Chapter 6- Jimmy the hero

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Jimmy's pov

I woke up the next monday excited to go to school. I couldn't wait to see Y/n's face again. I still can't believe I failed that kiss. If only it was seconds earlier... And what did her father mean with "you didn't take condoms" ? It was pretty hilarious to look at her embarrassed and pissed face screaming at her dad, but I was still very confused about it.

I met with her in front of her house and when she was ready we left for school. She was way less awkward than last time so that was good. I decided not to question her about her dad. And when I actually thought about it, she didn't seem to have a great relationship with him. She avoided to talk about it and when I saw her talking to him she would be quite cold. I respected her privacy and avoided the topic. I would make jokes to cheer up the mood.

We arrived at school and she headed to her classroom, as I did the same. I sat next to Token who was giving me weird looks. Smirking and laughing, talking to himself. He finally spoke up.

"So Jimmy. You got laid yesterday huh?"


"C'mon dude. Everyone's talking about it. One guy even saw you both kissing next to the pond saturday night."

"That is not w-what happened very much! Co-come on, you know me"

"Ahah, yeah. I knew that was probably a stupid rumor but still, you have been kinda hitting on her. And it is pretty obvious that you like her"

"O-okay, hold o-on. I.... I haven't..... Wait.... Did you say that e-e- everybody was talking about it?"

"Yeah, it's everywhere. Probably even Timmy knows"

Shit. That meant the older kids knew too.... That meant she was gonna take shit for it....
When class ended I hurried to Y/n's classroom. There I found her picking up her notebooks and random papers from the ground. Timmy seemed worried and agitated. I asked her what happened in panic but she didn't even need to reply. All over her books and papers, there were written things like "Angel pig", "pity princess", "crippled slut" and others. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Oh, Jimmy, it's nothing really" She said smiling. That smile was so fake it hurt to look at it.

"TIMMY!" Timmy replied almost as a way to disagree with her.

My anger was up the ceiling, going up and up. I was so pissed. I swear I was going to beat those idiots with my crutches until they apologized. They're lucky I'm not a violent guy.

So I had the big idea. The thing that was going to save us and stop this once and for all. I got in the computer room and started doing it. I was going to write an article about bullying on the school's paper. I sat down and started typing. I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't easy to not put any jokes in it. I wanted this to be taken serious.

After a long hour I was done. I went to the principal and asked him permission to post it and he agreed, even thanked me for doing it. I was so determined and I couldn't wait for tomorrow for everyone to read it.

I spent the rest of the day helping Y/n with the bullshit the older kids were making her go through.

After school I took Y/n home. I couldn't wait to go with her tomorrow to school and have kids begging for her forgiveness. This plan was just perfect.

Y/n pov

I woke up and did not feel capable of going to school today. I was not ready for another day of insults and shoves. I asked my dad if I could stay home but he just ignored me and continued watching Tv. I was in front of my front door wandering if it was really worth it. I was dedicated to stay at home, that's until I heard Jimmy calling me from up the street. He was smiling as always, but today it seemed he was happier. I waved at him and we started walking in the school's direction.

When we arrived Jimmy said he had to check something out so he left and I headed to my classroom. On the way I was pushed and cornered between some lockers. Two of the usual older kids were ready to go as usual and insult me, but this time it was a bit diferent.

"So you fucking told your little boyfriend huh? You expected him to protect you or something? You're hilarious, let me tell you."

"Wait what?"

"Oh don't act innocent. You really thought you could escape this one? Do you think Mr.No legs could save you?"

"Don't call him that"

"Bitch, we call who we want, whatever we want. That fucking kid really thought he could bring us down"


That's when they slapped me. I was more angry and confused than hurt. What did Jimmy do? I hope they didn't hurt him. What was this boy up to now.

On the way to the bathroom to clean my face I came across Jimmy with an anxious face.

"Jimmy, are you oka-"

"That br-br-bruise! W-w-was it them?"

"Jimmy, calm down, you lo-"


Jimmy was really scaring me now. I've never seen him this serious and angry.


"T-that's it!"

He grabbed my hand and led me outside of school. We still had classes so I was very confused. Did he want to skip class? I wanted to ask him but he seemed to focused on leaving right away. I just followed him in silence.

He stopped when we were at the pond. The same pond from our date. The sun was setting and by now, classes were over. We had skipped the last class of the day, I hoped it wasn't that big of a deal.

He sat down at the bench, catching his breath and calming down. As he closed his eyes to chill I sat next to him. He then opened his eyes and with a very calm expression, he looked at me and said:

"I need to talk to you"

I gulped and nodded, expecting the worst.

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