Chapter 15- Jealousy? naaah

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I arrived at school and was greeted by Kyle who was waiting for me. I walked him to his locker while telling him about what happened. He was genuinly happy for me. I couldn't stop myself from smiling and hugging him. He had been such a great friend ever since we talked for the first time. Always there for me to support me and cheer me up. But sadly, I felt like he would sometimes try to flirt with me. I would always give him an awkward smile and look away, I still had feelings for Jimmy and now I could finally date him without my dad being pissed. Today was friday and so I was ready for anything, even if something went wrong I could have the whole weekend to process it.

Classes went by quickly and at lunch I sat next to Kyle and his friends. Kyle was extremely flirty today and so I couldn't focus on my speech that I would tell Jimmy to explain him everything. I excused myself from the table to go to a quieter place to think. When I left I noticed someone following me. Weirded out I glanced back and recognized the red jacket and the blue beanie. I stopped in a place with not too many people and turned back.

"Cartman? You need help buddy?"

"Look Y/n. I know you're going for Kyle right now but I need to tell you something..." His words sounded fake but I stayed silent listening.

"Me and Kyle are dating"

"Really? You really don't look like you are" I said not believing but not interested enough to fight it back. "Oh well. We learn something new everyday"

I was walking my way back to the cafeteria when he spoke again

"W-wait, aren't you hurt or something? You like him right?"

"No, not really. I like someone else...But good for you anyways" I left after saying that, leaving Cartman alone in the hallway.

I arrived and sat next to the guys again.

"Are you okay Y/n, you look tired" Butters asked as nicely as he could.

"It's just my face"

"And what a cute face it is" Kyle said smiling with his eyes closed.

"Ahah... Yeah...." I said scratching the back of my neck, avoiding looking at him.

The awkward silence ended when the bell rang and we all headed to our classrooms. The teacher entered and everyone sat down in their places. As I was doodling on my notebook, a little piece of paper flew to my table. I opened it and  it said.


I need to talk to you.
Not today though. Let's talk monday


P.s.: Thank Timmy for passing this note"

I looked at Timmy who was smiling at me and waving. This paper worried me... Not only did it mean I couldn't talk to him today but it also probably meant bad news. I started stressing out and doodling to calm down but I found myself doodling Jimmy everytime. When the bell rang I closed my notebook in shame and packed my backpack to change classes. When I was walking to class I came across Heidi once again talking to Jimmy, with her flirty eyes and stupid little blinks, playing with her hair while giggling randomly. This truly angered me. I just wanted to push her back and scream 'BACK OFF! HE'S MINE NOW!' but I didn't want to make a scene in front of Jimmy. I really wanted to talk to him but I had decided to respect his note and wait until monday.

The day came to an end and I walked home, ready to waste the rest of my friday lying on the couch binge watching my favourite shows, maybe eating some chips or not. Little did I know that my dad would join me in this, giving me a good memory that I'll never forget. Spending time with my dad like an actual family would always make me feel better, kinda awkward but still overall better.

The weekend went by flying. I would always wake up at 12 am and go to sleep at 1 am, making me feel like shit. I would always do my homework's on sundays cause I was lazy, something my dad didn't allow.

Monday came around and it was time to talk to Jimmy. He sent me that note so I was curious. I also wanted to tell him about my dad but it didn't feel right because of the rumors of him and Heidi dating.

It was lunch time and I sat with the boys as usual. I was sipping my chocolate milk when Cartman started talking in an agressive way.


I looked up interested in this

"She fucking texted me JUST to ask me if I was jealous!!"

'No way, really?' I thought to myself. 'that means I can still date Jimmy! I just need to tell him.'

I was so excited to tell Jimmy about this that I didn't even consider how he would feel.

Time came and Jimmy was waiting for me in front of the gate to talk. I was nervous but hopeful. This was the time to finally explain everything. I gulped and walked towards him.

"Hey Jimmy" I said shyly and a bit awkward.

"H-hello Y/n"

I missed hearing his voice, I couldn't help but smile a bit, along with blushing a bit.

"Thank god you sent that note because I also need to talk to you!"


"But you first, go ahead" I smiled to Jimmy.

"W-well... I wanted to know h-how things are going with your dad because"

"OH! I ALSO NEED TO TELL YOU ABOUT THAT! I-" and I was saying excitedly when he interrupted me with a sad expression looking to the side.

"I might- I might have a crush on someone else"

I just stood there looking at him with a surprised smile. I then looked down , still smiling but now to contain my anger.

"You know she's using you right?"

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