Chapter 8- It'S tImE tO sToP

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(sorry for the title :P just why not h3h3 )

Y/n pov

I woke still not believing what had happened. Was it all a dream? Was I really Jimmy's girlfriend now? Wow, time flies. It seemed like it was yesterday that I saw him falling on the Special Olympics field. And that made me remember. I never said sorry for distracting him! But how was I going to do that now? There was literally no way to say that and not either make things awkward or sound stupid.

And then, I had a plan.

It was time to be extra.

Best girlfriend in the world! Starting now! I decided to do a thing that I was sure Jimmy would like. Boost his ego... Kinda. I drew on a small piece of paper, his beautiful face smiling, with a little nice quote to the side and behind some text.


Also, dear Jimmy. You cutie pie.
I did this as a way to apologize for distracting you a looooong ago.
You deserved winning.

At least you won my heart ;)"

God, it was cheesy. But it was just enough. Ok ok, it wasn't 'the best thing in the world' or something like that, but I thought it was enough for him to laugh a little.

I hid the paper between some notebooks and packed them in my backpack. I got ready really fast and jumped my way to the door, singing and smiling. Before I could open the door, my dad called my name from the kicthen.

I breathed in deeply and turned around, walking slowly, following his voice.

"I saw you with a boy yesterday, when you were comming back from school"

"Ok, cool, and?"

"He's... "

"Yeah, I know, and?"

"I don't want you around him."

"Okay, ahah, funny that you think you can choose who I hang out with"

"You are NOT talking to him again! You understand me?" He banged his hand on the tabble as he looked at me with anger in his eyes.

It scared me. I was terrified. But I was not going to give him the reaction that he wanted. I just ignored him and went outside. The moment I went outside I was met with the one and only:


Just kidding, it was Jimmy.

He gave me a big hug and I enjoyed this hug like it was the last thing I would ever have. We then started walking to school. I was planning on giving him the drawing at lunch. I wanted to see his reaction, see if he liked it. I could not wait to see if he liked it...

I entered the classroom and spotted Timmy waving at me. I sat next to him as usual and we started 'talking' for a bit. He noticed the drawing between my notebook pages and looked at me smirking.

"Ok! Ignore this! It's supposed to be a surprise ok?"

"Tim-my Timmy"


Timmy was very nice. I still didn't understand how people didn't like him. He showed me his pet Turkey once and it was so cute! I would think he had tons of girls (or guys) wanting to be with him but no. He was always so alone...

As we were talking, someone grabbed my drawing from the table.I looked up to see who it is.

"Ah, cute drawing. For someone like you of course"

Heidi.... Jimmy told me how she was way nicer before dating Cartman, but honeslty, I can't see a person like her being normal. She was waaaayy worse than the older kids. Somehow, everything she said actually hurt...

"You're not going to give him this thing are you? I thought you liked him. I guess not. Well have fun skinny slut"

Damn.... Fuck dude.... Is it really that bad? I-I tried my best... I know I'm not the best but I at least tried.


"Forget it Timmy. I'll just draw something better when I get home"

The bell rang and I went to the bathroom to calm down. I don't know why, but Heidi's comment really stuck with me. She knew how to make me anxious... The other kids were stupid and said meaningless things that didn't affect me but her words were sharp and went where it hurted.

I looked at my sad face in the mirror

'You were really gonna give him that crap?'

I washed my face and breathed in deeply. I stepped outside and threw the drawing in the trash can. Not long I heard familiar voices behind me.

"Dear Jimmy, oh oh, Cuuuuuuutie pieeeeee"


I stopped. I knew it. Why did I just throw it away at school. Not even thinking of my luck. For them to find the paper out of everyone.

"DUDE! You have to read this! Our little angel is trying to get in Jimmy's pants"

"Look at this! 'at least you won my heart' AHAHAH! Come here little slut"

I didn't move. I didn't want to look at them. This was way too embarrassing.

"Hey! When I say come here, you come here little bitch!"

The grabbed me and forced me to turn to face them. Ugh, I was not in the mood to take this. Heidi's comment already killed me inside.

"Guys, can you not? Just today?"

I asked annoyed.


They laughed for a while before pushing me against a locker, that 'luckily' was open and stabbed my arm making a small cut. Ugh, really dude?

I needed to hide this from Jimmy, I knew he was going to get pissed and act all mighty. Well, because I'm so fucking lucky, I didn't have any jackets to wear to hide the cut. I just hoped he wouldn't notice.

Lunch time came and I sat next to Jimmy, in a way he wouldn't see my arm. Timmy, would try to tell Jimmy about what happened but I would cut him off talking about any random thing that would come to mind.

Jimmy's fork fell to the ground and on the way to pick it up, he noticed my arm. When I got up I saw his angry face and got ready for another speech of how I shouldn't let them and fight back and blah blah blah.

"Wa-was it them?"

I breathed deeply "Yeah, it was"

"Ok, ok! T-that's it!"

"Jimmy please don't- JIMMY WHAT ARE YOU DOING? SIT DOWN!"

Jimmy got up on the table getting  everyone's attention. Even the older kids who were eating in the corner.



'oh god'

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