Chapter 18- Sooo.... yeah....

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Jimmy's pov

I walked in class after seeing Y/n for the first time in months. She was still so beautiful... I could stare at her e/c eyes for days. I really felt bad for everything that happened... I had to make everything okay again by talking to her. I just had to wait until after school.

I got in class and Timmy was smiling at me.

"Hey Tim Tim... I got m-m-myself in a bit of a mess here ahah" I tried to laugh my worries off... But it didn't work. I was still as anxious as before.

Finally classes came to an end. I packed my books as fast as I could and I ran to the school's gate. I was waiting when Heidi walked past me giving me a side look. God. This was a big mess I was in. I waited some minutes until I finally saw her comming out. She came walking while talking to Kyle, he appeared to be very stressed while she just laughed.

"I swear! That fatass does this everytime" Kyle shouted

"How many times has he kissed you then ahah!" Y/n replied laughing.

I was very confused.

"Sorry Kyle I have to go. I'll catch you later"

"I'll explain everything tomorrow!!" He screams as he walks away.

She then just looks at me. I had no words.... Hearing her laugh made me remember the first time I heard that same adorable laugh.... I still couldn't forget her beautiful embarrassed face laughing in the middle of that huge crowd.

"Jimmy?" She said waving her hand in front of my eyes.

"Y-yeah! Let's go!" I said heading out.

"Where exactly? Sorry, I just can't stay out for too long or my dad will worry" she said smiling "ahah, feels good to say that". The last part was more of her talking to herself but I could still hear it.

"R-r-right. To Stark's pond"

"Oh..." She looked down in disappointment. She certainly knew, just like me, that that place would bring up a lot of memories...

We walked in silence until we got there. I sat down on the bench and she hesitated at first but then sat next to me. I sighed and prepared myself mentally to talk about everything.

"Y/n... So.... Let's talk"


Y/n pov

My anxiety was going crazy! I had no fucking idea what the fuck he was gonna say! Fuck fuck fuck! I was trying to hard to keep my cool but God damit! I couldn't go through another fight with him! I was just starting this year! I just wanted to be positive and have fun!

"F-first of all....-"

"Wait!" I interrupted. I shouldn't have but I was too nervous! "H-how's uhhh, how's Timmy? I haven't talked to him much lately"

Jimmy looked at me with a puzzled expression

"He's good...?" He answered slowly

"Ahah.... Ok, great.... You can continue now, sorry" as I prepared myself to get hit with a thousand verbal rocks.

"C-can we talk about He-He-He.... Can we talk about Heidi?"

"Sure!" I said with the fakest excitement ever. I probably shrieked so loud.

"I want to ap-apologize. And clear s-s-some things out."

I listened carefully

"So, f-first of all. We n-never dated. I guess I had a c-c-crush on her but it didn't go besides that point"

I sighed in relief...

"This summer I got to k-know her better. She was nice at first, and pretty, but she turned out to be r-really selfish and needy. A-after a while, she got mad at me for not paying 'enough attention' to her so she told me h-her plan since the beginning"


"I s-should have trusted you, I'm so sorry"

"No! Don't be! I was really rude to you and I should have respected your decision"


A silence came between us...

Until Jimmy broke it again.

"So.... Y-your dad?"

I smiled so high I almost didn't feel my cheeks

"ME AND MY DAD ARE SO GOOD RIGHT NOW! I talked to him and we vented to each other and now we're perfectly, I mean not perfectly, but pretty fine with each other! We even go out together and talk in the morning! It's so great!" I say with enthusiasm as I remember such great things my dad and I done just this summer. Our relationship as a family growing so quickly made me so happy that I would always giggle to myself.

"Ahah, that's great Y/n! I'm v-very happy for you!" Jimmy said giving me an honest smile. I could see that he really was happy for me and that made even happier than I was before.

"I-Is he still okay... With us... d-dating?" Jimmy said looking to other side hiding his face in his shoulders.

"I-I guess? What do you mean with that?"

"I-I was just c-curious" he continues "D-Do you think we still have, well, a chance?"

"I don't know.... If you want me to be honest. I still like you very much... But we haven't talked for months..."

"Yeah..." He looked down disappointed. I noticed his sad look and immediately spoke

"We could go on a date" he looked at me with shinning eyes. "You know, to catch up... And stuff? Ahah I don't know" I chuckled but also with a bit of awkwardness. I wasn't even sure if he wanted to go out with me... I was trusting my gut feeling.

"Y-yeah! W-we should! I would l-l-love that!" He said while smiling brightly. I giggled at his cuteness and then stared at his adorable face for another second, remembering how long it had been since anything like this had happened.

He pulled me into an unexpected hug and after I noticed I hugged back. We both sighed in satisfaction. I would never get full of his warm hugs.

I couldn't believe, just like that, in 20 minutes or less, everything was resolved. No, there was no way right? It was so fast. It was so peaceful. Was everything finally go well for both of us?

Yes.... I had a good feeling about this.

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