Chapter 16- she knew, she fucked up

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"Excuse me?" Jimmy said with pain in voice.

"C'mon Jimmy! It's Heidi! You know she's a bitch! She's using you to make Cartman jealous! Why would she even like-" I said in a harsh way. I didn't realize how rude I was being until I saw Jimmy's broken face, a mix between surprise, anger and sadness. I quikcly stopped screaming. "J-Jimmy, I didn't mean that, I'm so sorry"

"Wow Y/n. I never th-th-thought you'd be like this. I can't believe-"

"No wait! Cause like! You're too nice and good for her! She always likes shit people like Cartman! Like her!"

"Y/n, that's not very n-nice of you" he replied with a angry tone, still trying to be polite.

"JIMMY! Just hear me out ok!" While I anxiously screamed trying to end this. "Cartman told us! And you know how she's a liar manipulating bi-"

"Y/N!" Jimmy raised his voice making me jump. "I'M T-T-TIRED OF LISTENING YOU SHIT ON MY FRIEND!"

I kept silent while Jimmy continued.


"I-I ... I just... Wanted to tell you that my dad is okay with ... Us... Now..."

"Y/n! Just because we can date now it d-d-doesn't mean I WANT to date you!"

I stared at him with eyes wide open while tears fell to the ground.

"Ok, let me rephrase that... Y/n, I l-l-liked you, but you left me waiting for so long. And well, Heidi came to me, and she's nice now. She even h-h-helped me with homework. You don't 'own' me. I-I-I'm sorry."

I looked down cleaning my tears with my sleeve.

"So it's true... You guys are dating ..."


I looked up shocked

"We-we-we're not d-d-dating!" Jimmy said blushing a little. The same blush that used to be only for me that I so much adored.

"But Cartman said-"

"Ugh, Y/n, if you're gonna believe everything Cartman says then I don't think we should even talk anymore."

I just looked down again feeling bad for everything. I was just disappointed in myself. I knew there wasn't much I could have done but I still felt guilty for everything, like the world was punishing me for all the bad things I ever done; or maybe I had so many great moments with Jimmy that there was only bad things now.... Either way I was feeling so empty, everything I worked so hard on until now was completely useless...

"W-well... Bye Y/n" Jimmy said waking away.

I wanted to talk, I wanted to say so many things, but I just kept quiet while looking at him leave. I headed home and when I arrived I just vented with my dad. It sure didn't make him love Jimmy more than he did already, but it helped me feel better.

I was "lucky" this was our last week of school and thursday was our last day because I don't think I would be able to handle to look at Jimmy's face for an entire year.

Next day came and I was ready to not go to school. I just wanted to stay at home the whole day, being sad and lonely. My life was so empty without the hope to be with Jimmy. Sadly my dad 'convinced' me to go to school (told me that if I didn't go I would get grounded).

I left for school and as I was walking inside the school I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. I went to the closest girl's bathroom where I saw Heidi fixing her make up. I did what I had to do and with pure anger and rage I talked to her.


"Sup loser" she replied not even looking at me.

"Why are you doing this to Jimmy? He doesn't deserve it"

"Doing ... What exactly?" She said now looking at me through the mirror.

"Playing with his emotions to make Cartman jealous."

She smashed her eyeliner in the sink.

"Look bitch, if you think Jimmy is all yours then you're wrong."

"I know he isn't mine! But you still can't do this to him!"

"Okay, I'm gonna be honest. It did start with just me wanting to make Cartman jealous. But guess what, Jimmy's an actual good guy and I love spending time with him. He hears what I say and cares about me." She said looking at me with bitchy eyes. "Sorry that you made him wait for too long" She turned back to the mirror to fix her lips

"LOOK YOU FUCKI-" And I was interrupted by the bell.

"See ya" she said while leaving, blowing me a kiss with her middle finger. I could not hate her more. But if what she said was true... Then there was no going back. Me and Jimmy. It was over... Forever... That was like a swallowing a stone...

I left the bathroom and slowly walked to class. I didn't want to cry, I just wanted to be with myself. I spent the first classes of the day with my head down. Timmy would occasionally look at me and give me worried stares but I would smile and say I was just tired.

Lunch came and I sat with my head down again. Kyle got worried right away asking me if I was okay and I would always give him the same excuse "I'm just tired". Butters would pat my head a sing some lullabies making me giggle from how cute he was. Cartman, Stan and Kenny on the other hand didn't care much, I think Kenny stared a bit at me but aside from that nothing special. I couldn't blame them, I only really talked to Kyle and I just showed up out of nowhere and invaded their table. Ahah, I just felt like an annoyance to everyone.

The bell rang once again and classes began. It wasn't long after they were already over and I was already home. I went to my room to do homework and stayed there for the rest of the day. And that was how I spent my last week...Doing nothing ...

(My dudes, this is not the last chapter, I wouldn't end things like this hehe. Have patience please...)

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