door open.


S i l e n c e

That's until Heidi pointed at the kid.

"I believe he broke the plate, Pc principal."


"Y-yes... But Pc principal, you can't tell my mom about it please!"

What the fuck was happening.


As he left, some students would gossip and whisper to each other confused. I was more surprised by Heidi, why would she do that? She doesn't care about helping people... So why?

The other older kids that were left, exited in shame. Everyone went back to normal and Jimmy looked at me pale.

"I-I th-th-thought I was going t-t-to d-diiii-die"

I laughed a bit and hugged him, thanking for what he did. I truly was thankful, I couldn't believe he went through that just for me. Ahah, cute, but scary how far we'll go.

For the next days, the older kids would be drowned by insults in the hallways. They were getting what they deserved. They even stopped messing and bullying other kids. I was trully surprised to see them not bullying and stealing Butters's lunch money as usual. I guess everything was getting better. My life was finally going to turn around so I could live a happy normal life .... Right?


Nah. Life isn't easy like that. Some people say 'if life was easy then it would be boring', and I couldn't disagree more. Cause you know what's boring and tiring? Having problems pop up outta nowhere like pimples that no one asked for. And for me, there was still a big problem....

My dad

I had no idea what the fuck I was going to do about him. Everytime I went home I felt unsafe and uncomfortable. For the first time, I would prefer to be at school then at home. Being at home was depressing. Just me and my sad, lonely, problematic dad.

Jimmy could never come over and I had to lie to my dad to actually go hang out with him.

For more that I hated the situation, I still felt bad for my dad. Losing him probably affected him way more than me, when he passed away I was still very young. Old enough to remember but too young to miss him. My dad on the other hand, he was devastated. And I'm not even going to talk about my mom that turned completely into a workaholic.

But oh well. Enough drama for now.

Summer was almost here and that meant that classes were almost over! It had been so long since me and Jimmy started dating, and it felt so good. Every since we started dating, we tried kissing but something would always stop us. Either it was the phone ringing, or someone calling us, or literally anything else that just happened to us. We were annoyed by this but not that much. Holding hands, a lot of hugs and cute nicknames was never tiring. And I couldn't wait to spend summer break with him. He could go to the pool, or the beach, maybe throw or crash some parties, things like that, the possibilities were endless.

I also noticed that I still hadn't apologized for making him trip almost half a year ago, so I decided that instead of drawing him something stupid, I would plan a full date just to say sorry and how much I loved him. Cheesy, but love makes everyone cheesy.

So I texted him that sunday that we would have a special date, and that he should meet me at noon, near the pond. We didn't know why, but that place had a weird affect on us. We both felt safe there, comfortable and in peace.

The time came and I headed to our date location 10 minutes earlier. I brought with me a basket with cookies, bread, sweets and other delicious things. I also brought a big towel and some candles. I was planning on a night picnick, under the starry sky and along with the sounds of nature.

I arrived and placed everything down. I then heard his crutches in the distance, placed the lit candles in the middle of the pinick and hid behind a nearby tree. He walked in and called my name. He was probably confused why I wasn't there, but a lot of tasty food and candles were. He sat down and looked at the water. I sneaked behind him and covered his eyes. He laughed a bit to then greeted me.

"H-hey Y/n"

"Hi cutie"

"So, I don't know ab-about you. B-b-but I'm pretty hungry"

With an annoyed yet playfull roll of eyes I sat in front of him. We both started eating and chatting. It was so relaxing and peaceful, I totally forgot about why I asked him to come afterall. The time was passing and the food was ending.

After a while, we were full and there was only one little cupcake left. We sat on the bench, I leaned my head on his shoulders and just enjoyed the quiet view. He didn't say anything, he just stared at the view too. We were in a comfortable silence that made us both feel completely free from all anxieties and worries in our lives.

Sadly, the date had to come to an end.

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